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Merge pull request #439 from hacspec/fix-question-marks
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Fix question marks
  • Loading branch information
W95Psp authored Jan 18, 2024
2 parents 97dbd53 + a226114 commit 070431c
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11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions engine/backends/fstar/
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Expand Up @@ -451,11 +451,18 @@ struct
( NoLetQualifier,
[ (None, (pat, body)) ],
F.term @@ F.AST.Seq (assertion, array) )
| Let { lhs; rhs; body; monadic = Some monad } ->
| Let { lhs; rhs; body; monadic = Some (monad, _) } ->
let p =
F.pat @@ F.AST.PatAscribed (ppat lhs, (pty lhs.span lhs.typ, None))
let op = "let" ^ match monad with _ -> "*" in
let op =
match monad with
| MResult _ -> "|"
| MOption -> "?"
| MException _ -> "!"
F.term @@ F.AST.LetOperator ([ ( op, p, pexpr rhs) ], pexpr body)
| Let { lhs; rhs; body; monadic = None } ->
let p =
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10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions engine/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -346,12 +346,10 @@ functor
(* ControlFlow *)
| Break of { e : expr; label : string option; witness : F.break * F.loop }
| Return of { e : expr; witness : F.early_exit }
| QuestionMark of {
e : expr;
converted_typ : ty;
(** [converted_typ] is the converted type: when you do [e?], a convertion might be inserted by Rust on the fly (e.g. [Something::from_residual(e)]) *)
witness : F.question_mark;
| QuestionMark of { e : expr; return_typ : ty; witness : F.question_mark }
(** The expression `e?`. In opposition to Rust, no implicit
coercion is applied on the (potential) error payload of
`e`. Coercion should be made explicit within `e`. *)
| Continue of {
e : (F.state_passing_loop * expr) option;
label : string option;
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19 changes: 6 additions & 13 deletions engine/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -757,27 +757,20 @@ module Make (F : Features.T) = struct
(Concrete_ident.of_name (Constructor { is_struct }) constructor_name))
is_struct args span ret_typ

let call' f (args : expr list) span ret_typ =
let call' ?impl f (args : expr list) span ret_typ =
let typ = TArrow ( ~f:(fun arg -> arg.typ) args, ret_typ) in
let e = GlobalVar f in
e =
f = { e; typ; span };
generic_args = [];
impl =
(* TODO: see issue #328, and check that for evrey call to `call'` *);
e = App { f = { e; typ; span }; args; generic_args = []; impl };
typ = ret_typ;

let call ?(kind : Concrete_ident.Kind.t = Value)
let call ?(kind : Concrete_ident.Kind.t = Value) ?impl
(f_name : (args : expr list) span ret_typ =
call' (`Concrete (Concrete_ident.of_name kind f_name)) args span ret_typ
call' ?impl
(`Concrete (Concrete_ident.of_name kind f_name))
args span ret_typ

let string_lit span (s : string) : expr =
{ span; typ = TStr; e = Literal (String s) }
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8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions engine/lib/phases/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -213,13 +213,7 @@ struct
| Break _ ->
Error.unimplemented ~issue_id:96
~details:"TODO: Monad for loop-related control flow" span
| QuestionMark { e; converted_typ; _ } ->
let e = dexpr e in
let converted_typ = dty span converted_typ in
if [%equal: B.ty] converted_typ e.typ then e
else Core__ops__try_trait__FromResidual__from_residual [ e ] span
| QuestionMark { e; _ } -> dexpr e
| Return { e; _ } ->
let open KnownMonads in
let e = dexpr e in
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187 changes: 126 additions & 61 deletions engine/lib/phases/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,19 +30,97 @@ module%inlined_contents Make (FA : Features.T) = struct

open A

type t = {
start : expr;
end_ : expr;
var : local_ident;
var_typ : ty;
body : expr;
state : loop_state option;
label : string option;
witness : FA.loop;
[@@deriving show]
(** The types supported for [e] in a [e?] expression *)
type qm_kind = QMResult of { success : ty; error : ty } | QMOption of ty

