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Releases: donishadsmith/neurocaps


19 Nov 21:15
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🐛 Fixes

  • Fixes projection of CAPs onto NiFTI atlas by preventing in-place modification. Previously, if a new CAP value matched
    a subsequent atlas label ID, it could cause incorrect coordinate assignments.

Full Changelog: 0.18.6...0.18.7


18 Nov 09:40
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  • Minor code cleaning

📖 Documentation

  • Readme example fix

Full Changelog: 0.18.5...0.18.6


16 Nov 22:06
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♻ Changed

  • Updated Dependencies:
    • NumPy: version 2.0 and above can be installed.
    • BrainSpace: requires version 0.1.16 and above.

Full Changelog: 0.18.4...0.18.5


16 Nov 02:28
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🐛 Fixes

  • Corrected region names for version "3v2" of the AAL atlas.

♻ Changed

  • Added a specific logged warning when no confound names are found. If some confound names are missing,
    they will still be listed accordingly.
  • Added a specific logged warnings for methods in CAP that use the runs parameter. Warnings are issued if a subject
    is missing any requested run, with an additional warning if all runs are missing.

Full Changelog: 0.18.3...0.18.4


10 Nov 10:42
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🐛 Fixes

  • More conservative maxsizes for @lru_cache, change @cache in TimeseriesExtractor to @lru_cache.
  • Clean unused import.

Full Changelog: 0.18.2...0.18.3


10 Nov 03:00
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  • A simple pre commit hook added to remove a few trailing whitespace, add new lines, etc.

♻ Changed

  • Add's _get_target_indices and _build_tree to the init file for a shorter import path if cache needs to be cleared or
    assessed. essentially allows:

New import:

from neurocaps._utils import _build_tree, _get_target_indices

Previous import:

from neurocaps._utils.analysis.cap2statmap import _build_tree, _get_target_indices

📖 Documentation

  • Very minor doc fix.

Full Changelog: 0.18.1...0.18.2


08 Nov 20:06
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🚀 New/Added

  • Added "cbarlabels_size" kwarg to several plots to allow the font size of the colorbar labels to increase or decrease.

♻ Changed

  • For CAP.caps2radar, when the legend kwarg is set to None, the legend will be removed entirely.

Full Changelog: 0.18.0...0.18.1


08 Nov 02:56
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♻ Changed

  • In TimeseriesExtractor.get_bold, location of parallel_log_config parameter in function signature moved
    from being the last parameter to underneath n_cores. Additionally, exclude_niftis moved from being the second to last
    parameter to being underneath exclude_subjects.

Changes related to knn_dict, which is only relevant for certain atlases that project poorly to surface space or
has a sparsity issue

  • Added a "reference_atlas" key to allow Schaefer or AAL to be used as the reference atlas.
  • The "remove_subcortical" key changed to "remove_labels".
  • Default "k" from 1 to 3.

🐛 Fixes

Fixes only related to knn_dict

  • "remove_labels" now only removes the labels from being interpolated as opposed to removing the label from being
    interpolated in addition to removing the corresponding indices from the atlas entirely.
  • Certain internal helper functions - _get_target_indices and _build_tree - from
    neurocaps._utils.analyis.cap2statmap now use functool's lru_cache decorator so that the indices that the
    non-background coordinated that need interpolation as well as the indices that don't need interpolation, based on
    "remove_labels" are only computed once per session for every unique parameter combination.
  • Logged information related to knn_dict appears once per call of CAP.caps2niftis or CAP.caps2surf instead of
    for every iteration performed within these functions.

Full Changelog: 0.17.11...0.18.0


04 Nov 01:23
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♻ Changed

  • In CAP.calculate_metrics, if continuous_runs used, then in the "Run" column, the labels for these runs will
    now follow the "run-" format and has changed from "continuous_runs" to run-continuous"
  • Also in CAP.calculate_metrics, the group labels in the dataframe will no longer replace whitespace with underline.
    Do names such as "High ADHD" wil no longer change to "High_ADHD" in the dataframe.
  • The averaged transition matrix dataframe from transition_matrix now contains to index name "From\To" to show that
    the index CAPs are "From" and the column CAPs are "To".

🐛 Fixes

  • More robust error checking to ensure that the subject_timeseries follows the correct format when the
    subject_timeseries setter property is used in TimeseriesExtractor.
  • For space setter property is used in TimeseriesExtractor, checks to ensure it is a string.


03 Nov 02:02
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♻ Changed

  • Logger names now use __name__ instead of __name__.split(".")[-1]
  • Module folder and file naming in neurocaps._utils changed, only _utils has the leading underscore.
  • Default logger now includes logger name in logged message.

🐛 Fixes

  • Prevents logging duplication in certain user-defined logging scenarios when logs redirected.