Today we showcase an application using Apache Cassandraβ’ as a backend implemented with Spring Boot, Spring Data, the Stargate and related SDK.
Which better business domain than the TV Show Stargate hoping it will not bring any confusion ^^.
βΉοΈ Frequently asked questions
- Can I run the workshop on my computer?
There is nothing preventing you from running the workshop on your own machine. If you do so, you will need java jdk11+, Maven, an IDE like VSCode, IntelliJ, Eclipse, Spring STS. You will have to adapt commands and paths based on your environment and install the dependencies by yourself. We won't provide support to keep on track with schedule.
It doesn't matter if you join our workshop live or you prefer to do at your own pace, we have you covered. In this repository, you'll find everything you need for this workshop:
- Create Astra DB Instance
- Create Tables and insert data
- Load dataSet as a CSV
- Create Astra Token
- Launch Gitpod
- Know your Gitpod
- Setup your Application
- Run Unit tests
- Run the Application
- Using Stargate Rest API
- Using Stargate Document API
- Walkthrough Stargate SDK
- Homeworks
is the simplest way to run Cassandra with zero operations at all - just push the button and get your cluster. No credit card required, $25.00 USD credit every month, roughly 5M writes, 30M reads, 40GB storage monthly - sufficient to run small production workloads.
Step 1a. If you do have an account yet register and sign In to Astra DB this is FREE and NO CREDIT CARD asked You can use your Github
, Google
accounts or register with an email
Make sure to chose a password with minimum 8 characters, containing upper and lowercase letters, at least one number and special character
β Step 1b. Create a "pay as you go" plan
Follow this guide, to set up a pay as you go database with a free $25 monthly credit. You will find below recommended values to enter:
For the database name -
For the keyspace name -
You can technically use whatever you want and update the code to reflect the keyspace. This is really to get you on a happy path for the first run.
For provider and region: Choose a provider (GCP, Azure or AWS) and then the related region is where your database will reside physically (choose one close to you or your users).
Create the database. Review all the fields to make sure they are as shown, and click the
Create Database
You will see your new database pending
in the Dashboard.
The status will change to Active
when the database is ready, this will only take 2-3 minutes. You will also receive an email when it is ready.
ποΈ Walkthrough
Once the database is created we want to create the tables to insert Data.
β Step2a: Locate and open CQLConsole
Click the name of you database
in the panel on the left -
Locate the tab
CQL Console
, the prompt will open, there is no need to enter credentials here.
β Step 2b: Navigate to your keyspace
To ease the copy-paste you can use the small clipboard icons as show in the walkthrough. If the CTL+C and CTRL+V does not work in your browser you can also right-click and then select paste.
- Enter the following statement in CQL console to list existing keyspaces, you should see the one you created with the database.
describe keyspaces;
- Enter the following statement in CQL console to select your keyspace:
use stargate;
β Step 2c: Create Entities
- Enter the following statement in CQL console to Create a table
with the following fields
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stargate.chevrons(
area text,
code int ,
name text,
picture text,
PRIMARY KEY ((area), code)
β Step 2d: Populate entries
- Enter the following statement in CqlSH console to enter the different chevrons in the database
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 1, 'Earth', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 2, 'Crater', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 3, 'Virgo', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 4, 'Bootes', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 5, 'Centaurus', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 6, 'Libra', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 7, 'Serpenscaput', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 8, 'Norma', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 9, 'Scorpio', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 10, 'Cra', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 11, 'Scutum', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 12, 'Sagitarus', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 13, 'Aquila', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 14, 'Mic', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 15, 'Capricorn', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 16, 'Piscesaustrinus', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 17, 'Equuleus', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 18, 'Aquarius', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 19, 'Pegasus', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 20, 'Sculptor', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 21, 'Pisces', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 22, 'Andromeda', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 23, 'Triangulum', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 24, 'Aries', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 25, 'Perseus', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 26, 'Cetus', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 27, 'Taurus', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 28, 'Auriga', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 29, 'Eridanus', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 30, 'Orion', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 31, 'Canisminor', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 32, 'Monoceros', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 33, 'Gemini', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 34, 'Hydra', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 35, 'Lynx', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 36, 'Cancer', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 37, 'Sextans', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 38, 'Leominor', '');
INSERT INTO chevrons (area, code, name, picture) VALUES ('Milky Way', 39, 'Leo', '');
You can notice than those are real images, thanks to StargateWiki.
