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single pass scan group virtualization #2041

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Nov 17, 2023
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single pass scan group virtualization
sortraev committed Nov 3, 2023
commit 6c280fd6463667f06ee531c1d9a1afe70daef84a
52 changes: 21 additions & 31 deletions src/Futhark/CodeGen/ImpGen/GPU/SegScan.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import Futhark.IR.GPUMem

-- The single-pass scan does not support multiple operators, so jam
-- them together here.
combineScans :: [SegBinOp GPUMem] -> SegBinOp GPUMem
combineScans ops =
combineScanOps :: [SegBinOp GPUMem] -> SegBinOp GPUMem
combineScanOps ops =
{ segBinOpComm = mconcat (map segBinOpComm ops),
segBinOpLambda = lam',
@@ -48,30 +48,18 @@ bodyHas f = any (f' . stmExp) . bodyStms
{ walkOnBody = const $ guard . not . bodyHas f

canBeSinglePass :: [SegBinOp GPUMem] -> KernelBody GPUMem -> Maybe (SegBinOp GPUMem)
canBeSinglePass ops kbody
| all ok ops,
not $ bodyHas freshArray (Body () (kernelBodyStms kbody) []) =
Just $ combineScans ops
| otherwise =
canBeSinglePass :: [SegBinOp GPUMem] -> Maybe (SegBinOp GPUMem)
canBeSinglePass scan_ops =
if all ok scan_ops
then Just $ combineScanOps scan_ops
else Nothing
ok op =
segBinOpShape op == mempty
&& all primType (lambdaReturnType (segBinOpLambda op))
&& not (bodyHas isAssert (lambdaBody (segBinOpLambda op)))
isAssert (BasicOp Assert {}) = True
isAssert _ = False
-- XXX: Currently single pass scans cannot handle construction of
-- arrays in the kernel body (#2013), because of insufficient
-- memory expansion. This can in principle be fixed.
freshArray (BasicOp Manifest {}) = True
freshArray (BasicOp Iota {}) = True
freshArray (BasicOp Replicate {}) = True
freshArray (BasicOp Scratch {}) = True
freshArray (BasicOp Concat {}) = True
freshArray (BasicOp ArrayLit {}) = True
freshArray _ = False

-- | Compile 'SegScan' instance to host-level code with calls to
-- various kernels.
@@ -82,17 +70,19 @@ compileSegScan ::
[SegBinOp GPUMem] ->
KernelBody GPUMem ->
CallKernelGen ()
compileSegScan pat lvl space scans kbody = sWhen (0 .<. n) $ do
emit $ Imp.DebugPrint "\n# SegScan" Nothing
target <- hostTarget <$> askEnv
case target of
| Just scan' <- canBeSinglePass scans kbody ->
SinglePass.compileSegScan pat lvl space scan' kbody
| Just scan' <- canBeSinglePass scans kbody ->
SinglePass.compileSegScan pat lvl space scan' kbody
_ -> TwoPass.compileSegScan pat lvl space scans kbody
emit $ Imp.DebugPrint "" Nothing
compileSegScan pat lvl space scan_ops map_kbody =
sWhen (0 .<. n) $ do
emit $ Imp.DebugPrint "\n# SegScan" Nothing
target <- hostTarget <$> askEnv

case (targetSupportsSinglePass target, canBeSinglePass scan_ops) of
(True, Just scan_ops') ->
SinglePass.compileSegScan pat lvl space scan_ops' map_kbody
_ ->
TwoPass.compileSegScan pat lvl space scan_ops map_kbody
n = product $ map pe64 $ segSpaceDims space
targetSupportsSinglePass HIP = True
targetSupportsSinglePass CUDA = True
targetSupportsSinglePass _ = False

820 changes: 422 additions & 398 deletions src/Futhark/CodeGen/ImpGen/GPU/SegScan/SinglePass.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
module Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.GPU.SegScan.SinglePass (compileSegScan) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.List (zip4)
import Data.List (zip4, zip7)
import Data.Maybe
import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpCode.GPU qualified as Imp
import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import Futhark.Util (mapAccumLM, takeLast)
import Futhark.Util.IntegralExp (IntegralExp (mod, rem), divUp, quot)
import Prelude hiding (mod, quot, rem)

xParams, yParams :: SegBinOp GPUMem -> [LParam GPUMem]
xParams scan =
take (length (segBinOpNeutral scan)) (lambdaParams (segBinOpLambda scan))
@@ -32,9 +33,9 @@ createLocalArrays ::
SubExp ->
[PrimType] ->
InKernelGen (VName, [VName], [VName], VName, [VName])
createLocalArrays (Count groupSize) m types = do
createLocalArrays (Count groupSize) chunk types = do
let groupSizeE = pe64 groupSize
workSize = pe64 m * groupSizeE
workSize = pe64 chunk * groupSizeE
prefixArraysSize =
foldl (\acc tySize -> alignTo acc tySize + tySize * groupSizeE) 0 $
map primByteSize types
@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ createLocalArrays (Count groupSize) m types = do
$ map primByteSize types

sComment "Allocate reused shared memeory" $ pure ()
sComment "Allocate reusable shared memory" $ pure ()

localMem <- sAlloc "local_mem" size (Space "local")
transposeArrayLength <- dPrimV "trans_arr_len" workSize
@@ -105,6 +106,12 @@ createLocalArrays (Count groupSize) m types = do

pure (sharedId, transposedArrays, prefixArrays, warpscan, warpExchanges)

statusX, statusA, statusP :: Num a => a
statusX = 0
statusA = 1
statusP = 2

inBlockScanLookback ::
KernelConstants ->
Imp.TExp Int64 ->
@@ -118,8 +125,8 @@ inBlockScanLookback constants arrs_full_size flag_arr arrs scan_lam = everything
let flg_param_x = Param mempty (tvVar flg_x) (MemPrim p_int8)
flg_param_y = Param mempty (tvVar flg_y) (MemPrim p_int8)
flg_y_exp = tvExp flg_y
statusP = (2 :: Imp.TExp Int8)
statusX = (0 :: Imp.TExp Int8)
statusP_e = statusP :: Imp.TExp Int8
statusX_e = statusX :: Imp.TExp Int8

dLParams (lambdaParams scan_lam)

