This is my Emacs configuration file. I’ve started a long time ago and
I still making it changes from time to time. There are some things
that work well, and others that don’t even work (sorry :P). But, the
main idea of this file is to have a working, configured Emacs by just
cloning the repository and let the init.el
do its work. No extra
configuration or package download is required to make it work (or, at
least, that’s the objective).
This configuration only supports the version of Emacs I typically use, which in this case is Emacs 29.
Just clone the repository and its submodules into the .emacs.d config folder. Make sure that this folder does not previously exist or it’s empty:
git clone --recursive ~/.emacs.d
Well, that’s your problem.
I daily use a macOS laptop for work, so macOS support is provided.
The configuration supports windowed and tty-based Emacs. Emacs client is not supported.
This configuration allows to enable and disable emacs features based on its purpose. If you are gonna use it as main editor, you may start Emacs normally. However, if you’re gonna use it for editing a single file or in a remote server, the modes “spot” and “light” are provided. These modes enables or disables features so Emacs can run on a more lightweight way based on what you’re gonna do with it. The run mode can be set by setting the environment variable EMACS_RUN_MODE.
This feature is only supported in Linux and it requires dbus to be operative. It allows you to run a command to open a file directly in the already opened Emacs instance, so you can navigate through your filesystem and open files in a same Emacs instance (since Emacsclient is not supported). For using it, put the bin/ folder of this repository into your PATH and execute the command oie in your terminal with the path to the file to open.
This feature provides clipboard support to Emacs when running from terminal. Since when Emacs starts from the terminal completely disables X support, it also disables clipboard integration, which can be painful if you typically use Emacs from the terminal. Support for clipboard is provided through terminal-clip.el library. Integration in this config file allows to automatically build the native libraries required.
The theme chosen is Doom-Iosvkem.
The modeline used is powered by doom-modeline.
Line number support is provided by the display-line-numbers-mode feature. Some extra tweaks have been done for preventing glitches on the width of the line number width.
Syntax highlighting is supported through Tree-Sitter. The configuration will automatically clone and compile all the tree-sitter modules required for syntax highlighting.
LSP support is provided through Eglot. Additionally, error
highlighting is provided by FlyMake and completion by
Company. Automatic initialization of Eglot is disabled, so you’ll
need to type M-x eglot
for starting it. This is intended for
preventing starting a heavy LSP application for performing spot
changes on files not included in any project.
The following languages are supported out-of-the-box (although you’ll need to set up their own LSPs in your system before using them):
- C
- C++
- CMake
- Toml
- JavaScript
- LaTeX
- Python
- Ruby
- Rust
- Shell Scripts
- TypeScript / TSX
Git support is provided through Magit and Git-Gutter.
Project support is provided through Projectile and Treemacs.
Integration with discord is provided through Elcord, that will allow to show Emacs in your current Discord status.
Minibuffer lock is a global minor mode that allows you to focus on the minibuffer when it is opened for typing. It prevents that the minibuffer focus is lost if it is still waiting for an input, and emits acoustic and visual effects for grabbing your attention to it.
All The Icons and Nerd Icons are supported. The configuration will automatically download and install the fonts if it detects they’re missing from the system.
