The goal of the assignment is to create an app for browsing movies and TV shows from various sources.
Refer to demo.webm
for a demonstration of the app, its features and its UI.
Implement a feature-based architecture, using the provider
and bloc
might be useful too.
Pay attention to code analysis – make sure there are no issues reported by the analyzer.
The API for this app can be created with the createWatchmodeApi
function located in
API keys have a monthly call limit. Since the default key is shared, you may quickly run out of calls. In that case, generate your own key at the Watchmode API page.
See the demo video at demo.webm
Displays available sources, grouped by their type.
API endpoint: /sources/
Displays titles for a specific source (source by ID).
API endpoint: /list-titles/
). This endpoint uses pagination.
Displays details for a specific title (title by ID).
API endpoint: /title/{title_id}/details/