A Python CLI library for interfacing with the Digital Shadows Portal API.
Shadowline requires a Digital Shadows Portal API key in order to function.
Shadowline can be invoked with shadowline
. It is written in Python 3.
Shadowline can be installed on Linux by running from the project root:
sudo -H pip install .
Shadowline requires the following dependencies:
Shadowline can be installed on Windows with a few additional steps, all ran from the project root.
Install C++ 14.0. This is required for pandas/numpy. It is bundled with Visual Studio, and can be found here: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/.
Upgrade pip to the latest version, and install/upgrade setuptools and wheel.
py -3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
- Install numpy and windows-curses manually.
py -3 -m pip install numpy windows-curses
- Install the project.
py -3 -m pip install .
Note: Due to incompatibilites with Windows terminals, Windows users will receive an error message regarding terminal settings. This does not interfere with the functionality of the program. For best results we recommend installing on Linux, or using the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
Shadowline uses the click
text user interface and provides contextual help from the script itself:
Usage: shadowline [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
ShadowLine: A command-line API for Digital Shadows SearchLight
--profile TEXT Name of profile to use. 'DEFAULT' if not specified.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
cve_search Lookup a CVE
databreach_list Lists the details of a specific breach
databreach_summary Retrieve a summary of databreaches
databreach_username Lists usernames impacted by a specific breach
domain_lookup Perform a DNS lookup for a domain
domain_whois Lookup the domain WHOIS information for a domain
incidents Retrieve all incidents or an incident
indicator search for an IP address as an Indicator Of Compromise
ipaddr_whois Lookup the WHOIS information for an IP address
setup_profile Setup a profile to store API credentials
threats Look up a threat record
The first thing a user should do is to setup a profile to store their API credentials. Run:
$ shadowline setup_profile
You will be prompted to enter a profile name, username and password. It is recommended that if users only have one API account with the Digital Shadows portal that they name their profile 'DEFAULT'. This is the default profile name that is used for commands, if a profile is not explicitly set.
Example usage after credentials profile is setup:
shadowline databreach_summary # uses the DEFAULT profile credentials
shadowline --profile TEST databreach_summary # uses the TEST profile credentials
Credentials profiles are stored in the user's home directory in the following location:
$ shadowline databreach_summary
Total Breaches: 18
17 breaches for domain example.com
2 breaches for domain test.com
Total Usernames: 157
156 usernames for domain example.com
1 usernames for domain test.com
Shadowline queries will return results in a summary format by default, as shown in the example above. Shadowline also supports (pretty printed) JSON and CSV output (optionally to a file). Shadowline currently does not support explicitly writing JSON to a file. If this is required, please use the --json
and --raw
flags and redirect the output to file.
$ shadowline databreach_summary --json
"breachesPerDomain": [
"count": 17,
"key": "example.com"
"count": 2,
"key": "test.com"
"totalBreaches": 18,
"totalUsernames": 157,
"usernamesPerDomain": [
"count": 156,
"key": "example.com"
"count": 1,
"key": "test.com"
$ shadowline databreach_summary --json --raw
{"totalBreaches": 18, "totalUsernames": 157, "usernamesPerDomain": [{"key": "example.com", "count": 156}, {"key": "test.com", "count": 1}], "breachesPerDomain": [{"key": "example.com", "count": 17}, {"key": "test.com", "count": 2}]}
$ shadowline databreach_summary --csv
0,18,157,"{'key': 'example.com', 'count': 156}","{'key': 'example.com', 'count': 17}"
1,18,157,"{'key': 'test.com', 'count': 1}","{'key': 'test.com', 'count': 2}"
$ shadowline databreach_summary --csv --output_file output.csv
# output is written to the specified file
The same format for choosing different types of output applies across all Shadowline commands.
A list of all data breaches that affect an organization can be displayed with the following command:
$ shadowline databreach_list
Total Breaches 1
Title Report of data leak from apollo.io
number of usernames impacted for organization 148
breach published on 2018-10-08T09:12:15.255Z
severity HIGH
breach ID 5494173
To gain more information on the breach itself, the following command can be used:
$ shadowline databreach_list --breach_id 5494173
Title Report of data leak from apollo.io
breach occurred on 2018-07-23
severity HIGH
breach ID 5494173
data classes in breach
data classes in breach EMAIL_ADDRESSES
data classes in breach EMPLOYERS
data classes in breach GEOGRAPHIC_LOCATIONS
data classes in breach JOB_TITLES
data classes in breach NAMES
data classes in breach PHONE_NUMBERS
data classes in breach SALUTATIONS
A list of all incidents in the last 6 months can be retrieved with:
$ shadowline incidents
This will provide a list of the incident IDs. More specific information can be found with...
The raw incident information can be seen with --json
or --csv