β Step 2e: Show the results
We have inserted 39 symbols of the Milky Way
galaxy with INSERT
statements but we could have used other solutions like dsbulk, Spark, Apis or Astra Data Loader. We will show some of them to you later.
- Validate the number of chevrons
select count(*) from stargate.chevrons;
- Show the chevrons known for the
Milky Way
select code,name from stargate.chevrons where area='Milky Way';
Inserting a couple of values with CQL console is great but quite verbose, correct? We created the table and inserted a few values.
In Astra DB there is a tool to speed up that process and both create and import data from a CSV, instead.
β Step 3a: Download the dataset
To download the DATASET, right-click (or CTRL + Click to open in new tab) the button below and download the target file on your machine.
If the file opens in the browser save it with the name
. The name is important as the filename will be the table name.
β Step 3b: Open Astra Data Loader
Locate the Upload Data
button to open the Data Loader.
β Step 3c: Upload the dataset
Click on the area Drag n drop a single file and look for the file destinations.csv
on your machine, this file has been downloaded in step 3a.
Once the file has been uploaded notice the Upload Successful
message in green. You can now click NEXT
β Step 3d: Define the target table
- Locate the field Table Name and make sure it is set to
Scroll down to show the the Keys and Clustering part of the screen and enter the following
use the dropdown
which will be our partition key (assuming there are less than 100,000 stargates in our galaxy) and a lot of galaxy ^^. -
will be our clustering key in order to ensure a unique name of the planet in the galaxy. -
You can now click
β Step 3e: Define the target keyspace
In the Target Keyspace combo box find and select our keyspace
Then click
β Step 3f: Show Data
After a few seconds (about 30s),you will get an email informing you that the batch has been scheduled.
As you can see the operation here is asynchronous. About a minute later your will get another email to tell you the data has been inserted.
Using the CQL Console enter the CQL command that was suggested in the email as below.
SELECT * FROM stargate.destinations LIMIT 10;
β QUIZ: Try to find by the correct CQL statement to retrieve the coordinates of planet Chulak in our galaxy.
Click to view Solution
SELECT chevron1,chevron2,chevron3,chevron4,chevron5,chevron6 FROM stargate.destinations WHERE galaxy='Milky Way' and name='Chulak';
Yes now we do have the cartouche (a carved tablet or drawing representing a scroll with rolled-up ends) - 9,2,23,16,37,20
(You can check that we are correct)
ππ Congratulations we do have both chevrons and coordinates of our destination.
However, to save Teal'c from Apophysis we still need to create a token that we will use as our credentials.
β Step 4a: Generate Token
Following the Manage Application Tokens docs create a token with Database Admnistrator
Go the
Organization Settings
Go to
Token Management
Pick the role
Database Admnistrator
on the select box -
Click Generate token
ποΈ Walkthrough
This is what the token page looks like. You can now download the values as a CSV. We will need those values but you can also keep this window open for use later.
Notice the clipboard icon at the end of each value.
We will use it as a username to contact Cassandra -
We will use it as a password to contact Cassandra -
We will use it as a api token Key to interact with APIs.
To know more about roles of each token you can have a look to this video.
Note: Make sure you don't close the window accidentally or otherwise - if you close this window before you copy the values, the application token is lost forever. They won't be available later for security reasons.
β οΈ ImportantThe instructor will show you on screen how to create a token but will have to destroy to token immediately for security reasons.
We are now set with the database and credentials. Let's start coding with Spring !
Gitpod is an IDE 100% online based on VS Code. To initialize your environment simply click on the button below (CTRL + Click to open in new tab) You will be asked for you github account, as needed.
ποΈ Expected output
The screenshot may be slightly different based on your default skin and a few edits in the read me.
That's it. Gitpod provides all tools we will need today including Maven
and exporting port 8080
. At initialization of the workspace we schedule a mvn clean install
to download dependencies.
Also you may have noticed that a build is happening - even before we get started. The sample project already exists and loading the developer enviroment triggers a build to download all the maven dependencies so you don't have to.
β Step 6a: Know your public URL
The workshop application has opened with an ephemeral URL. To know the URL where your application endpoint will be exposed you can run the following command in the terminal after the build has completed.
gp url 8080
ποΈ Expected output
β Step 6b: Build the project
- Using maven build the project and download its dependencies.
cd /workspace/workshop-spring-stargate/stargate-demo && mvn clean package install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
ποΈ Expected output
To run the application you need to provide the credentials and identifier to the application. you will have to provide 6 values in total as shown below
β Step 7a: Enter 3 values from the token
Open the file
as show below. -
with values shown on the Astra token screen or picking the values from the CSV token file your dowloaded before including the AstraCS: part of the token.