@@ -149,7 +156,7 @@ inBlockScanLookback constants arrs_full_size flag_arr arrs scan_lam = everything

let op_to_x = do
(flg_y_exp .==. statusP .||. flg_y_exp .==. statusX)
(flg_y_exp .==. statusP_e .||. flg_y_exp .==. statusX_e)
( do
@@ -194,22 +201,23 @@ inBlockScanLookback constants arrs_full_size flag_arr arrs scan_lam = everything

readInitial p arr
| primType $ paramType p =
copyDWIM (paramName p) [] (Var arr) [DimFix ltid]
copyDWIMFix (paramName p) [] (Var arr) [ltid]
| otherwise =
copyDWIM (paramName p) [] (Var arr) [DimFix gtid]
copyDWIMFix (paramName p) [] (Var arr) [gtid]
readParam behind p arr
| primType $ paramType p =
copyDWIM (paramName p) [] (Var arr) [DimFix $ ltid - behind]
copyDWIMFix (paramName p) [] (Var arr) [ltid - behind]
| otherwise =
copyDWIM (paramName p) [] (Var arr) [DimFix $ gtid - behind + arrs_full_size]
copyDWIMFix (paramName p) [] (Var arr) [gtid - behind + arrs_full_size]

writeResult x y arr
| primType $ paramType x = do
copyDWIM arr [DimFix ltid] (Var $ paramName x) []
copyDWIMFix arr [ltid] (Var $ paramName x) []
copyDWIM (paramName y) [] (Var $ paramName x) []
| otherwise =
copyDWIM (paramName y) [] (Var $ paramName x) []

-- | Compile 'SegScan' instance to host-level code with calls to a
-- single-pass kernel.
compileSegScan ::
@@ -219,431 +227,447 @@ compileSegScan ::
SegBinOp GPUMem ->
KernelBody GPUMem ->
CallKernelGen ()
compileSegScan pat lvl space scanOp kbody = do
compileSegScan pat lvl space scan_op map_kbody = do
attrs <- lvlKernelAttrs lvl
let Pat all_pes = pat
scanOpNe = segBinOpNeutral scanOp
tys = map (\(Prim pt) -> pt) $ lambdaReturnType $ segBinOpLambda scanOp

scanop_nes = segBinOpNeutral scan_op

n = product $ map pe64 $ segSpaceDims space
sumT :: Integer
maxT :: Integer
sumT = foldl (\bytes typ -> bytes + primByteSize typ) 0 tys
primByteSize' = max 4 . primByteSize
sumT' = foldl (\bytes typ -> bytes + primByteSize' typ) 0 tys `div` 4
maxT = maximum (map primByteSize tys)
m :: (Num a) => a
m = fromIntegral $ max 1 $ min mem_constraint reg_constraint

tys = map (\(Prim pt) -> pt) $ lambdaReturnType $ segBinOpLambda scan_op
tys_sizes = map primByteSize tys

sumT, maxT :: Integer
sumT = sum tys_sizes
sumT' = (sum $ map (max 4 . primByteSize) tys) `div` 4
maxT = maximum tys_sizes

-- TODO: Make these constants dynamic by querying device
k_reg = 64
k_mem = 95

mem_constraint = max k_mem sumT `div` maxT
reg_constraint = (k_reg - 1 - sumT') `div` (2 * sumT')

group_size = kAttrGroupSize attrs
group_size' = pe64 $ unCount group_size
chunk :: (Num a) => a
chunk = fromIntegral $ max 1 $ min mem_constraint reg_constraint

num_groups <-
Count . tvSize <$> dPrimV "num_groups" (n `divUp` (group_size' * m))
let num_groups' = pe64 (unCount num_groups)
group_size_e = pe64 $ unCount $ kAttrGroupSize attrs
num_physgroups_e = pe64 $ unCount $ kAttrNumGroups attrs

num_threads <-
dPrimVE "num_threads" $ num_groups' * group_size'
num_virtgroups <-
tvSize <$> dPrimV "num_virtgroups" (n `divUp` (group_size_e * chunk))
let num_virtgroups_e = pe64 num_virtgroups

-- TODO: what is num_threads, and should it be dependent on number of physical
-- or virtual groups?
num_threads <- dPrimVE "num_threads" $ num_virtgroups_e * group_size_e

let (gtids, dims) = unzip $ unSegSpace space
dims' = map pe64 dims
segmented = length dims' > 1
not_segmented_e = if segmented then false else true
not_segmented_e = fromBool $ not segmented
segment_size = last dims'

statusX, statusA, statusP :: (Num a) => a
statusX = 0
statusA = 1
statusP = 2

emit $ Imp.DebugPrint "Sequential elements per thread (m) " $ Just $ untyped (m :: Imp.TExp Int32)
emit $ Imp.DebugPrint "Memory constraint" $ Just $ untyped (fromIntegral mem_constraint :: Imp.TExp Int32)
emit $ Imp.DebugPrint "Register constraint" $ Just $ untyped (fromIntegral reg_constraint :: Imp.TExp Int32)
emit $ Imp.DebugPrint "sumT'" $ Just $ untyped (fromIntegral sumT' :: Imp.TExp Int32)
let debug_ s v = emit $ Imp.DebugPrint s $ Just $ untyped (v :: Imp.TExp Int32)
debug_ "Sequential elements per thread (chunk) " chunk
debug_ "Memory constraint" $ fromIntegral mem_constraint
debug_ "Register constraint" $ fromIntegral reg_constraint
debug_ "sumT'" $ fromIntegral sumT'

