This is the course homepage for CPSC 330: Applied Machine Learning at the University of British Columbia. You are looking at the current version (Sep-Dec 2020). An earlier version from Jan-Apr 2020 can be found here.
Instructor: Mike Gelbart
- syllabus / administrative info
- other course documents
- past exams
- Piazza (this is where all announcements will be made)
- class + office hours calendar
- Zoom links on Canvas
Live lectures: The lectures will be on Zoom. They can be joined through Canvas here. If you would like to join the lectures but cannot login to Canvas (presumably because you're not enrolled in the course) please email Mike and I will give you the link.
Lecture recordings: The lecture recordings can be accessed through the same Zoom page on Canvas here. From this page, navigate to the "Cloud Recordings" tab and you should see them there. The same lecture recordings will be posted here embedded in the schedule below.
# | Date | Topic | Related readings and links | vs. CPSC 340 |
Sep 8 | UBC Imagine Day - no class | |||
1 | Sep 10 | Course intro [recording] | n/a | |
Dataset of the week: predicting whether CPSC 330 students like cilantro | ||||
2 | Sep 15 | Decision trees | less depth | |
3 | Sep 17 | The fundamental tradeoff of ML (and the Golden Rule) | similar | |
Dataset of the week: sentiment analysis of movie reviews | ||||
4 | Sep 22 | Logistic regression, word counts, predict_proba (and the Golden Rule) |
Meaningless comparisons lead to false optimism in medical machine learning | less depth |
5 | Sep 24 | Hyperparameter optimization, pipelines (and the Golden Rule) | more depth | |
Dataset of the week: Predicting income from census data | ||||
6 | Sep 29 | Encoding categorical variables (and the Golden Rule) | more depth | |
7 | Oct 1 | missing data, transforming numeric features | more depth | |
Dataset of the week: detecting credit card fraud | ||||
8 | Oct 6 | Evaluation metrics for classification | Damage Caused by Classification Accuracy and Other Discontinuous Improper Accuracy Scoring Rules, Optional watching: video: precision and recall (until 8:29), video: ensembles (until 37:48), then continuing the same video until 46:33 for random forests; Classification vs. Prediction | more depth |
9 | Oct 8 | Ensembles | similar | |
Dataset of the week: predicting housing prices | ||||
10 | Oct 13 | Linear regression, feature importances | more depth on feature importances, less on linear regression | |
11 | Oct 15 | Evaluation metrics for regression | more depth | |
12 | Oct 20 | Feature engineering, feature selection | Feature selection article | more on feature engineering, less on feature selection |
Oct 22 | MIDTERM | study materials | ||
13 | Oct 27 | Natural language processing | new | |
14 | Oct 29 | Neural networks & computer vision | But what is a Neural Network? | less depth |
15 | Nov 3 | Nearest neighbours for product similarity | less depth | |
16 | Nov 5 | Time series data | Humour: The Problem with Time & Timezones | new |
17 | Nov 10 | Survival analysis | Calling Bullshit video 4.1, Medium article (contains some math) | new |
18 | Nov 12 | Clustering | less depth | |
19 | Nov 17 | Outliers | different angle | |
20 | Nov 19 | Model deployment (or move to Dec 1) | new | |
21 | Nov 24 | Communicating your results | Communication in Data Science blog post; Calling BS videos Chapter 1 (5 video total) | new |
22 | Nov 26 | Communicating your results, continued | Calling BS videos Chapter 6 (6 short videos, 47 min total) | new |
23 | Dec 1 | Ethics | Calling BS videos Chapter 5 (6 short videos, 50 min total) | new |
24 | Dec 3 | Leftovers; Conclusion |
# | Due Date | Associated lectures |
1 | Tue Sep 15 11:59pm | prerequisites |
2 | Mon Sep 21 11:59pm | 2, 3 |
Thank you to Tomas Beuzen and Varada Kolhatkar for significant contributions to the course materials.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.