To ease the copy-paste you can use the small clipboard icons as show in the walkthrough.
β Step 7b: Enter 3 values related to your DB
In Astra DB go back to home page by clicking the logo
Select you database
in the left panel and then copy values forcloud-region
(clusterID) from the details page.
ποΈ Walkthrough
TADA your application is now configured we can finally play with some code.
The application is now set you should be able to interact with your DB. Let's demonstrate some capabilities.
β Step 8a: Use CqlSession
Interaction with Cassandra are implemented in Java through drivers and the main Class is CqlSession
Higher level frameworks like Spring, Spring Data, or even quarkus will rely on this object so let's make sure it is part of your Spring context with a @SpringBootTest
mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.demo.stargate.Ex1_UseCqlSessionTest
ποΈ Expected output
+ Code=38, name='Leominor',
+ Code=39, name='Leo',
[OK] - Test Successfully you ROCK !
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 8.42 s - in com.datastax.demo.stargate.Ex1_UseCqlSessionTest
18:23:34.167 INFO com.datastax.stargate.sdk.StargateClient : Closing CqlSession.
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
-----------------------------------------------------------------------[INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
-----------------------------------------------------------------------[INFO] Total time: 13.985 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-04-27T18:23:34+02:00
β Step 8b: Working With Spring Data
Spring Data allows Mapping Object <=> Table
based on annotation at the java bean level. Then by convention CQL query will be executed under the hood.
mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.demo.stargate.Ex2_UseSpringDataChevronTest
This test perform 3 operations:
- Find all Chevrons in the table
- Find a chevron by its primary key
- Find all chevrons in our galaxy (partition key)
ποΈ Expected output
[OK] - Test #2.1 Successful - you ROCK !
[OK] - Test #2.2 Successful - you ROCK !
[OK] - Test #2.3 Successful - you ROCK !
We can also query the destination table to find coordinates:
mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.demo.stargate.Ex3_UseSpringDataDestinationTest
β Step 9a: Start the application
Navigate to the folder and simply start the application with the following command.
cd /workspace/workshop-spring-stargate/stargate-demo
mvn spring-boot:run
Your application is now started you should have a peek at the logs here
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx1879m
_________ __ __
/ _____// |______ _______ _________ _/ |_ ____
\_____ \\ __\__ \\_ __ \/ ___\__ \\ __\/ __ \
/ \| | / __ \| | \/ /_/ > __ \| | \ ___/
/_______ /|__| (____ /__| \___ (____ /__| \___ >
\/ \/ /_____/ \/ \/
\______ \ ____ _____ ____
| | \_/ __ \ / \ / _ \
| ` \ ___/| Y Y ( <_> )
/_______ /\___ >__|_| /\____/
\/ \/ \/
DataStax Developer Advocate team
Starting StargateDemoApplication using Java 11.0.10 on
No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
+ Load Environment Variables
+ Load Builder parameters
+ HttpClient Initialized
+ API(s) Devops is [ENABLED]
+ Load Secure Connect: /home/gitpod/.astra/
+ CQL Credentials: ${clientId}${/clientSecret}
+ API(s) Document is [ENABLED]
+ API(s) REST Data is [ENABLED]
+ API(s) GraphQL [ENABLED]
+ API(s) Cql is [ENABLED]
+ Keyspace stargate
[StargateClient] has been initialized
[AstraClient] has been initialized.
[THYMELEAF][restartedMain] Template Mode 'XHTML' is deprecated. Using Template Mode 'HTML' instead.
Started StargateDemoApplication in 7.883 seconds (JVM running for 8.497)
ποΈ Expected output
β Step 9b: Open a new terminal in gitpod
The application is running on our first terminal. To enter new commands please create a new terminal in gitpod.
β Step 9c: Open the application
Are you ready? Now is the time to play the demo.
It is better to use a dedicated TAB in the browser to open the application in full screen. Use this command to show the URL.
gp url 8080
If you have the link in the terminal gitpod, it's a lot easier to create a new tab by clicking Follow link
β Step 9d: Play the demo
- Click the Stargate logo, the music starts if it did not start automatically
Click on the planet name you want to reach here
the coordinates are not entered in the Stargate. -
Click on one orange
in the order to make the wheel start spinning. Click the chevrons one after the other to simulate the dialing. As soon as all chevrons are engaged the vortex will open.
