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danielparthier committed Oct 4, 2021
1 parent 5c04f44 commit 222c49f
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Showing 22 changed files with 3,849 additions and 1,029 deletions.
Binary file added Figures/Schemes/ConnectSchemeSimpleChATthick.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added Figures/Schemes/ConnectSchemeSimplePVthick.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified Figures/Schemes/LinearBeaconed.svg
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified Figures/Schemes/LinearNonBeaconed.svg
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified Figures/Schemes/LinearTrackCombine.pdf
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified Figures/Schemes/LinearTrackCombine.svg
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified Figures/Schemes/MS_coronal_clean.svg
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified Figures/Schemes/MS_sagittal_clean.svg
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified Figures/Schemes/NonBeaconedScheme.svg
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified Figures/Schemes/PaS_horizontal_clean.svg
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified Figures/Schemes/PaS_sagittal_clean.svg
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
1,543 changes: 516 additions & 1,027 deletions Figures/Schemes/PaS_schema_Probe.svg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
2,192 changes: 2,192 additions & 0 deletions RScripts/LFPPlots.R

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions RScripts/ParPostProcessing.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
###### Parameter post processing

##### extract population parameter for groups
PopulationParameter <- function(Model, ParameterString, PopTransform="none", ParTransform="none", MatrixString, MatrixCol, MatrixRows) {
PopPar <- posterior::as_draws_matrix(Model$draws(ParameterString))
switch (ParTransform,
"none" = {},
"log" = {PopPar <- log(PopPar)},
"logit" = {PopPar <- boot::logit(PopPar)
"neg" = {PopPar <- -PopPar}}
PopPar <- matrix(data = PopPar, nrow = length(PopPar), ncol = length(MatrixRows)) + posterior::as_draws_matrix(Model$draws(paste0(MatrixString, "[",MatrixRows,",",MatrixCol,"]")))
switch (PopTransform,
"none" = PopPar,
"exp" = exp(PopPar),
"invLogit" = boot::inv.logit(PopPar)

PopulationParameterCond <- function(Model, ParameterString, PopTransform="none", ParTransform="none", MatrixString, MatrixCol, CondMatString, CondMatCol) {
PopPar <- posterior::as_draws_matrix(Model$draws(ParameterString))
switch (ParTransform,
"none" = {},
"log" = {PopPar <- log(PopPar)},
"logit" = {PopPar <- boot::logit(PopPar)
"neg" = {PopPar <- -PopPar}}

MatrixMat <- posterior::as_draws_matrix(Model$draws(MatrixString))
MatrixMat_name <- colnames(MatrixMat)
MatrixMat <- MatrixMat[,grepl(pattern = paste0(",",MatrixCol,"]"), x = MatrixMat_name)]

CondMat <- rowMeans(sapply(X = seq_along(CondMatString), function(x) {
CondMatrixMat <- posterior::as_draws_matrix(Model$draws(CondMatString[x]))
CondMatrixMat_name <- colnames(CondMatrixMat)
rowMeans(CondMatrixMat[,grepl(pattern = paste0(",",CondMatCol[x],"]"), x = CondMatrixMat_name)])

PopPar <- matrix(data = PopPar+CondMat, nrow = length(PopPar), ncol = dim(MatrixMat)[2]) + MatrixMat
switch (PopTransform,
"none" = PopPar,
"exp" = exp(PopPar),
"invLogit" = boot::inv.logit(PopPar)

##### compare all groups to each other
DifferenceMat <- function(x, GroupStrings="", Difference="-") {
dim2 <- dim(x)[2]
OutputMat <- matrix(data = NaN, nrow = dim(x)[1],ncol = sum(lower.tri(matrix(data = 0, nrow = dim2, ncol = dim2))))
RowVec <- matrix(data = 1:dim2, nrow = dim2, ncol = dim2, byrow = F)[lower.tri(matrix(data = 0, nrow = dim2, ncol = dim2))]
ColVec <- matrix(data = 1:dim2, nrow = dim2, ncol = dim2, byrow = T)[lower.tri(matrix(data = 0, nrow = dim2, ncol = dim2))]

"-" = {
for(i in seq_along(RowVec)) {
OutputMat[,i] <- x[,RowVec[i]]-x[,ColVec[i]]
"LogOdds" = {
for(i in seq_along(RowVec)) {
OutputMat[,i] <- log((x[,RowVec[i]]/(1-x[,RowVec[i]]))/(x[,ColVec[i]]/(1-x[,ColVec[i]])))

