icyCI has one purpose:
- Pull and verify source from a Git repository
- Run a build/test/whatever script
- Push script results to a Git repository
- Poll for new source changes
It differs from other CI utilities in a few ways:
What? | How? |
Lightweight | Single Go binary with a Git core tools dependency. |
Secure | Only proceeds if branch GPG/ssh signature can be verified. |
Trustless | Doesn't need push access to source repositories. Rootless. |
Vendor Neutral | Only relies on standard Git features and protocols. |
Fast | Asynchronous, event based architecture. |
Informative | Results published as git-notes, viewable from git log. |
Simple | Set and forget. Polls and tests new changes automatically. |
Distributed | Can cooperatively run on a single or multiple hosts. |
The example below demonstrates how icyCI can be used to test the Linux kernel.
Import GPG keys used for source repository signing. Only Linus' and Greg's keys are imported below:
gpg2 --locate-keys torvalds@kernel.org gregkh@kernel.org
In case you haven't already, ensure that the user running icyCI has a Git user.name configured:
git config --global user.name "icyCI"
Create a new Git repository to store the test results. This example uses a local directory, but a remote repository could also be used.
git init --bare ~/icyci-linux-results
Write a test script. The example below only performs a kernel build:
echo '#!/bin/bash
make defconfig && make -j4' > ~/build-linux.sh
chmod 755 ~/build-linux.sh
Start icyCI, pointing it at a branch of the stable kernel repository, the test script, and the results repository:
icyci -source-repo git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git \
-source-branch linux-5.3.y \
-test-script ~/build-linux.sh \
-results-repo ~/icyci-linux-results
[Wait for icyCI to push results, after which it'll poll for source changes]
To view the test script results, you can either do a fresh clone of the results-repo:
git clone ~/icyci-linux-results ~/linux-results
cd ~/linux-results
git fetch origin "refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*"
...or alternatively add the results-repo as a new remote to an existing clone of the source-repo:
# The linux directory is an existing clone of
# git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git
cd linux
git remote add icyci-results ~/icyci-linux-results
# git doesn't fetch notes by default, so configure it to do so...
git config --add remote.icyci-results.fetch "refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*"
git fetch icyci-results
The icyCI test results can be viewed alongside the regular git log output with:
git log --show-notes="*"
Extra build / test artifacts can be pushed to the results-repo as git notes
by writing a file to the ICYCI_NOTES_DIR
directory. E.g.
echo 'cp vmlinux ${ICYCI_NOTES_DIR}/built_kernel' >> ~/build-linux.sh
icyCI can be run as a systemd service. For details, see docs/systemd-usage.md.
The ability to use multiple icyCI instances to target a single repository is documented further in docs/multi-instance.md.
icyCI runs as a relatively simple state machine:
clone source branch
↗---→---→ check GPG signature on branch tip → can't verify ---↘
| ↓ |
| push lock to results repository → already locked →|
| ↓ |
↑ run test script ↓
| ↓ |
| add captured script output via git-notes |
| ↓ |
↑ push notes and source results repository |
new ↓ |
commits cleanup source repository |
| ↓ |
↖---←---← fetch commits in source branch ←---←---←---←----←----↙
no new
- Improve documentation
- Support multiple branches within one instance
- push results as static website, in addition to git-notes
- Periodically push progress while testing
- Your feature; please raise requests via the issue tracker
icyCI is Free Software, published under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. This license applies to icyCI source itself; it does not affect programs tested by icyCI.