(** Interpret a type [t] as a [qm_kind] *)
let qm_kind_of_typ span (t : ty) : qm_kind =
let is_result = Global_ident.eq_name Core__result__Result in
let is_option = Global_ident.eq_name Core__option__Option in
match t with
| TApp { ident; args = [ GType s; GType e ] } when is_result ident ->
QMResult { success = s; error = e }
| TApp { ident; args = [ GType s ] } when is_option ident -> QMOption s
| _ ->
Error.assertion_failure span
("expected something of type Option<_> or Result<_, _>, instead, \
got: "
^ [%show: ty] t)

(** Expects [impl] to be an impl. expr. for the trait
`std::ops::FromResidual` for the type [Result<_, _>], and
extract its parent [From] impl expr *)
let expect_residual_impl_result (impl : impl_expr) : impl_expr option =
match impl with
| ImplApp
{ impl = Concrete { trait; _ }; args = [ _; _; _; from_impl ] }
when Concrete_ident.eq_name Core__result__Impl_27 trait ->
Some from_impl
| _ -> None

(** Expects [t] to be [Result<S, E>], and returns [(S, E)] *)
let expect_result_type (t : ty) : (ty * ty) option =
match t with
| TApp { ident; args = [ GType s; GType e ] }
when Global_ident.eq_name Core__result__Result ident ->
Some (s, e)
| _ -> None

(** Construct [Result<S,E>] *)
let make_result_type (success : ty) (error : ty) : ty =
let ident = Global_ident.of_name Type Core__result__Result in
TApp { ident; args = [ GType success; GType error ] }

(** Retype a [Err::<_, E>(x)] literal, as [Err::<success, E>(x)] *)
let retype_err_literal (e : expr) (success : ty) (error : ty) =
match e.e with
| Construct { constructor; _ }
when Global_ident.eq_name Core__result__Result__Err constructor ->
{ e with typ = make_result_type success error }
| _ -> e

(** [map_err e error_dest impl] creates the expression
[e.map_err(from)] with the proper types and impl
informations. *)
let map_err (e : expr) (error_dest : ty) impl : expr option =
let* success, error_src = expect_result_type e.typ in
let* impl = expect_residual_impl_result impl in
let from_typ = TArrow ([ error_src ], error_dest) in
let from = ~kind:(AssociatedItem Value) ~impl Core__convert__From__from
[] e.span from_typ
let call = Core__result__Impl__map_err [ e; from ] e.span
(make_result_type success error_dest)
Some call

(** [extract e] returns [Some (x, ty)] if [e] was a `y?`
desugared by rustc. `y` is `x` plus possibly a coercion. [ty] is
the return type of the function. *)
let extract (e : expr) : (expr * ty) option =
let extract_return (e : expr) =
match e.e with
| Return
e =
e =
f = { e = GlobalVar f };
args = [ { e = LocalVar residual_var; _ } ];
impl = Some impl;
typ = return_typ;
} ->
Some (f, residual_var, return_typ, impl)
| _ -> None
let extract_pat_app_bd (p : pat) : (global_ident * local_ident) option =
match p.p with
| PConstruct
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,38 +150,7 @@ module%inlined_contents Make (FA : Features.T) = struct
{ e = App { f = { e = GlobalVar n; _ }; args = [ expr ] }; _ };
arms =
arm =
arm_pat = pat_break;
body =
e =
e =
e =
f = { e = GlobalVar f };
args =
e = LocalVar residual_arg_var;
typ = converted_typ;
{ arm = { arm_pat = pat_break; body }; _ };
arm =
Expand All @@ -115,22 +162,40 @@ module%inlined_contents Make (FA : Features.T) = struct
(*[@ocamlformat "disable"]*)
when Global_ident.eq_name Core__ops__try_trait__Try__branch n -> (
(extract_pat_app_bd pat_break, extract_pat_app_bd pat_continue)
| Some (f_break, residual_arg_var'), Some (f_continue, continue_var')
when Global_ident.eq_name
Core__ops__control_flow__ControlFlow__Break f_break
&& Global_ident.eq_name
&& Global_ident.eq_name
Core__ops__try_trait__FromResidual__from_residual f
&& [%equal: local_ident] residual_arg_var residual_arg_var'
&& [%equal: local_ident] continue_var continue_var' ->
Some (expr, converted_typ)
| _ -> None)
when Global_ident.eq_name Core__ops__try_trait__Try__branch n ->
let* body =
UA.Expect.concrete_app1 Rust_primitives__hax__never_to_any body
let* f, residual_var, fun_return_typ, residual_impl =
extract_return body
let* f_break, residual_var' = extract_pat_app_bd pat_break in
let* f_continue, continue_var' = extract_pat_app_bd pat_continue in
let*? _ = [%equal: local_ident] residual_var residual_var' in
let*? _ = [%equal: local_ident] continue_var continue_var' in
let*? _ =
Global_ident.eq_name Core__ops__control_flow__ControlFlow__Break
&& Global_ident.eq_name
Core__ops__control_flow__ControlFlow__Continue f_continue
&& Global_ident.eq_name
Core__ops__try_trait__FromResidual__from_residual f
let expr =
let kind = qm_kind_of_typ e.span in
match (kind expr.typ, kind fun_return_typ) with
| ( QMResult { error = local_err; _ },
QMResult { error = return_err; _ } ) ->
let expr = retype_err_literal expr e.typ local_err in
map_err expr return_err residual_impl
|> Option.value ~default:expr
| QMOption _, QMOption _ -> expr
| _ ->
Error.assertion_failure e.span
"expected expr.typ and fun_return_typ to be both Options \
or both Results"
Some (expr, fun_return_typ)
| _ -> None

