This demo is meant to showcase a basic voice to voice app that uses Daily's bots.
- Sign up for a Daily bots account.
- Install Xcode 15, and set up your device to run your own applications.
- Clone this repository locally.
- Open the DailyBotsDemo.xcodeproj in Xcode.
- Tell Xcode to update its Package Dependencies by clicking File -> Packages -> Update to Latest Package Versions.
- Build the project.
- Run the project on your device.
- Connect to the URL you are testing, and to see it work.
Note: In a production environment, it is recommended to avoid calling Daily's API endpoint directly.
Instead, you should route requests through your own server to handle authentication, validation,
and any other necessary logic. Therefore, thebaseUrl
should be set to the URL of your own server, and you should not need to define DAILY_API_KEY environment variable.
We are welcoming contributions to this project in form of issues and pull request. For questions about RTVI head over to the Pipecat discord server and check the #rtvi channel.