Colnames <- outer(X = paste0(GroupStrings,"-"), Y = GroupStrings, FUN = "paste0")[lower.tri(matrix(data = 0, nrow = dim2, ncol = dim2))]
colnames(OutputMat) <- Colnames

##### HDI calculation
HDIcalc <- function(x, ci=0.95, TestValue=0) {
outX <- t(apply(X = x, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) {
HDIframe <- bayestestR::hdi(x = x, ci=ci)
c(`2.5%`=HDIframe$CI_low, `50%`=median(x), `97.5%`=HDIframe$CI_high)}))
OutOfInterval <- apply(X = sign(outX-TestValue), MARGIN = 1, function(x) {max(x)==min(x)})
Output <- data.table::data.table(cbind(outX,OutOfInterval), keep.rownames = T)
data.table::setnames(x = Output, "rn", "GroupComparison")

##### IgorPxp Processing
pxp2dt <- function(x, sweepString) {
SweepNames <- grep(pattern = sweepString, x = names(x), value = T)
DataTable <- rbindlist(lapply(X = SweepNames, FUN = function(i) {
Trace <- x[[i]]
sfA <- unlist(attr(Trace, "WaveHeader")$sfA[1])
TraceTable <- data.table(amp = as.vector(Trace), sweepName = i)
TraceTable[,`:=`(index = .I, time=.I*sfA, sweepNr = strtoi(gsub(pattern = "[[:alpha:]]|[[:punct:]]", x = sweepName, replacement = ""))),]
144 changes: 144 additions & 0 deletions RScripts/PlotFunctions.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
### Plot Function
TufteBoxPlot <- function(x,
LabelX = NULL,
LabelY = NULL,
BreaksYn = 5,
colour="gray90") {
# browser()
quantileIn <- c(0.005, 0.025, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.975, 0.995)
xDT <- data.table::data.table(x)
xDT <- = xDT, measure.vars = colnames(xDT))
if(is.null(RangeY)) {
RangeY <- c(min(xDT$value)*1.1, max(xDT$value)*1.1)
if(any( {
message("Remove NA")
if(HDI) {
xDT <- xDT[,.(bayestestR::hdi(x = value, ci=0.99)$CI_low,bayestestR::hdi(x = value, ci=0.95)$CI_low,bayestestR::hdi(x = value, ci=0.8)$CI_low,median(value),bayestestR::hdi(x = value, ci=0.8)$CI_high, bayestestR::hdi(x = value, ci=0.95)$CI_high, bayestestR::hdi(x = value, ci=0.99)$CI_high),by="variable"]
}else {
xDT <- xDT[,lapply(X = quantileIn, function(x) {quantile(x = value, probs = x, na.rm = T)}),by="variable"]
data.table::setnames(x = xDT, new = c("variable", paste0("Quant_", quantileIn)))

if(length(Grouping)>0) {
GroupingL <- length(Grouping)
} else {
GroupingL <- NULL

if(length(Grouping)==xDT[,.N,]) {
if(FacetGroup) {

PlotOut <- ggplot(data = xDT, mapping = aes(y=`Quant_0.5`, x=xPos, group=Grouping))
if(is.numeric(Line)) {
PlotOut <- PlotOut + geom_hline(yintercept = Line, colour="gray50")
PlotOut <- PlotOut+
geom_linerange(mapping = aes(ymin=`Quant_0.975`, ymax=`Quant_0.995`), size=0.25)+
geom_linerange(mapping = aes(ymin=`Quant_0.025`, ymax=`Quant_0.005`), size=0.25)+
geom_linerange(mapping = aes(ymin=`Quant_0.1`, ymax=`Quant_0.9`),size=LineWidth, colour=colour)+
geom_segment(mapping = aes(x = xPos, xend = xPos, y=`Quant_0.5`-grid::convertUnit(x = unit(x = 2, units = "pt"), unitTo = "npc", valueOnly = T)*ShortWidth*diff(RangeY), yend=`Quant_0.5`+grid::convertUnit(x = unit(x = 2, units = "pt"), unitTo = "npc", valueOnly = T)*ShortWidth*diff(RangeY)), size=LineWidth)+
coord_cartesian(ylim = RangeY)+

if(!is.null(DataY)) {
if(Dodge) {
if(DataSpacing<0.5 & DataSpacing>0) {
DataDodge <- 0.5+DataSpacing
} else {
message("Spacing out of range (>0.5 and <0): Reset to default.")
DataDodge <- 0.75