globalId <- genZeroes "id_counter" 1
statusFlags <- sAllocArray "status_flags" int8 (Shape [unCount num_groups]) (Space "device")
statusFlags <- sAllocArray "status_flags" int8 (Shape [num_virtgroups]) (Space "device")
(aggregateArrays, incprefixArrays) <-
fmap unzip $
forM tys $ \ty ->
<$> sAllocArray "aggregates" ty (Shape [unCount num_groups]) (Space "device")
<*> sAllocArray "incprefixes" ty (Shape [unCount num_groups]) (Space "device")
<$> sAllocArray "aggregates" ty (Shape [num_virtgroups]) (Space "device")
<*> sAllocArray "incprefixes" ty (Shape [num_virtgroups]) (Space "device")

sReplicate statusFlags $ intConst Int8 statusX
global_id <- genZeroes "global_dynid" 1

sKernelThread "segscan" (segFlat space) attrs $ do

sKernelThread "segscan" (segFlat space) (defKernelAttrs num_groups group_size) $ do
constants <- kernelConstants <$> askEnv

(sharedId, transposedArrays, prefixArrays, warpscan, exchanges) <-
createLocalArrays (kAttrGroupSize attrs) (intConst Int64 m) tys

dynamicId <- dPrim "dynamic_id" int32
sWhen (kernelLocalThreadId constants .==. 0) $ do
(globalIdMem, _, globalIdOff) <- fullyIndexArray globalId [0]
sOp $
Imp.Atomic DefaultSpace $
(tvVar dynamicId)
(Count $ unCount globalIdOff)
(untyped (1 :: Imp.TExp Int32))
copyDWIMFix sharedId [0] (tvSize dynamicId) []

let localBarrier = Imp.Barrier Imp.FenceLocal
localFence = Imp.MemFence Imp.FenceLocal
globalFence = Imp.MemFence Imp.FenceGlobal

sOp localBarrier
copyDWIMFix (tvVar dynamicId) [] (Var sharedId) [0]
sOp localBarrier

blockOff <-
dPrimV "blockOff" $
sExt64 (tvExp dynamicId) * m * kernelGroupSize constants
sgmIdx <- dPrimVE "sgm_idx" $ tvExp blockOff `mod` segment_size
boundary <-
dPrimVE "boundary" $
sExt32 $
sMin64 (m * group_size') (segment_size - sgmIdx)
segsize_compact <-
dPrimVE "segsize_compact" $
sExt32 $
sMin64 (m * group_size') segment_size
privateArrays <-
forM tys $ \ty ->
(Shape [intConst Int64 m])
(ScalarSpace [intConst Int64 m] ty)

sComment "Load and map" $
sFor "i" m $ \i -> do
-- The map's input index
phys_tid <-
dPrimVE "phys_tid" $
tvExp blockOff
+ sExt64 (kernelLocalThreadId constants)
+ i * kernelGroupSize constants
dIndexSpace (zip gtids dims') phys_tid
-- Perform the map
let in_bounds =
compileStms mempty (kernelBodyStms kbody) $ do
let (all_scan_res, map_res) = splitAt (segBinOpResults [scanOp]) $ kernelBodyResult kbody

-- Write map results to their global memory destinations
forM_ (zip (takeLast (length map_res) all_pes) map_res) $ \(dest, src) ->
copyDWIMFix (patElemName dest) (map Imp.le64 gtids) (kernelResultSubExp src) []

-- Write to-scan results to private memory.
forM_ (zip privateArrays $ map kernelResultSubExp all_scan_res) $ \(dest, src) ->
copyDWIMFix dest [i] src []

out_of_bounds =
forM_ (zip privateArrays scanOpNe) $ \(dest, ne) ->
copyDWIMFix dest [i] ne []

sIf (phys_tid .<. n) in_bounds out_of_bounds

sOp $ Imp.ErrorSync Imp.FenceLocal
sComment "Transpose scan inputs" $ do
forM_ (zip transposedArrays privateArrays) $ \(trans, priv) -> do
sFor "i" m $ \i -> do
sharedIdx <-
dPrimVE "sharedIdx" $
sExt64 (kernelLocalThreadId constants)
-- TODO: we would use virtualiseGroups instead of the below couple of lines,
-- but it adds a redundant barrier. why?
physgroup_id <- dPrim "physgroup_id" int32
sOp $ Imp.GetGroupId (tvVar physgroup_id) 0
iters <- dPrimVE "virtloop_bound" $ (num_virtgroups_e - tvExp physgroup_id)
`divUp` num_physgroups_e
sFor "virtloop_i" iters $ const $ do

(sharedId, transposedArrays, prefixArrays, warpscan, exchanges) <-
createLocalArrays (kAttrGroupSize attrs) (intConst Int64 chunk) tys

dyn_id <- dPrim "dynamic_id" int32
sComment "First thread in block fetches this block's dynamic_id" $ do
sWhen (kernelLocalThreadId constants .==. 0) $ do
(globalIdMem, _, globalIdOff) <- fullyIndexArray global_id [0]
sOp $ Imp.Atomic DefaultSpace $
(tvVar dyn_id)
(Count $ unCount globalIdOff)
(untyped (1 :: Imp.TExp Int32))
sComment "Set dynamic id and reset status flag for this block" $ do
copyDWIMFix sharedId [0] (tvSize dyn_id) []
copyDWIMFix statusFlags [tvExp dyn_id] (intConst Int8 statusX) []

sComment "First thread in last (virtual) block resets global dynamic_id" $ do
sWhen (tvExp dyn_id .==. num_virtgroups_e - 1) $
copyDWIMFix global_id [0] (intConst Int32 0) []

let local_barrier = Imp.Barrier Imp.FenceLocal
local_fence = Imp.MemFence Imp.FenceLocal
global_fence = Imp.MemFence Imp.FenceGlobal

sOp local_barrier
copyDWIMFix (tvVar dyn_id) [] (Var sharedId) [0]
sOp local_barrier -- TODO: necessary? don't think so, but ignore it for now.