Activate the rest of the chevrons to open the stargate...Buckle up !
Congratulations you Played the demo !
The gateway Stargate allows you to execute the operations through a REST API. Let's list the chevrons.
β Step 10a: Open swagger
In a terminal that is not running the demo enter the command in order to open the swagger UI from Astra (URL has been built based on the values you entered in application.yaml
ποΈ Script output
ποΈ Expected output
β Step 10b: List Chevrons
- In the Swagger UI page locate the blue line
in the blockDATA
Click the button
Try it Out
on the top right hand corner. -
Enter the following values
X-Cassandra-Token | AstraCS.... (your token) |
keyspaceName | stargate |
tableName | chevrons |
pageSize | let it blank |
pageState | let it blank |
- Click the button
Expected output
The REST API covers the same features as the CQL interface and you need to know your schema.
Stargate also provide a way to insert schemaless JSON Document as you would do with a document oriented datbase, you are welcomed.
β Step 11a: Create a document
β/v2β/namespacesβ/{namespace-id}β/collectionsβ/{collection-id} Create a new document
in the blockDOCUMENT
Click the button
Try it Out
on the top right hand corner. -
Enter the following values
X-Cassandra-Token | AstraCS.... (your token) |
namespace-id | stargate |
collection-id | sampledoc |
pageSize | let it blank |
body |
"videoid": "e466f561-4ea4-4eb7-8dcc-126e0fbfd573",
"email": "",
"title": "A video",
"upload": "2020-02-26 15:09:22 +00:00",
"url": "",
"frames": [1, 2, 3, 4],
"tags": ["cassandra", "accelerate", "2020"],
"formats": {
"mp4": { "width": 1, "height": 1 },
"ogg": { "width": 1, "height": 1 }
Expected output
- Click the button
The api will create a new table for the collection and insert the JSON document. A new unique identifier is generated and returned as documentId
Well you had an overview about the APIs exposed by Stargate. There is also a GraphQL API if you want to know more.
A SDK or Software Developement Kit is used here to ease the usage of each API. It is also the one creating a bean CqlSession
that will be used with Spring Data Cassandra as is.
The Astra SDK has been installed with a single starter dependency. More information is here
β Step 12a: Using devops API with SDK
In a gitpod terminal use Maven to execute a unit test illustrating the usage of the Devops API
from the SDK.
cd /workspace/workshop-spring-stargate/stargate-demo
mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.demo.stargate.Ex4_SdkDevopsApi
Expected Output
13:48:16.753 INFO com.datastax.demo.stargate.Ex4_SdkDevopsApi : Started Ex4_SdkDevopsApi in 6.184 seconds (JVM running for 7.136)
Database 'workshops'
+ id=3c7fc647-c03b-4a0c-aa6b-a00dd677ac53
+ region=eu-central-1
+ keyspace=stargate
β Step 12b: Using REST API with SDK
In a gitpod terminal use Maven to execute a unit test illustrating the usage of the REST API
from the SDK.
mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.demo.stargate.Ex5_SdkRestApi
Expected Output
13:47:38.123 INFO com.datastax.demo.stargate.Ex5_SdkRestApi : Started Ex5_SdkRestApi in 6.375 seconds (JVM running for 7.375)
13:47:41.173 INFO com.datastax.stargate.sdk.StargateClient : Closing CqlSession.
β Step 12c: Using DOC API with SDK
In a gitpod terminal use Maven to execute a unit test illustrating the usage of the DOC API
from the SDK.
mvn test -Dtest=com.datastax.demo.stargate.Ex6_SdkDocApi
Expected Output
13:46:43.360 INFO com.datastax.demo.stargate.Ex6_SdkDocApi : Started Ex6_SdkDocApi in 5.935 seconds (JVM running for 6.887)
+ id=063d3fe9-8ec0-4b9b-887a-90da52ee0f51
+ email=
Don't forget to complete your upgrade and get your verified skill badge! Finish and submit your homework!
- Complete the practice steps from this repository as described above. Make screenshots alongside the steps
- Learn more about spring in the course and complete scenario
Build a Spring Boot REST Service
at the bottom of the page and make a screenshot of the "congratulations" page. - Submit your homework here
That's it, you are done! Expect an email next week!
Congratulations, your made it to the END of the show.
π Share the love
π§π»βπ€βπ§π½ Let's get in touch
![]() |
![]() |
David Gilardi @SonicDMG |
Cedrick Lunven @clun |