Action | Keybinding | Command | Notes |
Select left window | S-<left> | windmove-left | |
Select right window | S-<right> | windmove-right | |
Select window above | S-<up> | windmove-up | |
Select window below | S-<down> | windmove-down | |
Swap left window | C-S-<left> | buf-move-left | Swap the position of the current selected window with the window on the left |
Swap right window | C-S-<right> | buf-move-right | Swap the position of the current selected window with the window on the right |
Swap window above | C-S-<up> | buf-move-up | Swap the position of the current selected window with the window above |
Swap window below | C-S-<down> | buf-move-down | Swap the position of the current selected window with the window below |
Action | Keybinding | Command | Notes |
Go to the end of file | M->; C-x ]; <home> | beginning-of-buffer | |
Go to the beginning of file | M-<; C-x [; <end> | end-of-buffer | |
Go to the beginning of the current sexp | C-c [ | sp-beginning-of-sexp | |
Activate / Deactivate mark | C-SPC | set-mark-command | |
Activate and deactivate mark, at once | C-S-L | set-mark-command; set-mark-command | |
Pop mark | C-u C-SPC | ||
Pop global mark | C-x C-SPC | pop-global-mark | |
Delete line | C-k | avoc-text-utils-delete-current-line | This command differs from kill-line in that the line is not copied into the kill ring. |
Kill line | M-k | kill-line | |
Kill previous word | M-<backspace> | backward-kill-word | |
Kill word | M-<delete> | kill-word | |
Duplicate line | C-c n | avoc-text-utils-duplicate-line | Universal argument can be used to determine number of times the line will be copied. Key n can be pressed more times after the command for keeping duplicating the line |
Action | Keybinding | Command | Notes |
LSP: Rename | C-c e r ] | eglot-rename | |
LSP: Apply code actions | C-c e a | eglot-code-actions | |
Show Eldoc buffer | C-c e d | eldoc-doc-buffer | |
Open Magit | C-x v v | magit-status | |
Open auto complete | C-c SPC; C-c C-SPC | company-complete | |
Comment line | M-; | comment-line | |
Comment dwim | C-x ; | comment-dwim | |
Comment set column | C-x M-; | comment-set-column | |
Flymake goto next error | C-c f n | flymake-goto-next-error | |
Flymake goto previous error | C-c f p | flymake-goto-previous-error | |
Goto next TODO | C-c C-t n | hl-todo-next | Supported keywords: TODO, FIXME, DEBUG, GOTCHA, STUB |
Goto previous TODO | C-c C-t p | hl-todo-previous | Supported keywords: TODO, FIXME, DEBUG, GOTCHA, STUB |
List all the TODO keywords | C-c C-t o | hl-todo-occur | Supported keywords: TODO, FIXME, DEBUG, GOTCHA, STUB |
Insert TODO keyword | C-c C-t i | hl-todo-insert | Supported keywords: TODO, FIXME, DEBUG, GOTCHA, STUB |
Find references | M-. | xref-find-references | |
XRef go back | M-, | xref-go-back | |
Goto next git modified hunk | C-x v n | git-gutter:next-hunk | |
Goto previous git modified hunk | C-x v p | git-gutter:previous-hunk | |
Go to the end of the current sexp | C-c ] | sp-end-of-sexp | |
Go to the beginning of the next sexp | C-c { | sp-beginning-of-next-sexp | |
Go to the beginning of the previous sexp | C-c } | sp-beginning-of-previous-sexp | |
Unwrap current sexp | C-c M-{ | sp-unwrap-sexp | |
Unwrap previous sexp | C-c M-} | sp-backward-unwrap-sexp |
Action | Keybinding | Command | Notes |
Add project to Treemacs current worksplace | C-x p a | treemacs-add-project | |
Open project file | C-x p p | helm-projectile | |
Switch project | C-x p P | helm-projectile-switch-project | |
Kill non-project buffers | C-x p M-k | projectile-kill-non-project-buffers | |
Toggle Treemacs open | <f8> | treemacs | |
Find current file in Treemacs | C-c t l | treemacs-find-file | |
[Treemacs] Remove project from worksplace | C-c C-p d | treemacs-remove-project-from-worksplace | |
[Treemacs] New file | c f | treemacs-create-file | |
[Treemacs] New folder | c d | treemacs-create-dir | |
[Treemacs] Rename file | R | treemacs-rename-file | |
[Treemacs] Expand/Collapse node | TAB | treemacs-TAB-action | |
[Treemacs] Open file with vertical split | o v | treemacs-visit-node-vertical-split | |
[Treemacs] Open file with horizontal split | o h | treemacs-visit-node-horizontal-split |
Action | Keybinding | Command | Notes |
Kill all buffers | C-x C-k | clean-buffers | |
Profiler start | C-x & , | profiler-start | |
Profiler stop & report | C-x & . | profiler-stop; profiler-report | |
Open terminal | C-x t | multi-term-dedicated-open |