blockOff <-
dPrimV "blockOff" $
sExt64 (tvExp dyn_id) * chunk * group_size_e -- kernelGroupSize constants
sgmIdx <- dPrimVE "sgm_idx" $ tvExp blockOff `mod` segment_size
boundary <-
dPrimVE "boundary" $
sExt32 $
sMin64 (chunk * group_size_e) (segment_size - sgmIdx)
segsize_compact <-
dPrimVE "segsize_compact" $
sExt32 $
sMin64 (chunk * group_size_e) segment_size
privateArrays <-
forM tys $ \ty ->
(Shape [intConst Int64 chunk])
(ScalarSpace [intConst Int64 chunk] ty)

sComment "Load and map" $
sFor "i" chunk $ \i -> do
-- The map's input index
phys_tid <-
dPrimVE "phys_tid" $
tvExp blockOff
+ sExt64 (kernelLocalThreadId constants)
+ i * kernelGroupSize constants
copyDWIMFix trans [sharedIdx] (Var priv) [i]
sOp localBarrier
sFor "i" m $ \i -> do
sharedIdx <- dPrimV "sharedIdx" $ kernelLocalThreadId constants * m + i
copyDWIMFix priv [sExt64 i] (Var trans) [sExt64 $ tvExp sharedIdx]
sOp localBarrier

sComment "Per thread scan" $ do
-- We don't need to touch the first element, so only m-1
-- iterations here.
globalIdx <-
dPrimVE "gidx" $
(kernelLocalThreadId constants * m) + 1
sFor "i" (m - 1) $ \i -> do
let xs = map paramName $ xParams scanOp
ys = map paramName $ yParams scanOp
-- determine if start of segment
new_sgm <-
if segmented
then dPrimVE "new_sgm" $ (globalIdx + sExt32 i - boundary) `mod` segsize_compact .==. 0
else pure false
-- skip scan of first element in segment
sUnless new_sgm $ do
forM_ (zip privateArrays $ zip3 xs ys tys) $ \(src, (x, y, ty)) -> do
dPrim_ x ty
dPrim_ y ty
copyDWIMFix x [] (Var src) [i]
copyDWIMFix y [] (Var src) [i + 1]

compileStms mempty (bodyStms $ lambdaBody $ segBinOpLambda scanOp) $
forM_ (zip privateArrays $ map resSubExp $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody $ segBinOpLambda scanOp) $ \(dest, res) ->
copyDWIMFix dest [i + 1] res []

sComment "Publish results in shared memory" $ do
forM_ (zip prefixArrays privateArrays) $ \(dest, src) ->
copyDWIMFix dest [sExt64 $ kernelLocalThreadId constants] (Var src) [m - 1]
sOp localBarrier

let crossesSegment = do
guard segmented
Just $ \from to ->
let from' = (from + 1) * m - 1
to' = (to + 1) * m - 1
in (to' - from') .>. (to' + segsize_compact - boundary) `mod` segsize_compact

scanOp' <- renameLambda $ segBinOpLambda scanOp

accs <- mapM (dPrim "acc") tys
sComment "Scan results (with warp scan)" $ do
(kernelGroupSize constants)
dIndexSpace (zip gtids dims') phys_tid
-- Perform the map
let in_bounds =
compileStms mempty (kernelBodyStms map_kbody) $ do
let (all_scan_res, map_res) =
splitAt (segBinOpResults [scan_op]) $ kernelBodyResult map_kbody

-- Write map results to their global memory destinations
forM_ (zip (takeLast (length map_res) all_pes) map_res) $ \(dest, src) ->
copyDWIMFix (patElemName dest) (map Imp.le64 gtids) (kernelResultSubExp src) []

-- Write to-scan results to private memory.
forM_ (zip privateArrays $ map kernelResultSubExp all_scan_res) $ \(dest, src) ->
copyDWIMFix dest [i] src []

out_of_bounds =
forM_ (zip privateArrays scanop_nes) $ \(dest, ne) ->
copyDWIMFix dest [i] ne []

sIf (phys_tid .<. n) in_bounds out_of_bounds

sOp $ Imp.ErrorSync Imp.FenceLocal
sComment "Transpose scan inputs" $ do
forM_ (zip transposedArrays privateArrays) $ \(trans, priv) -> do
sFor "i" chunk $ \i -> do
sharedIdx <-
dPrimVE "sharedIdx" $
sExt64 (kernelLocalThreadId constants)
+ i * kernelGroupSize constants
copyDWIMFix trans [sharedIdx] (Var priv) [i]
sOp local_barrier
sFor "i" chunk $ \i -> do
sharedIdx <- dPrimV "sharedIdx" $ kernelLocalThreadId constants * chunk + i
copyDWIMFix priv [sExt64 i] (Var trans) [sExt64 $ tvExp sharedIdx]
sOp local_barrier

sComment "Per thread scan" $ do
-- We don't need to touch the first element, so only m-1
-- iterations here.
globalIdx <-
dPrimVE "gidx" $
(kernelLocalThreadId constants * chunk) + 1
sFor "i" (chunk - 1) $ \i -> do
let xs = map paramName $ xParams scan_op
ys = map paramName $ yParams scan_op
-- determine if start of segment
new_sgm <-
if segmented
then dPrimVE "new_sgm" $ (globalIdx + sExt32 i - boundary) `mod` segsize_compact .==. 0
else pure false
-- skip scan of first element in segment
sUnless new_sgm $ do
forM_ (zip4 privateArrays xs ys tys) $ \(src, x, y, ty) -> do
dPrim_ x ty
dPrim_ y ty
copyDWIMFix x [] (Var src) [i]
copyDWIMFix y [] (Var src) [i + 1]

