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Intermediate JavaScript: Password Generator Challenge

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This project is part of the Intermediate JavaScript module. In this challenge, I have created a web application that generates a random password based on criteria selected by the user.


App Preview


This challenge has been an opportunity for me to apply and solidify my knowledge in intermediate JavaScript concepts. As I continue my learning journey, I plan to further refine my skills in front-end web development, explore more advanced JavaScript topics, and contribute to open-source projects.

Skills and Expertise

By completing this project, I've developed a strong foundation in intermediate JavaScript concepts. Here are the key skills I've acquired:

  • JavaScript Objects: I've become proficient in defining and utilizing JavaScript objects to efficiently organize and manage data.

  • Object Methods: I've explored the functionality of object methods and gained the ability to work with intricate data structures more effectively.

  • Functions: I've mastered the art of creating both function expressions and declarations, which has enhanced my code organization and understanding of scope.

  • Dynamic Context Handling: I've deepened my understanding of the 'this' keyword and honed the skill of creating custom object methods, allowing me to navigate dynamic code contexts.

  • Array Manipulation: I've learned to leverage built-in array methods for seamless manipulation and iteration through arrays.

  • Responsive Design: Through crafting a polished web application, I've improved my expertise in responsive design, ensuring optimal user experiences across devices.

  • Problem Solving: This project has provided ample opportunities to enhance my problem-solving skills, particularly in implementing input validation and generating user-specific passwords.


Access the live application at:

GitHub Repository:


  1. Clone the GitHub repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd intermediate-js-password-generator
  3. Open the index.html file in your preferred browser.


  1. Open the application in your browser.
  2. Click the "Generate Password" button.
  3. Follow the prompts to select password criteria:
    • Length of password (between 8 and 128 characters).
    • Character types (Uppercase, Numeric, Special characters). Lowercase is set as standard input.
  4. Once all prompts are answered, the generated password will be displayed on the page.


  • Dynamically generates random passwords based on user-selected criteria.
  • Validates input and ensures at least one character type is selected.
  • Responsive design for various screen sizes.
  • Clean and polished user interface.

Technical Acceptance Criteria

  • Satisfies all technical acceptance criteria as described in the project brief .
  • No errors in the console when inspected using Chrome DevTools.

Application Quality

  • Intuitive user experience.
  • Clean and polished user interface.
  • Resembles the provided mock-up.


I welcome contributions from the community to enhance the Bootstrap Portfolio Project. By participating in this project, you contribute to a vibrant and inclusive environment. To ensure a positive experience the code of conduct we will adhere to is based on The Contributor Covenant. Please review and follow these guidelines when contributing.

Accessibility Testing

I aim to develop websites that are built mobile first, with accessibility in prime focus. I welcome feedback, and would ask that you test for accessibility by visiting this page: Accessibility Testing and Inclusive Design.


Pawel Krawczyk (n.d.) Password Special Characters. The OWASP® Foundation

MDN Web Docs on array instance methods

MDN Web Docs on string instance methods

Joel Olawanle (n.d.) Guide to JavaScript's filter() Method

w3schools (n.d.) JavaScript Hoisting

W3Schools (n.d.) JavaScript Object Methods

W3Schools (n.d.) JavaScript For .. In - Loop

Stack Overflow (n.d.) How to iterate over a JavaScript object?

Stack Overflow (n.d.) Why is using "" for array iteration a bad idea?

MDN Web_docs (n.d.) The statement

Shahed Nasser (2022) How to Use the for Loop in JavaScript

Jessica Wilkins ( 2021) Learn JavaScript – Free JS Courses for Beginners. freeCodeCamp

W3schools (n.d.) JavaScript Functions

W3schools (n.d.) JavaScript Scope

W3schools (n.d.) Object Methods

MDN Wed Docs (n.d.) Window: prompt() method

dcode (2021) If Math.random() Was a Human - JavaScript

Bill Barnum (2019) Random Numbers With Math.random() (Java Tutorial)

Bro Code (2022) Random number generator in JavaScript 🎲【4 minutes

mrGcoding (2020) JavaScript - Randomize Items In An Array


This project is licensed under MIT License.

© 2023 Dairon Reijna. Confidential and Proprietary. All Rights Reserved.


A web application that generates a random password based on criteria selected by the user.








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