This is the base repo for the Viewing Party Solo Project for Module 3 in Turing's Software Engineering Program.
Viewing Party is an application that allows users to explore movies and create a Viewing Party Event that invites users and keeps track of a host. Once completed, this application will collect relevant information about movies from an external API, provide CRUD functionality for creating a Viewing Party and restrict its use to only verified users.
- Fork and clone the repo
- Install gem packages:
bundle install
- Setup the database:
rails db:{drop,create,migrate,seed}
- GET /api/v1/users
- Description: Retrieves a list of all users
- Query Parameters: None
- GET /api/v1/users/:id
- Description: Retrieves a specific user's profile by Id
- Query Parameters: None
- POST /api/v1/users
- Description: Creates a new user
- Query Parameters: NA
- POST /api/v1/sessions
- Description: Creates a new session (log in)
- Query Parameters: NA
- GET /api/v1/movies
- Description: Retrieves a list of movies
- Query Parameters: Optional parameters include:
- query: Search term for movies
- sort_by_rating: Boolean to sort by rating
- GET /api/v1/movies/:id
- Description: Retrieves a specific movie by Id
- Query Parameters: None
- POST /api/v1/viewing_parties
- Description: Creates a new viewing party
- Query Parameters: NA
- POST /api/v1/viewing_parties/:id/attendees
- Description: Adds attendees to an existing viewing party
- Query Parameters: NA