Latest Version: 1.3.2
- Foundry VTT version 12.328+
- Mostly tested with DnD5e 4.x. Should work with other systems, but modules for those systems remain untested.
A light module that provides a sleek minimalist UI overhaul, focusing on saving space on screen and improving overall look and feel of Foundry VTT v12. Most changes are made through CSS styling and should work with the majority of other modules. The exception is the Top Navigation, where some simple JS code is added to provide horizontal scroll functionality.
Carolingian UI is free to use and distribute. If you reuse my code, please add mention to the original repo.
- Compact left controls: the icons are smaller and the secondary bars are hidden until an item is hovered or clicked (configurable);
- Right panel buttons, sliders and headers have modified styles for a more uniform feel;
- Secondary controls bar has a different background color to make it clearer;
- Top Navigation can be horizontally scrolled; player and GM markers are turned into simple lines with the color of each player;
- Compact Player list that opens on hover;
- Reduced size of macro bar;
- Floating styles for camera dock - drag, resize and position anywhere on screen;
- Settings for macro bar layout, collapse macro bar on load, auto-hide left controls and scene navigation;
- Chat messages have more compact usage buttons for saving some space (tested on DnD5e 4.x, partial support for other systems);
- Chat messages are shown in dark mode if the selected Foundry theme is Dark (tested on DnD5e 4.x, partial support for other systems);
- Break Time 12.0.x
- Carousel Combat Tracker 3.1.x
- Compact Scene Navigation 1.0.x (avoid using auto hide setting in both modules)
- Force Client Settings 2.5.x
- Hide Player UI 1.7.x
- LiveKit AV Client 0.5.x
- Midi-QOL 12.4.x
- Mobile Improvements 1.3.x
- Monk's Hotbar Expansion 11.0.x
- Ready Set Roll 5e 3.4.x
- Taskbar 4.1.x
- TheRipper93's Module Hub 4.1.x
- Touch VTT 2.2.x
I have also verified PF2e HUD, but I do not play PF2e so there might be issues I haven't noticed. This is not an extensive list - I've only included modules that might be particularly affected by changes in the UI.
- The module was tested mostly on Foundry v12 and DnD 4.x. The overall UI styles are system agnostic, but chat card styles are mostly for DnD5e - I've done some basic tests for PF2e. If you would like to request support for a different system (and help with info and screenshots), please add a feature request on Github issue tracker (subject to evaluation);
- The module is currently compatible with "Compact Scene Navigation", but you might want to disable the auto-hide setting on that module as my module also implements auto-hide;
- Feel free to report compatibility status with other modules (subject to evaluation);
- If you use a non-compatible module, play with the settings and disable the parts that might be affecting it.
- Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs and requests for enhancements using the appropriate labels.
- When reporting bugs, please first try to disable all other modules. Take screenshots of any errors and provide as much information as possible on your issue (Foundry version, game system, active modules).