compileStms mempty (bodyStms $ lambdaBody $ segBinOpLambda scan_op) $
forM_ (zip privateArrays $ map resSubExp $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody $ segBinOpLambda scan_op) $ \(dest, res) ->
copyDWIMFix dest [i + 1] res []

sComment "Publish results in shared memory" $ do
forM_ (zip prefixArrays privateArrays) $ \(dest, src) ->
copyDWIMFix dest [sExt64 $ kernelLocalThreadId constants] (Var src) [chunk - 1]
sOp local_barrier

let crossesSegment = do
guard segmented
Just $ \from to ->
let from' = (from + 1) * chunk - 1
to' = (to + 1) * chunk - 1
in (to' - from') .>. (to' + segsize_compact - boundary) `mod` segsize_compact

scan_op1 <- renameLambda $ segBinOpLambda scan_op

accs <- mapM (dPrim "acc") tys
sComment "Scan results (with warp scan)" $ do
(kernelGroupSize constants)

sOp $ Imp.ErrorSync Imp.FenceLocal

let firstThread acc prefixes =
copyDWIMFix (tvVar acc) [] (Var prefixes) [sExt64 (kernelGroupSize constants) - 1]
notFirstThread acc prefixes =
copyDWIMFix (tvVar acc) [] (Var prefixes) [sExt64 (kernelLocalThreadId constants) - 1]
(kernelLocalThreadId constants .==. 0)
(zipWithM_ firstThread accs prefixArrays)
(zipWithM_ notFirstThread accs prefixArrays)

let firstThread acc prefixes =
copyDWIMFix (tvVar acc) [] (Var prefixes) [sExt64 (kernelGroupSize constants) - 1]
notFirstThread acc prefixes =
copyDWIMFix (tvVar acc) [] (Var prefixes) [sExt64 (kernelLocalThreadId constants) - 1]
(kernelLocalThreadId constants .==. 0)
(zipWithM_ firstThread accs prefixArrays)
(zipWithM_ notFirstThread accs prefixArrays)

sOp localBarrier

prefixes <- forM (zip scanOpNe tys) $ \(ne, ty) ->
dPrimV "prefix" $ TPrimExp $ toExp' ty ne
blockNewSgm <- dPrimVE "block_new_sgm" $ sgmIdx .==. 0
sComment "Perform lookback" $ do
sWhen (blockNewSgm .&&. kernelLocalThreadId constants .==. 0) $ do
everythingVolatile $
forM_ (zip accs incprefixArrays) $ \(acc, incprefixArray) ->
copyDWIMFix incprefixArray [tvExp dynamicId] (tvSize acc) []
sOp globalFence
everythingVolatile $
copyDWIMFix statusFlags [tvExp dynamicId] (intConst Int8 statusP) []
forM_ (zip scanOpNe accs) $ \(ne, acc) ->
copyDWIMFix (tvVar acc) [] ne []
-- end sWhen
sOp local_barrier

prefixes <- forM (zip scanop_nes tys) $ \(ne, ty) ->
dPrimV "prefix" $ TPrimExp $ toExp' ty ne
blockNewSgm <- dPrimVE "block_new_sgm" $ sgmIdx .==. 0
sComment "Perform lookback" $ do
sWhen (blockNewSgm .&&. kernelLocalThreadId constants .==. 0) $ do
everythingVolatile $
forM_ (zip accs incprefixArrays) $ \(acc, incprefixArray) ->
copyDWIMFix incprefixArray [tvExp dyn_id] (tvSize acc) []
sOp global_fence
everythingVolatile $
copyDWIMFix statusFlags [tvExp dyn_id] (intConst Int8 statusP) []
forM_ (zip scanop_nes accs) $ \(ne, acc) ->
copyDWIMFix (tvVar acc) [] ne []
-- end sWhen

let warpSize = kernelWaveSize constants
sWhen (bNot blockNewSgm .&&. kernelLocalThreadId constants .<. warpSize) $ do
sWhen (kernelLocalThreadId constants .==. 0) $ do
(not_segmented_e .||. boundary .==. sExt32 (group_size_e * chunk))
( do
everythingVolatile $
forM_ (zip aggregateArrays accs) $ \(aggregateArray, acc) ->
copyDWIMFix aggregateArray [tvExp dyn_id] (tvSize acc) []
sOp global_fence
everythingVolatile $
copyDWIMFix statusFlags [tvExp dyn_id] (intConst Int8 statusA) []
( do
everythingVolatile $
forM_ (zip incprefixArrays accs) $ \(incprefixArray, acc) ->
copyDWIMFix incprefixArray [tvExp dyn_id] (tvSize acc) []
sOp global_fence
everythingVolatile $
copyDWIMFix statusFlags [tvExp dyn_id] (intConst Int8 statusP) []
everythingVolatile $
copyDWIMFix warpscan [0] (Var statusFlags) [tvExp dyn_id - 1]
-- sWhen
sOp local_fence

status <- dPrim "status" int8 :: InKernelGen (TV Int8)
copyDWIMFix (tvVar status) [] (Var warpscan) [0]

