A Javascript wrapper for the Restaurant, User, and Order APIs provided by Ordr.in.
Ordrin.initialize(api_developer_key, site_domain, [enable JSONP with 1 or true]);
var time = new Date(); // uses Javascript's built-in Date object
time.setASAP(); // overrides Date properties to ASAP
var place = new Address(street, street2 [optional], city, zip, state [optional], phone [optional]);
Address.validate() // runs all checks
var subtotal = new Money("100");
var tip = new Money("15");
// Restaurant API
Ordrin.r.deliveryList(time, place, callbackFunction);
Ordrin.r.deliveryCheck(restaurantID, time, place, callbackFunction);
Ordrin.r.deliveryFee(restaurantID, subtotal, tip, time, place, callbackFunction);
Ordrin.r.details(restaurantID, callbackFunction);
// User API
Ordrin.u.makeAcct(email, password, firstName, lastName, callbackFunction);
Ordrin.u.setCurrAcct(email, password, callbackFunction); // set user account currently in use or "logged in"
Ordrin.u.getAcct(callbackFunction); // get details on current user
Ordrin.u.getAddress(addressNickname, callbackFunction);
Ordrin.u.updateAddress(address, callbackFunction); // Address must be passed using API's built-in Address object
Ordrin.u.deleteAddress(addressNickname, callbackFunction);
Ordrin.u.getCard(cardNickname, callbackFunction);
Ordrin.u.updateCard(cardNickname, nameOnCard, cardNumber, cardSecurityCode, expiryMonth, expiryYear, billAddress, callbackFunction);
Ordrin.u.deleteCard(cardNickname, callbackFunction);
Ordrin.u.orderHistory(orderID, callbackFunction); // if orderID left blank, all previous orders returned; ID returns specific details of order
Ordrin.u.updatePassword(newPassword, callbackFunction);
// Order API
Ordrin.o.submit(restaurantID, tray, tip, time, email, firstName, lastName, deliveryAddress, nameOnCard, cardNumber, cardSecurityCode, expiry, billAddress)
If JSONP is being used, the name of the callback function must be passed in quotation marks as a string and without parentheses. In the case of a reverse origin proxy being used the callback function's name is not passed as a string; it is passed as a reference and also without parentheses. Ordrin.r.deliveryList(time, place, "callback_function"); // JSONP Ordrin.r.deliveryList(time, place, callback_function); // reverse origin proxy present
Take a peek inside src/demo/test.html for usage. API docs available at http://www.ordr.in/developers/api.