This package provides an autocomplete for the basic terms used while writing scripts for RoboFont.
Use this gist of RafalBuchner to run python scripts from Atom and execute them inside Robofont.
Since this is not an official Atom-package you can install it like this:
- Clone this repo
- Install apm (in Atom go to Atom -> Install Shell Commands)
- Open the Terminal, navigate to the repo directory and run
apm link
- Back in Atom it should now be installed, you'll find it under Atom -> Preferences... -> Packages -> Community Packages
In the intermediate.json
you'll find all the terms for autocompletion.
If you find something missing you can add it there.
Reload after you made changes with ctrl
- RafalBuchner who made it possible to run Robofont Scripts in Atom.
- connordavenport who first made an autocomplete package for Sublime Text. This is where I got the idea from.
- lonekorean who made an atom-autocomplete-boilerplate upon which I build this thing.