FHEM Module for accessing the Fronius API via http/JSON
Possible values: 0|1
In some firmware versions there seems to be a bug in the DAY_ENERGY value. The counting for the yearly value and for the total value seems to be correct. Therefore if avoidDailyBug is set to 1 the following will happen: At the first connection to the Inverter during the day (which usually should be somewhere after midnight) the current value of yearly value will be stored in a reading YEAR_SUM_TODAY_START. Everytime now the energy info is pulled from the Inverter:
day value = current yearly value - YEAR_SUM_TODAY_START
will be calculated. Additionally, the value read from the inverter will be stored in a reading ENERGY_DAY_READ_SUM. This allows you to compare the calculated and the inverter value.
Possible values: colon seperated list of device IDs
attr Wechselrichter device_ids 1:2
According to my information device IDs are just counted (0 1 2).
Possible values: Integer
Time in seconds between two pull requests to the Inverter.
Possible values: Integer
Time in seconds between two pull requests to the Inverter during the night. The FHEM function is_day() is used to check. If the attribute is not set, the same time will be used 24hours a day.
Possible values: 0|1
If set to 1 all devices will have their own readings. Otherwise only the total values will be stored.
Possible values: W|kW|MW|GW
Possible values: Wh|kWh|MWh|GWh
Possible values: Wh|kWh|MWh|GWh
Possible values: Wh|kWh|MWh|GWh