A Telegram bot that can push notifications of Pokemon spawn locations to a channel (or a group).
- Node >= v6.4.0
npm install
- Copy
- Edit your
- Run
For other command line options, see ./index.js -h
Usage: index [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --config [path] set a config file. defaults to ./config.js
Simply run:
git pull && npm update
./print_config.js [--config <config file>]
prints out the current Pokemon filter../draw_map.js [--config <config file> --zoom <level> --size <picture size>]
draw the current scanning range on google maps.
- Joseph Tsai
Provide the idea of disabling notifications on Telegram APIs - Kao Yu-Hao
Provide pokemon_moves.js and the format of PokemonGo-Map API (IVs-and-Moves PR) - Cojad
Provide pkget's encryption/decryption algorithm (including key and iv) - Heyme
Provide the new data of pokemons, moves and stickers (generation 2).