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spdk_top: add sorting to get_pollers_data()
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Modified get_pollers_data() function to use already sorted
poller array across spdk_top.
Modified related display functions and sort_pollers() to
accomodate the change.

Deleted prepare_poller_data() and copy_pollers().

Modified show_poller() to use a single entry from pollers
array instead of all of them.

Modified refresh_pollers_tab() to handle changing
number of entries in a different manner.

Signed-off-by: Krzysztof Karas <[email protected]>
Change-Id: I26936fbc96e7cb598a33b2fe4354b03277d88061
Community-CI: Mellanox Build Bot
Community-CI: Broadcom CI <[email protected]>
Tested-by: SPDK CI Jenkins <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Shuhei Matsumoto <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Tomasz Zawadzki <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
KKaras169169 authored and tomzawadzki committed Jul 23, 2021
1 parent c3e625b commit 821d8e2
Showing 1 changed file with 48 additions and 110 deletions.
158 changes: 48 additions & 110 deletions app/spdk_top/spdk_top.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -745,8 +745,8 @@ sort_pollers(void *arg, const void *p1, const void *p2)
sort_pollers(const void *p1, const void *p2, void *arg)
const struct rpc_poller_info *poller1 = *(struct rpc_poller_info **)p1;
const struct rpc_poller_info *poller2 = *(struct rpc_poller_info **)p2;
const struct rpc_poller_info *poller1 = (struct rpc_poller_info *)p1;
const struct rpc_poller_info *poller2 = (struct rpc_poller_info *)p2;
enum sort_type sorting = *(enum sort_type *)arg;
uint64_t count1, count2;
uint64_t last_run_counter;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -787,61 +787,6 @@ sort_pollers(const void *p1, const void *p2, void *arg)

static void
copy_pollers(struct rpc_poller_info *pollers, uint64_t pollers_count,
uint64_t *current_count, bool reset_last_counter,
struct rpc_poller_info **pollers_info)
uint64_t i, j;
struct rpc_thread_info *thread_info;

for (i = 0; i < pollers_count; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < g_last_threads_count; j++) {
thread_info = &g_threads_info[j];
/* Check if poller's thread exists in g_threads_stats
* (if poller is not "hanging" without a thread). */
if (thread_info->id != pollers[i].thread_id) {

if (reset_last_counter) {
store_last_counters(pollers[i].name, pollers[i].thread_id, pollers[i].run_count,
pollers_info[(*current_count)++] = &pollers[i];

static uint8_t
prepare_poller_data(uint8_t current_page, struct rpc_poller_info **pollers,
uint64_t *count, uint8_t last_page)
bool reset_last_counter = false;
enum sort_type sorting;

if (last_page != current_page) {
reset_last_counter = true;

copy_pollers(g_pollers_info, g_last_pollers_count,
count, reset_last_counter, pollers);

if (last_page != current_page) {
last_page = current_page;

/* Timed pollers can switch their possition on a list because of how they work.
* Let's sort them by name first so that they won't switch on data refresh */
sorting = BY_NAME;
qsort_r(pollers, *count, sizeof(pollers[0]), sort_pollers, (void *)&sorting);
sorting = USE_GLOBAL;
qsort_r(pollers, *count, sizeof(pollers[0]), sort_pollers, (void *)&sorting);

return last_page;

static int
Expand All @@ -850,6 +795,7 @@ get_pollers_data(void)
uint64_t i = 0;
uint32_t current_pollers_count;
struct rpc_poller_info pollers_info[RPC_MAX_POLLERS];
enum sort_type sorting;

rc = rpc_send_req("thread_get_pollers", &json_resp);
if (rc) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -881,6 +827,13 @@ get_pollers_data(void)

g_last_pollers_count = current_pollers_count;

sorting = BY_NAME;
qsort_r(&pollers_info, g_last_pollers_count, sizeof(struct rpc_poller_info), sort_pollers,
(void *)&sorting);
sorting = USE_GLOBAL;
qsort_r(&pollers_info, g_last_pollers_count, sizeof(struct rpc_poller_info), sort_pollers,
(void *)&sorting);