let warpSize = kernelWaveSize constants
sWhen (bNot blockNewSgm .&&. kernelLocalThreadId constants .<. warpSize) $ do
sWhen (kernelLocalThreadId constants .==. 0) $ do
(not_segmented_e .||. boundary .==. sExt32 (group_size' * m))
( do
everythingVolatile $
forM_ (zip aggregateArrays accs) $ \(aggregateArray, acc) ->
copyDWIMFix aggregateArray [tvExp dynamicId] (tvSize acc) []
sOp globalFence
(tvExp status .==. statusP)
( sWhen (kernelLocalThreadId constants .==. 0) $
everythingVolatile $
copyDWIMFix statusFlags [tvExp dynamicId] (intConst Int8 statusA) []
forM_ (zip prefixes incprefixArrays) $ \(prefix, incprefixArray) ->
copyDWIMFix (tvVar prefix) [] (Var incprefixArray) [tvExp dyn_id - 1]
( do
everythingVolatile $
forM_ (zip incprefixArrays accs) $ \(incprefixArray, acc) ->
copyDWIMFix incprefixArray [tvExp dynamicId] (tvSize acc) []
sOp globalFence
everythingVolatile $
copyDWIMFix statusFlags [tvExp dynamicId] (intConst Int8 statusP) []
everythingVolatile $
copyDWIMFix warpscan [0] (Var statusFlags) [tvExp dynamicId - 1]
-- sWhen
sOp localFence

status <- dPrim "status" int8 :: InKernelGen (TV Int8)
copyDWIMFix (tvVar status) [] (Var warpscan) [0]

(tvExp status .==. statusP)
( sWhen (kernelLocalThreadId constants .==. 0) $
everythingVolatile $
forM_ (zip prefixes incprefixArrays) $ \(prefix, incprefixArray) ->
copyDWIMFix (tvVar prefix) [] (Var incprefixArray) [tvExp dynamicId - 1]
( do
readOffset <-
dPrimV "readOffset" $
sExt32 $
tvExp dynamicId - sExt64 (kernelWaveSize constants)
let loopStop = warpSize * (-1)
sameSegment readIdx
| segmented =
let startIdx = sExt64 (tvExp readIdx + 1) * kernelGroupSize constants * m - 1
in tvExp blockOff - startIdx .<=. sgmIdx
| otherwise = true
sWhile (tvExp readOffset .>. loopStop) $ do
readI <- dPrimV "read_i" $ tvExp readOffset + kernelLocalThreadId constants
aggrs <- forM (zip scanOpNe tys) $ \(ne, ty) ->
dPrimV "aggr" $ TPrimExp $ toExp' ty ne
flag <- dPrimV "flag" (statusX :: Imp.TExp Int8)
everythingVolatile . sWhen (tvExp readI .>=. 0) $ do
readOffset <-
dPrimV "readOffset" $
sExt32 $
tvExp dyn_id - sExt64 (kernelWaveSize constants)
let loopStop = warpSize * (-1)
sameSegment readIdx
| segmented =
let startIdx = sExt64 (tvExp readIdx + 1) * kernelGroupSize constants * chunk - 1
in tvExp blockOff - startIdx .<=. sgmIdx
| otherwise = true
sWhile (tvExp readOffset .>. loopStop) $ do
readI <- dPrimV "read_i" $ tvExp readOffset + kernelLocalThreadId constants
aggrs <- forM (zip scanop_nes tys) $ \(ne, ty) ->
dPrimV "aggr" $ TPrimExp $ toExp' ty ne
flag <- dPrimV "flag" (statusX :: Imp.TExp Int8)
everythingVolatile . sWhen (tvExp readI .>=. 0) $ do
(sameSegment readI)
( do
copyDWIMFix (tvVar flag) [] (Var statusFlags) [sExt64 $ tvExp readI]
(tvExp flag .==. statusP)
( forM_ (zip incprefixArrays aggrs) $ \(incprefix, aggr) ->
copyDWIMFix (tvVar aggr) [] (Var incprefix) [sExt64 $ tvExp readI]
( sWhen (tvExp flag .==. statusA) $ do
forM_ (zip aggrs aggregateArrays) $ \(aggr, aggregate) ->
copyDWIMFix (tvVar aggr) [] (Var aggregate) [sExt64 $ tvExp readI]
(copyDWIMFix (tvVar flag) [] (intConst Int8 statusP) [])
-- end sIf
-- end sWhen

forM_ (zip exchanges aggrs) $ \(exchange, aggr) ->
copyDWIMFix exchange [sExt64 $ kernelLocalThreadId constants] (tvSize aggr) []
copyDWIMFix warpscan [sExt64 $ kernelLocalThreadId constants] (tvSize flag) []

-- execute warp-parallel reduction but only if the last read flag in not STATUS_P
copyDWIMFix (tvVar flag) [] (Var warpscan) [sExt64 warpSize - 1]
sWhen (tvExp flag .<. (2 :: Imp.TExp Int8)) $ do
lam' <- renameLambda scan_op1

-- all threads of the warp read the result of reduction
copyDWIMFix (tvVar flag) [] (Var warpscan) [sExt64 warpSize - 1]
forM_ (zip aggrs exchanges) $ \(aggr, exchange) ->
copyDWIMFix (tvVar aggr) [] (Var exchange) [sExt64 warpSize - 1]
-- update read offset
(sameSegment readI)
( do
copyDWIMFix (tvVar flag) [] (Var statusFlags) [sExt64 $ tvExp readI]
(tvExp flag .==. statusP)
( forM_ (zip incprefixArrays aggrs) $ \(incprefix, aggr) ->
copyDWIMFix (tvVar aggr) [] (Var incprefix) [sExt64 $ tvExp readI]
( sWhen (tvExp flag .==. statusA) $ do
forM_ (zip aggrs aggregateArrays) $ \(aggr, aggregate) ->
copyDWIMFix (tvVar aggr) [] (Var aggregate) [sExt64 $ tvExp readI]
(tvExp flag .==. statusP)
(readOffset <-- loopStop)
( sWhen (tvExp flag .==. statusA) $ do
readOffset <-- tvExp readOffset - zExt32 warpSize
(copyDWIMFix (tvVar flag) [] (intConst Int8 statusP) [])
-- end sIf
-- end sWhen

forM_ (zip exchanges aggrs) $ \(exchange, aggr) ->
copyDWIMFix exchange [sExt64 $ kernelLocalThreadId constants] (tvSize aggr) []
copyDWIMFix warpscan [sExt64 $ kernelLocalThreadId constants] (tvSize flag) []