Expand All @@ -139,13 +204,13 @@ module%inlined_contents Make (FA : Features.T) = struct
let rec dexpr_unwrapped (expr : A.expr) : B.expr =
let h = [%inline_body dexpr_unwrapped] in
match QuestionMarks.extract expr with
| Some (e, converted_typ) ->
| Some (e, return_typ) ->
e =
e = dexpr e;
converted_typ = dty e.span converted_typ;
return_typ = dty e.span return_typ;
witness = Features.On.question_mark;
span = expr.span;
Expand Down
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions engine/lib/phases/phase_reconstruct_question_marks.mli
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@@ -1,9 +1,33 @@
(** In THIR, there are no construct for question marks. Instead, Rustc
desugars `e?` into the following:
match core::ops::try_trait::branch(y) {
core::ops::control_flow::Break(residual) => {
{return core::ops::try_trait::from_residual(residual)},
core::ops::control_flow::Continue(val) => val,
This phase does the opposite rewrite.
While `e?` in Rust might implies an implicit coercion, in our AST, a
question mark is expected to already be of the right type. This phase
inlines a coercion (of the shape `x.map_err(from)`, in the case of a

open! Prelude

(** This phase can be applied to any feature set. *)
module Make (F : Features.T) : sig
include module type of struct
module FA = F

(** This phase outputs an AST with question marks. *)
module FB = struct
include F
include Features.On.Question_mark
Expand Down
9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions engine/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -243,17 +243,14 @@ struct
method! visit_expr (env : CollectContext.t) e =
match e.e with
| LocalVar v -> (e, no_lbs (SideEffects.reads v e.typ))
| QuestionMark { e = e'; converted_typ; witness } ->
| QuestionMark { e = e'; return_typ; witness } -> env (super#visit_expr env e') (fun e' effects ->
let effects =
m#plus effects
{ with return = Some converted_typ })
{ with return = Some return_typ })
( {
e with
e = QuestionMark { e = e'; converted_typ; witness };
( { e with e = QuestionMark { e = e'; return_typ; witness } },
effects ))
| Return { e = e'; witness } -> env (super#visit_expr env e') (fun e' effects ->
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions engine/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -217,11 +217,11 @@ struct
| Return { e; witness } ->
Return { e = dexpr e; witness = S.early_exit span witness }
| QuestionMark { e; converted_typ; witness } ->
| QuestionMark { e; return_typ; witness } ->
e = dexpr e;
converted_typ = dty span converted_typ;
return_typ = dty span return_typ;
witness = S.question_mark span witness;
| Continue { e; label; witness = w1, w2 } ->
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions engine/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ let tup2 a b = (a, b)
let ( let* ) x f = Option.bind ~f x
let some_if_true = function true -> Some () | _ -> None

(** [let*? () = guard in body] acts as a guard: if [guard] holds, then
[body] is executed, otherwise [None] is returned. *)
let ( let*? ) (type a) (x : bool) (f : unit -> a option) =
let* () = some_if_true x in
f ()

let map_first_letter (f : string -> string) (s : string) =
let first, rest = String.(prefix s 1, drop_prefix s 1) in
f first ^ rest
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