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Typekit API Client

This is a Ruby client for the Typekit API.

There aren't any tests as of yet. Help writing tests would be great, as would feedback on the overall architecture of the client. Any suggestions on how to improve it are welcome, and pull requests for improvements are more than welcome.

You can get in touch with me at


A quick example of how to use the client.

# Add FF Meta Web Pro to a Kit with Normal and Bold weights
typekit =
kit = typekit.kit('abcdef')
kit.add_family(typekit.family_by_name('FF Meta Web Pro').id, :variations => ['n4', 'n7'])

# Change the name of a kit and add a domain = 'Example' << 'localhost'

# Get the web address to Droid Sans


You'll need a Typekit account and a Typekit API token to use the Typekit API. You can generate a new token here. You should also familiarize yourself with the terminology that the Typekit API uses and the way changes are published.

There are two ways you can work with the Typekit API client: directly through the class variables, or via an instance of the Typekit::Client object. Either way, beware that the token you provide will be assigned to a class variable (ie. it'll be shared across instances of Typekit::Client). This is due to the way HTTParty works.


Quick and simple...

$ gem install typekit

Or just add the gem to your Gemfile and run bundle install

gem 'typekit'

Getting Started

# Getting down to business...
typekit =

# Get a list of kits in your account
kits = typekit.kits    #=> [<Typekit::Kit @id='abcdef'>, <Typekit::Kit @id='ghijkl', ...]

# Get detailed information for a kit by ID
kit = typekit.kit('abcdef')
#=> <Typekit::Kit @id='abcdef', @name='Test', @analytics=false, @badge=false, @domains=['localhost'], @families=[...]>

# Create a new kit with the default badge settings
kit = typekit.create_kit(:name => 'My Kit', :domains => ['', ''])  #=> <Typekit::Kit @id='abcdef', ...>

# Delete a kit (where `kit` is an instance of Typekit::Kit)

Using the API without an instance of Typekit::Client

If you prefer using the class methods directly to query for kits/families, the following is identical to the above methods...

Typekit::Kit.all             #=> [<Typekit::Kit @id='abcdef'>, <Typekit::Kit @id='ghijkl', ...]
Typekit::Kit.find('abcdef')  #=> <Typekit::Kit @id='abcdef', @name="Test", ...>
Typekit::Kit.create_kit(:name => 'My Kit', :domains => ['', ''])

Lazy Loaded Detailed Attributes

Detailed information for kits gets loaded lazily when you use Typekit::Kit.all. This allows us to create instances of Typekit::Kit without the full set of attributes and without requiring you to manually load that data.

kits = typekits.all   #=> [...]
kits.first            #=> <Typekit::Kit @id='abcdef'>       #=> "Test"
kits.first            #=> <Typekit::Kit @id='abcdef', @name='Test', @analytics=false, @badge=false, @domains=['localhost'], @families=[]>

Updating a Kit

You can make changes to a Kit by altering the attributes and calling save:

kit = typekit.kit('abcdef') = 'Derezzed' << 'localhost'

Publishing Manually

When you call Typekit::Kit#save, the kit is also published. If you don't want this to happen, pass false as the only argument. You can also manually publish a Kit after making changes. = 'Fashion Nugget'
# ... later in your application, possibly even in another request
kit = Typekit::Client.kit('abcdef')
kit.publish     #=> Finally, changes are published to the Typekit CDN

Getting Library Information

The Typekit API allows you to both list the available libraries and view a list of families within the library. The list of families does not include the more detailed information found in the family-specific API calls.

# Get list of libraries
libraries = typekit.libraries

# Get list of families in a library
families = typekit.library('full', :page => 1, :per_page => 20)

Getting Font Family Information

The Typekit API also allows you to find detailed information about any Family in their library, including all available validations, CSS font names, etc. If you are not familiar with the terminology Typekit uses throughout their API, you really should give it a read before continuing.

# Get a family by ID
family ='brwr')

# Get a family by slug
family = typekit.family_by_slug('ff-meta-web-pro')

# Get a family by name (gets converted to a slug automatically)
family = typekit.family_by_name('FF Meta Web Pro')

# List variations available for a given family
family.variations       #=> [<Typekit::Variation ...>, <Typekit::Variation ...>, ...]

# Get a particular variation (details lazy-loaded)
variation ='brwr').variation('n4') #=> <Typekit::Variation @id="brwr:n4", @name="FF Meta Web Pro Normal">

# View details about a variation
variation.font_weight    #=> "400"
variation.to_fvd         #=> "n4"
variation                #=> <Typekit::Variation @id="brwr:n4", @name="FF Meta Web Pro Normal", @font_weight="400", ...>

Note: Variations, like Kits, have detailed information loaded lazily. If you would like to load data for a Variation without accessing an individual attribute you can simply call Typekit::Variation#fetch.

Adding a Family to a Kit

You can add Families to a kit by specifying the Family ID (which can be found through the Typekit::Family methods) and which you want to have included in the Kit. These methods make changes to the "working" copy of your Kit. In order for them to take effect, you must publish your Kit after adding/updating/removing Families.

# Add a new Family with the full character subset
kit = typekit.kit('abcdef')
kit.add_family('brwr', :variations => ['n4'], :subset => 'all')

# Changing a Family that is already a part of a Kit
kit.update_family('brwr') do |f|
  f['subset'] = 'default'
  f['variations'] << 'i7'

# Removing a Variation from a Family in your a Kit
kit.update_family('brwr') do |f|
  f['variations'].delete_if { |v| v == 'n4' }

# Remove a Family from a Kit

# Publishing your changes

Important Note: Families and Variations that are a part of Kits are passed around as Hashes, not instances of Typekit::Family or Typekit::Variation, which are used solely browse the available Families and their details.


Full documentation for the latest version can be found at RubyDoc.


  • Fork the project
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch
  • Add yard-compatible documentation for your changes, where relevant. Follow the existing styles.
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.


Copyright (c) 2011 Corey Ward. Licensed under the "MIT" license. See LICENSE.txt for further details.