-- execute warp-parallel reduction but only if the last read flag in not STATUS_P
copyDWIMFix (tvVar flag) [] (Var warpscan) [sExt64 warpSize - 1]
sWhen (tvExp flag .<. (2 :: Imp.TExp Int8)) $ do
lam' <- renameLambda scanOp'

-- all threads of the warp read the result of reduction
copyDWIMFix (tvVar flag) [] (Var warpscan) [sExt64 warpSize - 1]
forM_ (zip aggrs exchanges) $ \(aggr, exchange) ->
copyDWIMFix (tvVar aggr) [] (Var exchange) [sExt64 warpSize - 1]
-- update read offset
(tvExp flag .==. statusP)
(readOffset <-- loopStop)
( sWhen (tvExp flag .==. statusA) $ do
readOffset <-- tvExp readOffset - zExt32 warpSize

-- update prefix if flag different than STATUS_X:
sWhen (tvExp flag .>. (statusX :: Imp.TExp Int8)) $ do
lam <- renameLambda scanOp'
let (xs, ys) = splitAt (length tys) $ map paramName $ lambdaParams lam
forM_ (zip xs aggrs) $ \(x, aggr) -> dPrimV_ x (tvExp aggr)
forM_ (zip ys prefixes) $ \(y, prefix) -> dPrimV_ y (tvExp prefix)
compileStms mempty (bodyStms $ lambdaBody lam) $
forM_ (zip3 prefixes tys $ map resSubExp $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody lam) $
\(prefix, ty, res) -> prefix <-- TPrimExp (toExp' ty res)
sOp localFence

-- end sWhile
-- end sIf
sWhen (kernelLocalThreadId constants .==. 0) $ do
scanOp'''' <- renameLambda scanOp'
let xs = map paramName $ take (length tys) $ lambdaParams scanOp''''
ys = map paramName $ drop (length tys) $ lambdaParams scanOp''''
sWhen (boundary .==. sExt32 (group_size' * m)) $ do
forM_ (zip xs prefixes) $ \(x, prefix) -> dPrimV_ x $ tvExp prefix
forM_ (zip ys accs) $ \(y, acc) -> dPrimV_ y $ tvExp acc
compileStms mempty (bodyStms $ lambdaBody scanOp'''') $
everythingVolatile $
forM_ (zip incprefixArrays $ map resSubExp $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody scanOp'''') $
\(incprefixArray, res) -> copyDWIMFix incprefixArray [tvExp dynamicId] res []
sOp globalFence
everythingVolatile $ copyDWIMFix statusFlags [tvExp dynamicId] (intConst Int8 statusP) []
-- update prefix if flag different than STATUS_X:
sWhen (tvExp flag .>. (statusX :: Imp.TExp Int8)) $ do
lam <- renameLambda scan_op1
let (xs, ys) = splitAt (length tys) $ map paramName $ lambdaParams lam
forM_ (zip xs aggrs) $ \(x, aggr) -> dPrimV_ x (tvExp aggr)
forM_ (zip ys prefixes) $ \(y, prefix) -> dPrimV_ y (tvExp prefix)
compileStms mempty (bodyStms $ lambdaBody lam) $
forM_ (zip3 prefixes tys $ map resSubExp $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody lam) $
\(prefix, ty, res) -> prefix <-- TPrimExp (toExp' ty res)
sOp local_fence

-- end sWhile
-- end sIf
sWhen (kernelLocalThreadId constants .==. 0) $ do
scan_op2 <- renameLambda scan_op1
let xs = map paramName $ take (length tys) $ lambdaParams scan_op2
ys = map paramName $ drop (length tys) $ lambdaParams scan_op2
sWhen (boundary .==. sExt32 (group_size_e * chunk)) $ do
forM_ (zip xs prefixes) $ \(x, prefix) -> dPrimV_ x $ tvExp prefix
forM_ (zip ys accs) $ \(y, acc) -> dPrimV_ y $ tvExp acc
compileStms mempty (bodyStms $ lambdaBody scan_op2) $
everythingVolatile $
forM_ (zip incprefixArrays $ map resSubExp $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody scan_op2) $
\(incprefixArray, res) -> copyDWIMFix incprefixArray [tvExp dyn_id] res []
sOp global_fence
everythingVolatile $ copyDWIMFix statusFlags [tvExp dyn_id] (intConst Int8 statusP) []
forM_ (zip exchanges prefixes) $ \(exchange, prefix) ->
copyDWIMFix exchange [0] (tvSize prefix) []
forM_ (zip3 accs tys scanop_nes) $ \(acc, ty, ne) ->
tvVar acc <~~ toExp' ty ne
-- end sWhen
-- end sWhen

sWhen (bNot $ tvExp dyn_id .==. 0) $ do
sOp local_barrier
forM_ (zip exchanges prefixes) $ \(exchange, prefix) ->
copyDWIMFix exchange [0] (tvSize prefix) []
forM_ (zip3 accs tys scanOpNe) $ \(acc, ty, ne) ->
tvVar acc <~~ toExp' ty ne
-- end sWhen
copyDWIMFix (tvVar prefix) [] (Var exchange) [0]
sOp local_barrier
-- end sWhen
-- end sComment

scan_op3 <- renameLambda scan_op1
scan_op4 <- renameLambda scan_op1

sComment "Distribute results" $ do
let (xs, ys) = splitAt (length tys) $ map paramName $ lambdaParams scan_op3
(xs', ys') = splitAt (length tys) $ map paramName $ lambdaParams scan_op4

forM_ (zip7 prefixes accs xs xs' ys ys' tys) $
\(prefix, acc, x, x', y, y', ty) -> do
dPrim_ x ty
dPrim_ y ty
dPrimV_ x' $ tvExp prefix
dPrimV_ y' $ tvExp acc

