Materials for providing Docker containers for the D4ST components
D4ST release packages are available from the main dita-for-small-teams release area:
See the D4ST Docker manual at
The file bash_completion.d/d4st.bash-completion
is a bash completion script that lets you
use tab to do autocomplete for the d4st
command options.
To install the completion file do the following:
You must have bash completion installed. See for instructions on using homebrew to install bash completion if you haven't already.
To install the completion file link the d4st.bash-completion
file to /etc/bash_completion.d/d4st:
$ cd d4st/bash_completion.d
$ ln -s $PWD/d4st.bash-completion `brew --prefix`/etc/bash_completion.d/d4st
You should now be able to type "d4st", space, and tab to get a list of available options:
Mako:bash_completion.d ekimber$ d4st
addhooks cleanimages gitlab log-gitlab pause stop up
cleanall down kill make-gitlab-project pull test-gitlab
cleancontainers getdemo linkmgr make-gitlab-user start unpause
Mako:bash_completion.d ekimber$ d4st
Not entirely sure how to set this up permanently but if you simply source bash_completion.d/d4st.bash-completion
it should take effect:
$ cd ~/apps/d4st (Or wherever you installed d4st)
$ source bash_completion.d/d4st.bash-completion
You may need to have the directory containing the d4st script in your PATH.
Looks like the current d4st script doesn't currently work under the Windows bash shell. But the installation for the completion script is the same as for Linux.
To install the completion file link the d4st.bash-completion
file to /etc/bash_completion.d/d4st:
$ cd d4st/bash_completion.d
$ sudo ln -s $PWD/d4st.bash-completion /etc/bash_completion.d/d4st