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Decentralized crowdfunding

c-darwin edited this page Dec 9, 2015 · 2 revisions
  • Crowdfunding mechanics is implemented in the core Dcoin protocol. Information about projects, backers, comments are copied to all nodes. No central servers are needed (except for photo hostings like to publish project descriptions).
  • Commission of 0.1% (paid to nodes that sign the block).
  • Absolutely any project can be published; no one can block neither project, nor wallet.
  • Description can be added in up to 10 languages.
  • If you need USD, you can only collect USD. If someone from China decides to invest 300 Yuans into your project, he’ll need to go to the currency exchange (also decentralized and inbuilt into Dcoin) and exchange Yuans into USD.
  • If a project collects the required amount, new crypto-currency is issued automatically. Coins of this currency are automatically distributed between all the backers proportionally to their investments into project. Project coins can be bought or sold freely on exchanges. Project author shall sell his product for this currency. As a result, currency is withdrawn from circulation at the moment when the project author fulfills his obligations. If a backer decides not to wait for the product completion, he can sell the coins at the exchange to those willing to wait to the finish.

Table of Contents

Adding New Product

New project launch is very simple. You just need to fill in a simple form.

Few minutes after sending to the DC-network, as soon as the transaction is added to the block, your project becomes available for financing and ready to accept coins.

Adding Project Description

It is possible to add up to 10 descriptions in different languages. Descriptions can only be added as URL images. It is necessary to shift responsibility for content from non-moderated nodes onto hosting where an image is located, as well as to save the space in the node database.

Sending Coins to the Crowdfunding Project

To finance any project you simply need to click “Finance”, which results in opening of the following form:

Financing Cancellation

If you changed your mind, you can get your coins back before the project is completed. You simply need to click “cancel” in the list of operations under your account.

Project Deletion

Before fundraising is completed, you may delete your project. In this case all funds will be returned to backers.

Changing Project Category

Project category can be changed at any time.


Comments can only be posted by those who financed the project, or by the project author. It is impossible to delete comments.

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