(kernelLocalThreadId constants * chunk .<. boundary .&&. bNot blockNewSgm)
( compileStms mempty (bodyStms $ lambdaBody scan_op4) $
forM_ (zip3 xs tys $ map resSubExp $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody scan_op4) $
\(x, ty, res) -> x <~~ toExp' ty res
(forM_ (zip xs accs) $ \(x, acc) -> copyDWIMFix x [] (Var $ tvVar acc) [])
-- calculate where previous thread stopped, to determine number of
-- elements left before new segment.
stop <-
dPrimVE "stopping_point" $
segsize_compact - (kernelLocalThreadId constants * chunk - 1 + segsize_compact - boundary) `rem` segsize_compact
sFor "i" chunk $ \i -> do
sWhen (sExt32 i .<. stop - 1) $ do
forM_ (zip privateArrays ys) $ \(src, y) ->
-- only include prefix for the first segment part per thread
copyDWIMFix y [] (Var src) [i]
compileStms mempty (bodyStms $ lambdaBody scan_op3) $
forM_ (zip privateArrays $ map resSubExp $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody scan_op3) $
\(dest, res) ->
copyDWIMFix dest [i] res []

sComment "Transpose scan output and Write it to global memory in coalesced fashion" $ do
forM_ (zip3 transposedArrays privateArrays $ map patElemName all_pes) $ \(locmem, priv, dest) -> do
-- sOp local_barrier
sFor "i" chunk $ \i -> do
sharedIdx <-
dPrimV "sharedIdx" $
sExt64 (kernelLocalThreadId constants * chunk) + i
copyDWIMFix locmem [tvExp sharedIdx] (Var priv) [i]
sOp local_barrier
sFor "i" chunk $ \i -> do
flat_idx <-
dPrimVE "flat_idx" $
tvExp blockOff
+ kernelGroupSize constants * i
+ sExt64 (kernelLocalThreadId constants)
dIndexSpace (zip gtids dims') flat_idx
sWhen (flat_idx .<. n) $ do
(map Imp.le64 gtids)
(Var locmem)
[sExt64 $ flat_idx - tvExp blockOff]
sOp local_barrier

sWhen (bNot $ tvExp dynamicId .==. 0) $ do
sOp localBarrier
forM_ (zip exchanges prefixes) $ \(exchange, prefix) ->
copyDWIMFix (tvVar prefix) [] (Var exchange) [0]
sOp localBarrier
-- end sWhen
-- end sComment

scanOp''''' <- renameLambda scanOp'
scanOp'''''' <- renameLambda scanOp'

sComment "Distribute results" $ do
let (xs, ys) = splitAt (length tys) $ map paramName $ lambdaParams scanOp'''''
(xs', ys') = splitAt (length tys) $ map paramName $ lambdaParams scanOp''''''

forM_ (zip4 (zip prefixes accs) (zip xs xs') (zip ys ys') tys) $
\((prefix, acc), (x, x'), (y, y'), ty) -> do
dPrim_ x ty
dPrim_ y ty
dPrimV_ x' $ tvExp prefix
dPrimV_ y' $ tvExp acc

(kernelLocalThreadId constants * m .<. boundary .&&. bNot blockNewSgm)
( compileStms mempty (bodyStms $ lambdaBody scanOp'''''') $
forM_ (zip3 xs tys $ map resSubExp $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody scanOp'''''') $
\(x, ty, res) -> x <~~ toExp' ty res
(forM_ (zip xs accs) $ \(x, acc) -> copyDWIMFix x [] (Var $ tvVar acc) [])
-- calculate where previous thread stopped, to determine number of
-- elements left before new segment.
stop <-
dPrimVE "stopping_point" $
segsize_compact - (kernelLocalThreadId constants * m - 1 + segsize_compact - boundary) `rem` segsize_compact
sFor "i" m $ \i -> do
sWhen (sExt32 i .<. stop - 1) $ do
forM_ (zip privateArrays ys) $ \(src, y) ->
-- only include prefix for the first segment part per thread
copyDWIMFix y [] (Var src) [i]
compileStms mempty (bodyStms $ lambdaBody scanOp''''') $
forM_ (zip privateArrays $ map resSubExp $ bodyResult $ lambdaBody scanOp''''') $
\(dest, res) ->
copyDWIMFix dest [i] res []

sComment "Transpose scan output and Write it to global memory in coalesced fashion" $ do
forM_ (zip3 transposedArrays privateArrays $ map patElemName all_pes) $ \(locmem, priv, dest) -> do
-- sOp localBarrier
sFor "i" m $ \i -> do
sharedIdx <-
dPrimV "sharedIdx" $
sExt64 (kernelLocalThreadId constants * m) + i
copyDWIMFix locmem [tvExp sharedIdx] (Var priv) [i]
sOp localBarrier
sFor "i" m $ \i -> do
flat_idx <-
dPrimVE "flat_idx" $
tvExp blockOff
+ kernelGroupSize constants * i
+ sExt64 (kernelLocalThreadId constants)
dIndexSpace (zip gtids dims') flat_idx
sWhen (flat_idx .<. n) $ do
(map Imp.le64 gtids)
(Var locmem)
[sExt64 $ flat_idx - tvExp blockOff]
sOp localBarrier

sComment "If this is the last block, reset the dynamicId" $
sWhen (tvExp dynamicId .==. num_groups' - 1) $
copyDWIMFix globalId [0] (constant (0 :: Int32)) []
{-# NOINLINE compileSegScan #-}