.NET app that controls a lighting service to show online status of Microsoft Teams
=> Current implementation for MS Teams which checks the Status by reading the local logs file.
"msteams": {
"interval": 5,
"logfile": "%appdata%\\Microsoft\\Teams\\logs.txt"
Currently, there are two services supported: Sonoff and Razer.
Details of the hardware implementation here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6895151178066579456/.
- Red light turns on for Busy.
- Green light turns on for Available.
- Both lights turn on for Do Not Disturb (Presenting). Initial idea was to blink the red light but the switch makes a noise every time it is activated so I had to give up that idea.
Use this service by stating in appsettings.json or by omitting it completely:
"lightservice": "OnlineStatusLight.Application.SonoffBasicR3Service, OnlineStatusLight.Application"
Additional config:
"sonoff": {
"red": {
"ip": ""
"green": {
"ip": ""
- Red light turns on for Busy, In a meeting and Do Not Disturb (Presenting).
- Green light turns on for Available.
- Yellow light turns on for Away
- Purple light turns on for OutOfOffice
Use this service by stating in appsettings.json:
"lightservice": "OnlineStatusLight.Application.Razer.RazerLightService, OnlineStatusLight.Application.Razer"
Additional config:
"razer": {
// true = will color the HeadSet device only. false = will color ALL Razer devices
"headsetonly": true