- add-ons for JQuery-UI
- JSFIDDLE demo examples: http://jsfiddle.net/masterzeroquest/k4wpp/
- Demo 2 with array structure for data option: http://jsfiddle.net/masterzeroquest/k4wpp/1/
- includes: jquery, jquery-ui, grid.js, grid.css
######JavaScript: var mygrid = $("#mygrid").grid({ maxItemsPerPage: null, data: { schema : [ { label : 'Commands', name : "commands", type : 'checkbox', onclick: null, actions: {
command1: {
label: 'Command 1',
callback: function(select_rows){}
command2: {
label: 'Command 2',
callback: function(select_rows){}
actionsMsg : 'Select a Command', // default text display for actions dropdown.
label : 'Col 1',
name : "col1",
type : 'text',
onclick: null,
height : '',
width : '',
id : true,
hidden: true,
label : 'Col 2',
name : "col2", // column name, similar structure as SQL tables column name.
type : 'text', //type can be text, checkbox, radio, image or button.
onclick: function (row){}, //bind a click callback on each row.
height : '', //height and width of the cell
width : '',
hidden: false, //if true, this column will be hidde
id : false, // flag this column as ID
filterable: true, //enable filters
tooltip : true, //enable tooltips, often use with truncate
truncate : true //truncate text with CSS ellipsis
records : [
{commands: '', col1 : 'sometext', col2 : 'some value'},
{commands: '', col1 : 'sometext2', col2 : 'some value2'},
{commands: '', col1 : 'sometext3', col2 : 'some value3'},
- includes: jquery, jquery-ui, hmenu.js, hmenu.css
######JavaScript: $('#mymenu').hmenu();
####custom options:
######JavaScript: $('#mymenu').hmenu({
width : '',
height : '',
backgroundColor: '#C0FFFF',
borderBottom : '4px solid #969696',
borderRadius : ' 5px 5px 0px 0px',
margin: '0px 0px 0px 0px',
itemsFontWeight : 'bold',
itemsFontSize : '12px',
itemsPaddingTop: '5px',
itemsPaddingBottom: '0px',
itemsPaddingLeft: '5px',
itemsPaddingRight: '5px',
activeItemColor: '#969696',
dropdownItemColor: '#616161',
dropdownItemOpacity: 1.0,
data: {
label: 'item 1',
active : true,
subItems: null,
onclick: function (){ alert('heey');},
label: 'item 2',
active : false,
onclick: function (){ alert('heey2');},
subItems: {
subitem1 :
label : 'gg',
active: false,
subItems: null,
onclick: function (){ alert('heey3');}
subitem2 :
label : 'gg2',
active: false,
subItems: null,
onclick: "http://www.google.ca"
label: 'item 3',
active : false,
subItems: null,
onclick: function (){ alert($(this).html());},
######The data option also allows to use array instead of object.
data: [
label: 'item 1',
active : true,
subItems: null,
onclick: function (){ alert('heey');},
label: 'item 2',
active : false,
onclick: function (){ alert('heey2');},
subItems: [
label : 'gg',
active: false,
subItems: null,
onclick: function (){
label : 'gg2',
active: false,
subItems: null,
onclick: "http://www.google.ca"
label: 'item 3',
active : false,
subItems: null,
onclick: function (){ alert($(this).html());},
Note that the "data" option allows you to give a JSON to populate the menu instead of writing html. If the data is not setted, the widget will look for an html body. The onclick can either take a string URL or a callback function.
- includes: jquery, jquery-ui, spoiler.js, spoiler.css
####apply default options: ######HTML:
######JavaScript: $('#myspoiler').spoiler();
####custom options: ######HTML:
######JavaScript: $('#myspoiler').spoiler({
width: 200,
padding: 10,
fontSize : 0.8,
color: "#C0FFFF",
contentTopMargin: 40,
headerWidth : 150,
buttonSize: 0.6,
toggleSpeed: 'slow',
toggleEasing: 'swing',
toggleCallback : null,
data: {header : '<b>this is header</b>', content : 'this is content'}