Small hobby project with the aim to control a LED Potion Desk Lamp from ThinkGeek, Inc. with:
- Infrared Remote Control
- Web interface / REST / websocket
- Homekit
...because the lamp was not geeky enough.
Can / Should be used as a build status lamp. Works nicely together with Jenkins Notification Plugin.
You will not find a How-To or other install instructions here. Just sample code and sample config files. Take over what you need, have fun.
- Potion Lamp (
- LED - RGB Clear (
- IR Receiver Diode - TSOP38238 (
- Infrared Remote Control (
- Python 2.7 (might work on lower / higher versions as well)
- lircd (see sparkfun.lircd.conf)
- pigpiod
- Python libraries
- twisted & autobahn (webserver)
- lirc (Remote control reader)
- pigpio (faster/hw pwm)
- Web interface
- jQuery
- spectrum
- Homekit / HAP-NodeJS plugins
- homebridge-http-rgb-bulb (see homekit.config.json)