Pagination. Especially useful with Mongoose + Express/Jade.
Install the module with: npm install paginate
The paginate plugin returns a function that accepts an options object. Call this to get access to the module functionality itself. E.g:
var paginate = require('paginate')({
// options go here...
(Coming soon)
var paginate = require('paginate')();
var data = new Array(95);
var PER_PAGE = 10;
var currentPage = 6;
var pagination =, PER_PAGE, currentPage);
var html = pagination.render({ baseUrl: '/example' });
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var paginate = require('paginate')({
mongoose: mongoose
// @NOTE: Assuming a post model has been created and registered...
var Post = mongoose.model('posts');
// An express route action:
app.get('/posts', function(req, res, next) {
.paginate({ page: }, function(err, posts) {
res.render('posts/index', {
posts: posts
Then in the posts/index template, you could include the html generated from posts.pagination.render(). E.g. in Jade, this might look like:
!= posts.pagination.render({ baseUrl: '/posts })
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.
- FIX: Queries with 0 results caused an invalid skip value to throw an error.
- FIX: Typo in the readme params to query.
Copyright (c) 2012 Tony Milne Licensed under the MIT license.