} else {
DataDodge <- 0.5
if(is.null(DataGroup)) {
DataDT <- data.table::data.table(Data_Y = DataY, xPos = DataDodge+1)
} else {
DataDT <- data.table::data.table(Data_Y = DataY, xPos = as.integer(factor(DataGroup))+DataDodge)
if(length(Grouping)>0) {
for(i in seq_along(Grouping)) {
tmpGroup <- levels(factor(Grouping))[i]
} else {
if(!is.null(JitterSeed)) {
PlotOut <- PlotOut + geom_jitter(data = DataDT, mapping = aes(y=Data_Y, x=xPos, group=Grouping), height = 0, width = DataJitter, alpha=0.1, shape=19, size=0.5, inherit.aes = F)
switch(EXPR = DataStat,
"median" = {StatDT <- DataDT[,.(Data_Y=median(Data_Y)),by=xPos]
PlotOut <- PlotOut + geom_segment(data = StatDT, mapping = aes(x = xPos, xend = xPos, y=Data_Y-grid::convertUnit(x = unit(x = 2, units = "pt"), unitTo = "npc", valueOnly = T)*ShortWidth*diff(RangeY), yend=Data_Y+grid::convertUnit(x = unit(x = 2, units = "pt"), unitTo = "npc", valueOnly = T)*ShortWidth*diff(RangeY)), size=LineWidth)},
"mean" = {StatDT <- DataDT[,.(Data_Y=mean(Data_Y)),by=xPos]
PlotOut <- PlotOut + geom_segment(data = StatDT, mapping = aes(x = xPos, xend = xPos, y=Data_Y-grid::convertUnit(x = unit(x = 2, units = "pt"), unitTo = "npc", valueOnly = T)*ShortWidth*diff(RangeY), yend=Data_Y+grid::convertUnit(x = unit(x = 2, units = "pt"), unitTo = "npc", valueOnly = T)*ShortWidth*diff(RangeY)), size=LineWidth)},
"none" = {})

if(length(Grouping)>0) {
if(FacetGroup) {
Xname <- LabelX
Xbreaks <- NULL
Xlabels <- NULL
Xlimits <- c(0.5,1.5)
PlotOut <- PlotOut + facet_wrap(~Grouping)
} else {
if(exists(x = "DataDodge")) {
LabelCenter <- (DataDodge - 0.5)/2
} else {
LabelCenter <- 0
Xname <- LabelX
Xbreaks <- seq_along(Grouping)+0.5+LabelCenter
Xlabels <- Grouping
Xlimits <- c(1, xDT[unique(xPos),.N,]+1)
# PlotOut <- PlotOut + scale_x_continuous(name = LabelX, breaks = seq_along(Grouping)+0.5+LabelCenter, labels=Grouping, limits = c(1, xDT[unique(xPos),.N,]+1))
} else {
Xname <- LabelX
Xbreaks <- NULL
Xlabels <- NULL
Xlimits <- c(1, xDT[unique(xPos),.N,]+1)
if(Horizontal) {
if(is.null(BreaksY)) {
PlotOut + coord_flip() + scale_x_continuous(name = Xname, breaks = Xbreaks, labels=Xlabels,limits = Xlimits) + scale_y_continuous(name = LabelY,limits = RangeY, n.breaks = BreaksYn) + theme(axis.line = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), strip.background = element_blank())
} else {
PlotOut + coord_flip() + scale_x_continuous(name = Xname, breaks = Xbreaks, labels=Xlabels,limits = Xlimits) + scale_y_continuous(name = LabelY,limits = RangeY, breaks = BreaksY) + theme(axis.line = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), strip.background = element_blank())

} else {
if(is.null(BreaksY)) {
PlotOut + scale_x_continuous(name = Xname, breaks = Xbreaks, labels=Xlabels,limits = Xlimits) + scale_y_continuous(name = LabelY,limits = RangeY, n.breaks = BreaksYn) + theme(axis.line = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), strip.background = element_blank())
} else {
PlotOut + scale_x_continuous(name = Xname, breaks = Xbreaks, labels=Xlabels,limits = Xlimits) + scale_y_continuous(name = LabelY,limits = RangeY, breaks = BreaksY) + theme(axis.line = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), strip.background = element_blank())


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