Latest Version: 1.1.4
- Foundry VTT version 12.328 to 12.331
- DnD5e version 4.0.3 to 4.1.2
- DDB Gamelog module by Warhead, version 2.2.0 to 2.3.2-beta
This module is a bridge to add features and compatibility to DDB Gamelog by Warhead. DDB Gamelog currently does not support native activity capabilities, but DDB Bridge allows users to take advantage of core Foundry/DnD5e features like application of effects and quick chat buttons while using Warhead's DDB Gamelog module to roll from D&D Beyond, making life a bit easier for the DM.
While Carolingian DDB Bridge module is free to use and distribute, DDB Gamelog is a different module which has a Free tier and a Pro tier with different features. Many features of my module will only work for Pro tier users of DDB Gamelog. Warhead is not responsible for maintaining the module in this repo, please don't bother him with requests. Some features like the chat message styling and template auto-target do not depend on Gamelog Pro tier to work.
- The module is currently NOT compatible with Midi-QOL. It might also not be compatible with other modules which modify rolls or chat messages - please check before using;
- The module is currently compatible with Ready Set Roll 5e v3.4.2~ (which will only work for rolls made from within Foundry)
- This module is not compatible with versions of Foundry before v12 and DnD5e v4.0.x;
- Support for activities in DnD 4.0.3 - 4.1.2 when rolling with DDB Gamelog module (from D&D Beyond website or app);
- Support for JB2A / Automated Animations for spells and attacks;
- Spells rolled from DDB which have templates will auto-trigger its template placement in Foundry;
- The template auto-targets tokens in the area of placement;
- The template is auto-removed after damage is rolled (configurable via settings);
- After rolling leveled spells you will get a button on chat card to consume or refund a spell slot for that spell on the player's sheet (Note: the button currently consumes the regular level of the spell, not an upcast slot);
- If the spell has a saving throw, you'll also get a button to quickly roll the saving throw for selected tokens
- If you select "Dark" style mode on DDB Gamelog configurations, all chat cards will follow that style, including those rolled on Foundry;
- Skips Foundry configuration window for quick rolls
- Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs and enhancements using the appropriate labels.
- As of this version only debug configuration is available. If you would like to disable a specific feature, please request this as an enhancement on the issue tracker
I am currently evaluating the following features:
- Settings to toggle template auto-targetting on/off
- Settings for unskipping the roll configuration window by pressing a key
- Automatically rolling saves for NPCs / enemies
- Adding custom rolls as bonuses to a previous roll from D&D Beyond (for example, for Bardic inspiration or Bless)
- Retroactively changing a regular roll from D&D Beyond to advantage/disadvantage by clicking a button and waiting for the new roll