Student Project #2 during Advanced Front-End Development Nanodegree Program at Udacity.
This project is based on the concept of test-driven programming. Using the starter code given by Udacity and Jasmine framework, a series of test suites was created for the Feed-reader application.
Clone this repository or download the ZIP file and extract the files in it. Open up the index.html
file in your browser and the application will start. Once loaded, test results should be displayed at the bottom of the page.
Testing is an important part of the development process and many organizations practice a standard of development known as "test-driven development." This is when developers write tests first, before they ever start developing their application. All the tests initially fail and then they start writing application code to make these tests pass.
Whether you work in an organization that uses test-driven development or in an organization that uses tests to make sure future feature development doesn't break existing features, it's an important skill to have!