An Ansible role to install paperbot on a server.
See for the main codebase.
Review the defaults/main.yml file which contains configurable variables. Those may generally stay unmodified except the following tokens which should be configured in host_vars:
To find the 'bot token', go to Settings (for this app) -> OAuth & Permissions -> OAuth Tokens -> Bot User OAuth Token
To find the 'signing secret', go to Basic Information -> App Credentials -> Signing Secret
Other important configuration:
In the slack app settings, enable Event Subscriptions.
Set the Request URL (
Assuming an app name such as "apaperbot" the permission scope of the app should (at least) be something similar to this when creating the app in slack:
View messages and other content in public channels that apaperbot has been added to
Send messages as @npaperbot
View messages and other content in private channels that apaperbot has been added to
View messages and other content in direct messages that apaperbot has been added to
View messages and other content in group direct messages that apaperbot has been added to
Role Details:
After install Passenger the following symlink should already exist -
ln -s /usr/share/nginx/modules-available/mod-http-passenger.load /etc/nginx/modules-enabled/50-mod-http-passenger.conf
as well as the file -
The role does not currently install certificates, however you should add them.
After installing paperbot, run:
certbot certonly
Install certs. Then run ansible a second time which will adjust the nginx vhost to use the new certs.