Pleaee note, this is the development version of this application. Any bug reports are very much appreciated.
- Introduction
- Quick-start
- Alignment based on psipred-predicted protein structure
- Bypassing the shell script
- Alignment using parameter advising
- Alignment using adaptive local realignment
- Default parameters
Java >= 5 (aka v1.5) is required.
Opal is software for aligning multiple biological sequences. It can align both protein and DNA sequences, and expects inputs to be in fasta format.
In benchmark tests, Opal aligns sequences with good accuracy. On DNA, accuracy is similar to that of MAFTT and Muscle; on protein, accuracy is similar to MAFFT, and better than Muscle.
Details of the algorithms used in Opal are available in the original ISMB
paper, which should be cited in the event Opal is used:
Wheeler, T.J. and Kececioglu, J.D.
Multiple alignment by aligning alignments,
Proceedings of the 15th ISCB Conference on Intelligent Systems
for Molecular Biology (ISMB), Bioinformatics 23, i559-i568, 2007.
Significant acceleration with negligible loss in accuracy was achieved after publication of that paper, through heuristic guide-tree construction (similar to the approach used in MAFFT and Muscle).
(1) After cloning this repository, simply run make
from the command line,
this will create a bin
folder and a new Opal.jar
(2) To build a alignment, use one of the following commands:
./opal unaligned_seqs.fasta > alignment.fasta
./opal --in unaligned_seqs.fasta --out alignment.fasta
To align two fixed alignments, run:
./opal --in alignment1.fasta --in2 alignment2.fasta
For a full list of Opal arguments, use the --help flag:
./opal --help
Opal has been tested on unix and linux operating systems (including Mac OS X), and should work on cygwin. It should also work in Windows by bypassing the shell script and directly calling Java.
If you receive an "out of memory" error message, you can increase the memory allocated to the Java VM by calling opal with the --mem flag, for example: ./opal --mem 2G unaligned_seqs.fasta > alignment.fasta
A more permanent increase to memory allocation can be acheived by editing the "mem" line in the opal shell script, for example, changing mem="1G" to mem="2G"
Additional accuracy on protein sequence alignment is achieved by using a modified scoring scheme that incorporates protein secondary structure, as predicted by psipred. Details of this approach are available in the following paper, which should be cited if secondary-structure-based alignment is performed:
Kim, E., Wheeler, T.J., and Kececioglu, J.D. Learning models for aligning protein sequence with predicted secondary structure, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB), Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics 5541: 586-605, 2009.
If you choose to use this approach follow these steps:
(1) Get psipred, e.g. $ mkdir psipred32 $ cd psipred32 $ wget $ tar -xzf psipred32.tar.gz $ cd src $ make
(2) Open the psipred script runpsipred_single (in the psipred installation directory), and modify the two lines: set execdir set datadir to match to the absolute path of those directories
(3) Ensure that the the Opal script can find psipred. Either: (a) place runpsipred_single in your PATH or (b) edit to set the path in which runpsipred_single is found, by editing the line: my $psipred_dir ; # if empty, use $PATH
(4) Opal may then be run with one additional argument: "--use_struct", as in:
./opal --use_struct unaligned_seqs.fasta > alignment.fasta
./opal --use_struct --in unaligned_seqs.fasta --out alignment.fasta
Opal can output an estimated accuracy value using Facet (short for the feature based accuracy estimator, see To enable this functionality you first need to have a working version of psipred as described in the first 3 steps in the section above (entitled "Alignment based on psipred-predicted protein structure"). You can then inform Opal to produce a Facet score using the "--facet" argument.
./opal --facet unaligned_seqs.fasta > alignment.fasta
./opal --facet --in unaligned_seqs.fasta --out alignment.fasta
in both cases the facet score will be printed to standard error.
Opal can natively preform global parameter advising using Facet (see To enable this functionality you first need to have a working version of psipred as described in the first steps in the section above (entitled "Alignment based on psipred-predicted protein structure"). Enable global parameter advising by giving Opal a local realignment advising set using the argument: "--advising_configuration_file"
./opal --advising_configuration_file configuration.set
--in unaligned_seqs.fasta --out alignment.fasta
Advising sets can be found on the facet website
Enable adaptive local realignment by giving Opal a local realignment advising set using the argument: "--realignment_configuration_file"
For example to use adaptive local realignment using the default parameter choices to produce the initial alignment use the following command:
./opal --realignment_configuration_file configuration.set
--in unaligned_seqs.fasta --out alignment.fasta
To combine adaptive local realignment with global parameter advising either use the combined "--configureation_file" argument:
./opal --configuration_file configuration.set
--in unaligned_seqs.fasta --out alignment.fasta
./opal --realignment_configuration_file configuration.set
--advising_configuration_file configuration.set
--in unaligned_seqs.fasta --out alignment.fasta
to specify seperate global and local advising set.
Advising sets can be found on the facet website
If you wish to bypass the shell script, you can run Opal.jar directly with a command like: java -server -Xmx1G -jar bin/Opal.jar unaligned_seqs.fasta > alignment.fasta
If you are using structure predictions while calling Opal in this way, you must provide a structure file of the sort produced by Suppose such a file is named; then call Opal like:
java -server -Xmx1G -jar bin/Opal.jar --structure_file file.fasta > output
Default model parameters (substituion and gap scores) were selected by the process described in Kececioglu and DeBlasio 2012.
Default DNA model parameters (substituion and gap scores) were selected by a process described in the 2007 ISMB paper. Those details specifically relate to parameters for protein sequences. A similar approach was used when choosing parameters for DNA alignment, training on BRaliBase III (