FlapBot - FlapMMO Bot
Automatically jumps bird, to use copy+paste code below into javascript console:
var drawBars = true;
var jumpOffset = 27;
var poleWidth = 300;
var poleHeight = 512;
var polePixelWidth = poleWidth * 4;
var birdWidth = 115;
var birdHeight = 512;
var birdBar;
var poleBar;
var birdInterval;
var poleInterval;
var ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
var center = document.getElementsByTagName('center')[0];
var msg = document.createElement('div');
msg.innerText = 'Press "s" to start, "x" to stop';
msg.setAttribute('style', 'padding: 5px; top: 10px; ' +
'left: 10px; background-color: red; position: absolute;');
if (drawBars) {
birdBar = document.createElement('span');
birdBar.setAttribute('style', 'width: 50px; height: 2px; top: 449px; ' +
'margin-left: -366px; background-color: red; position: absolute;');
poleBar = document.createElement('span');
poleBar.setAttribute('style', 'width: 50px; height: 2px; top: 449px; ' +
'margin-left: -311px; background-color: blue; position: absolute;');
var startBot = function() {
var pole;
var jump;
var bird;
var birdFound;
birdInterval = setInterval(function() {
var i;
var row;
var col;
var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, birdWidth, birdHeight).data;
row = birdFound ? bird - 5 : 10;
birdFound = false;
for (; row < birdHeight; row++) {
for (col = 85; col < birdWidth; col++) {
i = (row * birdWidth * 4) + (col * 4);
if (data[i] === 211 && data[i + 1] === 47 &&
data[i + 2] === 0 && data[i + 3] === 255) {
bird = Math.floor((i / 4) / birdWidth);
birdFound = true;
if (drawBars) {
birdBar.style.top = (50 + bird) + 'px';
if (!jump && bird + jumpOffset > (pole || 256)) {
jump = true;
setTimeout(function() {
jump = false;
}, 300);
}, 5);
poleInterval = setInterval(function() {
var i;
var row;
var col;
var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, poleWidth, poleHeight).data;
for (row = 10; row < poleHeight; row++) {
for (col = 115; col < poleWidth; col++) {
i = (row * poleWidth * 4) + (col * 4);
if (data[i] === 84 && data[i + 1] === 56 &&
data[i + 2] === 71 && data[i + 3] === 255 &&
data[i + polePixelWidth] === 192 &&
data[i + polePixelWidth + 1] === 221 &&
data[i + polePixelWidth + 2] === 113 &&
data[i + polePixelWidth + 3] === 255) {
pole = Math.floor((i / 4) / poleWidth);
if (drawBars) {
poleBar.style.top = (50 + pole) + 'px';
}, 500);
var stopBot = function() {
document.body.onkeyup = function(evt) {
if (evt.which === 83) {
else if (evt.which === 88) {