Video Demo: video.mp4
Thoughtcards is a basic cmd reimplementation of Memorado.
It supports card and deck creation, renaming and deletion.
On the start of the application, a Dialog window appears. It tells the user about the many options the user has to use this application.
After the creation of the database with the included bash script, the user can start the application with python
The Dialog window is the core of the application, which connects all the elements together. By entering a number on the screen and pressing enter, it will go to each part of the application.
The first option is "Show available decks". By selecting this option, it will go into that action. In there, you will be shown all decks and how many cards are in each of them.
If you want to do a quick action like creating a new card, going back to the dialog screen, or exiting the application, there are shortcuts for them, respectively. They are also shown on the dialog window.
But the main core loop of the application is the show card mode, which can be found under "Enter deck via name". In there, the user will be asked what deck they want to learn and in which order: forward, backwards, or random. It starts with the front of a card in the selected deck. Then the user is given time to think about the possible back side that they tried to remember. If the user wants to go further, they have to press the enter key. The answer will be shown, and the next card also.
After that, the deck is cycled through. Thoughtcards will ask, like in every other option, if the user wants to leave the app or go back to the main dialog.
If the user decides that they want to manage their decks, they can enter "Manage decks". In there, they will be prompted again to choose whether they want to create a new deck, rename an existing deck, or delete one. If the user picks one of the options, they will go through a selection process. If they want to delete one, they have to enter a security phrase to avoid deleting one accidentally. The cards from the deck will be served as free cards. More to that soon. If the user decides instead to create a new one, they will be asked which name and symbol it should have and will be asked to go back to the main dialog or exit the application. In case of renaming, they will be asked to select an existing deck, give it a new name and symbol.
Last but not least, there is a Change/Manage cards option. In there, the user will be asked in which stack cards will be listed. After a card number is entered, the user will be asked what they want to do with that card. The user can copy it to another deck, edit the front, back, or both at the same time.
At the core of the application is a sqlite database, which is scanned and converted if it comes from another application like Memerado. In there is a table for cards and one for decks. They are connected via the deck_id, which never changes for a deck. If it is deleted, the cards connected to the deck will be freed. Cards are also identified via a unique cardid. So cards can be independently moved between decks, unlike Memerado.
Thoughcards is designed to be easy to navigate and user-friendly. The menu-driven interface makes it simple for users to find their way around the application. The use of shortcuts also speeds up the process of performing common actions. Thoughtcards is a great tool for anyone looking to create digital flashcards and study more efficiently. With its ability to import data from other applications, it's also a great option for those looking to switch from another flashcard app. The application is constantly being improved, with new features and updates being added regularly.
In the future, the application will hopefully continue to be evolve and improve, with new features and updates being added regularly. Some potential future developments include the ability to add audio to cards, as well as the integration of machine learning algorithms to help users optimize their studying. With its user-friendly interface, flexibility, and constant improvement, Thoughtcards is a great tool for anyone looking to create digital flashcards and study more efficiently.