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Miguel is a simple styleguide generator for Next.js.

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Styleguide generator for

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Why Miguel?

Miguel is a simple styleguide generator for Next.js.

  • Uses Next.js pages directory to create a styleguide that is embedded in your application.
  • (Almost) no config required, components are always up to date with your live application.
  • It's simple, dead simple. A title, description and a component, that's it.
  • App context? Router dependencies? Something else? Still works.
  • Miguel is easy to integrate with your (external) design system.

No setbacks or frustrated keyboard smashing. If it works in your Next app, it works in Miguel.

Getting started


To get started, add Miguel to your project with yarn or npm.

yarn add next-miguel
npm install next-miguel

Adding Miguel to your build

Add Miguel to your next.config.js. See options below.

const withMiguel = require("next-miguel");

module.exports = withMiguel({
  miguel: {
    extension: ".example.js",  // Extension of your example files
    gitignore: true,  // Add styleguide to gitignore
    page: "miguel",  // Render page at 'pages/miguel.js'
    watchIgnore: [],  // Add files or directies that should not be watched
    watch: true, // Watch for changes files while developing

And for production add it to your build step as well:

"build": "next-miguel && next build"

Creating your first example

To create a Miguel example create a file named: [componentname].example.js. Use the Example component included in Miguel to document your component.

import { Example } from "next-miguel/components";
import { Contact } from "./Contact";

export const ContactExample = ({ id }) => (
  <Example title="Contact" description="Here is my contact component" id={id}>
      email="[email protected]"

Generate the Miguel styleguide

Run your local next server (next) and navigate to /miguel to see the result. By default, Miguel finds all *.examples.js files in your project and generates examples for them. The styleguide is created at /pages/miguel.js

Multiple Examples

To create multiple Miguel examples you can add multiple named exports to the same file. Use the Example component included in Miguel to document your component.

import { Example } from "next-miguel/components";
import { Contact } from "./Contact";

export const ContactExampleA = ({ id }) => (
  <Example title="Contact A" description="Here is my contact component in form A" id={id}>
      email="[email protected]"

export const ContactExampleB = ({ id }) => (
  <Example title="Contact B" description="Here is my contact component in form B" id={id}>
      title="The brother of Miguel"
      email="[email protected]"

Including in other tools

The name of the export used in the Example component is mapped to a component that can be accessed by a query string. So the following example renders the component on /miguel?id=HelloWorld.

You can iframe this component in other tools like lasagna or zeroheight. When included in other source, the examples use iframe-resizer to make them responsive in iframes.

import { Example } from "next-miguel/components";

export const HelloWorld = () => (
  <Example title="Hello" description="world">
    <div>Hello world</div>

To add a link to the example on the miguel page add an id to the example component.

import { Example } from "next-miguel/components";

export const HelloWorld = ({ id }) => (
  <Example title="Hello" description="world" id={id}>
    <div>Hello world</div>


Options are passed in the next config under the miguel key. When an option is ommited, the default value is used.

module.exports = withMiguel({
  miguel: {
    extension: ".example.js",
    page: "miguel",


The extension to look for. These files contain your examples that are generated in the styleguide. Defaults to .example.js.

miguel: {
  extension: '.example.js',


Should the generated page automatically be added to the .gitignore? Defaults to true.

miguel: {
  ignore: true,


The page the styleguide is rendered to. This value is automatically created at /pages/[page].js so that next builds it as a page. Defaults to 'miguel'.

miguel: {
  page: 'miguel',


Should miguel watch for file changes while developing? Defaults to true.

miguel: {
  watch: true,


An array of directories (or files) to ignore in the watch function. This prevents a styleguide build when files change in that directory. Defaults to [].

miguel: {
  ignore: [],

The files or directories you add to the ignore are added to a list of default ignored directories. These do not have to be added to the ignore.

const defaultIgnore = [