Here is everything i use on my macbook, overtime i will add more to it but this is a backup incase i lose my macbook
File | Description |
bin/jacks_gbt_theme | my personal GBT_THEME used by go bullet train |
bin/git-sweep | Used to remove old branches from my local machine that have been merged |
bin/ | Used to set the proxy when i am WFH |
src/Brewfile | My HomeBrew Setup |
src/bash_profile_backup | my bash_profile and how i pull it all together |
src/vs_code_settings.json | My User settings file for vs code |
src/vimrc | vimrc file |
bin/json_form | Format json files with sort_keys and indent=2 |
Run the above command from within this repo and it will setup and configure your machine from scratch. It is safe to re-run if you have already configured homebrew on your machine
With fonts installed, update your terminal preferences to:
- utilize hack nerd font mono
- terminal type: xterm-256-color