Noise2Score: Tweedie’s Approach to Self-Supervised Image Denoising without Clean Images [NeurIPS2021]
This repository is the official implementation of Noise2Score: Tweedie’s Approach to Self-Supervised Image Denoising without Clean Images [paper]
In this work, we provided a novel Bayesian framework for self-supervised image denoising without clean data, which surpasses SURE, PURE, Noise2X, etc. Our novel innovation came from the Tweedie’s formula, which provides explicit representation of denoise images through the score function. By combining with the score-function estimation using AR-DAE, our Noise2Score can be applied to image denoising problem from any exponential family noises. Furthermore, an identical neural network training can be universally used regardless of the noise models, which leads to the noise parameter estimation with minimal complexity. The links to SURE and existing Noise2X were also explained, which clearly showed why our method is a better generalization.
To install requirements:
conda env create -f noise2score.yml
conda activate noise2score
📋 If you install anaconda package, it is possible to meet the prerequirements by running abobe code.
We generated synthetic noise images for each noise distribution. The trainset was set to DIVK2 and CBSD400. For the gray-scale image case, we transfrom the color images into grasy-scale images and generate the noisy images for each noise model. We provided the generation sourcecode "Datageneration.ipynb"
To train the model(s) in the paper for additive Gaussian noise, run this command:
python --model Gaussian --parameter 25 --dataroot /your_path/ --name BSD_ours_unet_25 --gpu_ids '0' --direction BtoA
To train the model(s) in the paper for Poisson noise, run this command:
python --model Poisson --parameter 0.01 --dataroot /your_path/ --name BSD_ours_unet_0.01 --gpu_ids '0' --direction BtoA
To train the model(s) in the paper for Gamma noise, run this command:
python --model Gamma --parameter 100 --dataroot /your_path/ --name BSD_ours_unet_100 --gpu_ids '0' --direction BtoA
📋 Dataroot "your_path" depends on the your data path.
To evaluate my model on test dataset for the Gaussian case, run:
python --model Gaussian --parameter 25 --dataroot /your_path/ --name BSD_ours_unet_25 --model Gaussian --direction BtoA --gpu_ids '0' --epoch best --results_dir /your_results/
To evaluate my model on test dataset for the Poisson case, run:
python --model Poisson --parameter 0.01 --dataroot /your_path/ --name BSD_ours_unet_0.01 --model Poisson --direction BtoA --gpu_ids '0' --epoch best --results_dir /your_results/
To evaluate my model on test dataset for the Gamma case, run:
python --model Gamma --parameter 100 --dataroot /your_path/--name BSD_ours_unet_100 --model Gamma --direction BtoA --gpu_ids '0' --epoch best --results_dir /your_results/
📋 Dataroot "your_path" depends on the your data path for test dataset such as CBSD68, Kodak. Change "--result_dir" to save results of image on your device
You can download pretrained models here
To brifely evaluate Noise2Score given pretrained weight, we provided the Set12 Dataset for gaussian, poisson, gamma noisy and target pairs.
Firrst, put in pretrained weights into checkpoints folder.
In case of Non-blind noise:
python --model Gaussian --parameter 25 --dataroot ./testdata/Set12 --name BSD_ours_unet_25 --direction BtoA --gpu_ids '0' --epoch best --results_dir ./results/
python --model Poisson --scale_param 0.01 --dataroot ./testdata/Set12 --name BSD_ours_unet_0.01 --direction BtoA --gpu_ids '0' --epoch best --results_dir ./results/
python --model Gamma --parameter 100 --dataroot ./testdata/Set12 --name BSD_ours_unet_gamma_100 --direction BtoA --gpu_ids '0' --epoch best --results_dir ./results/
In case of Blind noise:
python --model Gaussian_blind --parameter 25 --dataroot ./testdata/Set12 --name BSD_ours_unet_25_blind --direction BtoA --gpu_ids '0' --epoch best --results_dir ./results/
python --model Poisson_blind --scale_param 0.01 --dataroot ./testdata/Set12 --name BSD_ours_unet_0.01_blind --direction BtoA --gpu_ids '0' --epoch best --results_dir ./results/
python --model Gamma_blind --parameter 100 --dataroot ./testdata/Set12 --name BSD_ours_unet_gamma_100_blind --direction BtoA --gpu_ids '0' --epoch best --results_dir ./results/
If you find our work interesting, please consider citing
title={Noise2score: tweedie’s approach to self-supervised image denoising without clean images},
author={Kim, Kwanyoung and Ye, Jong Chul},
journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},