memcpy(&g_pollers_info, &pollers_info, sizeof(struct rpc_poller_info) * g_last_pollers_count);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1287,87 +1240,76 @@ refresh_pollers_tab(uint8_t current_page)
struct col_desc *col_desc = g_col_desc[POLLERS_TAB];
uint64_t last_run_counter, last_busy_counter;
uint64_t i, count = 0;
uint16_t col, j;
uint64_t i, j;
uint16_t col;
uint8_t max_pages, item_index;
static uint8_t g_last_page = 0xF;
/* Init g_last_page with value != 0 to force store_last_counters() call in copy_pollers()
* so that initial values for run_counter are stored in g_run_counter_history */
char run_count[MAX_TIME_STR_LEN], period_ticks[MAX_PERIOD_STR_LEN];
struct rpc_poller_info *pollers[RPC_MAX_POLLERS];

g_last_page = prepare_poller_data(current_page, pollers, &count, g_last_page);

max_pages = (count + g_max_data_rows - 1) / g_max_data_rows;

/* Clear screen if number of pollers changed */
if (g_last_pollers_count != count) {
for (i = TABS_DATA_START_ROW; i < g_data_win_size; i++) {
for (j = 1; j < (uint64_t)g_max_col - 1; j++) {
mvwprintw(g_tabs[POLLERS_TAB], i, j, " ");

/* We need to run store_last_counters() again, so the easiest way is to call this function
* again with changed g_last_page value */
g_last_page = 0xF;
return max_pages;
max_pages = (g_last_pollers_count + g_max_data_rows - 1) / g_max_data_rows;

/* Display info */
for (i = current_page * g_max_data_rows;
i < spdk_min(count, (uint64_t)((current_page + 1) * g_max_data_rows));
i < (uint64_t)((current_page + 1) * g_max_data_rows);
i++) {
item_index = i - (current_page * g_max_data_rows);

/* When number of pollers decreases, this will print spaces in places
* where non existent pollers were previously displayed. */
if (i >= g_last_pollers_count) {
for (j = 1; j < (uint64_t)g_max_col - 1; j++) {
mvwprintw(g_tabs[POLLERS_TAB], item_index + TABS_DATA_START_ROW, j, " ");



last_busy_counter = get_last_busy_counter(pollers[i]->name, pollers[i]->thread_id);
last_busy_counter = get_last_busy_counter(g_pollers_info[i].name, g_pollers_info[i].thread_id);

draw_row_background(item_index, POLLERS_TAB);

if (!col_desc[0].disabled) {
print_max_len(g_tabs[POLLERS_TAB], TABS_DATA_START_ROW + item_index, col + 1,
col_desc[0].max_data_string, ALIGN_LEFT, pollers[i]->name);
col_desc[0].max_data_string, ALIGN_LEFT, g_pollers_info[i].name);
col += col_desc[0].max_data_string + 2;

if (!col_desc[1].disabled) {
print_max_len(g_tabs[POLLERS_TAB], TABS_DATA_START_ROW + item_index, col,
col_desc[1].max_data_string, ALIGN_LEFT, poller_type_str[pollers[i]->type]);
col_desc[1].max_data_string, ALIGN_LEFT, poller_type_str[g_pollers_info[i].type]);
col += col_desc[1].max_data_string + 2;

if (!col_desc[2].disabled) {
print_max_len(g_tabs[POLLERS_TAB], TABS_DATA_START_ROW + item_index, col,
col_desc[2].max_data_string, ALIGN_LEFT, pollers[i]->thread_name);
col_desc[2].max_data_string, ALIGN_LEFT, g_pollers_info[i].thread_name);
col += col_desc[2].max_data_string + 1;

if (!col_desc[3].disabled) {
last_run_counter = get_last_run_counter(pollers[i]->name, pollers[i]->thread_id);
last_run_counter = get_last_run_counter(g_pollers_info[i].name, g_pollers_info[i].thread_id);
if (g_interval_data == true) {
snprintf(run_count, MAX_TIME_STR_LEN, "%" PRIu64, pollers[i]->run_count - last_run_counter);
snprintf(run_count, MAX_TIME_STR_LEN, "%" PRIu64, g_pollers_info[i].run_count - last_run_counter);
} else {
snprintf(run_count, MAX_TIME_STR_LEN, "%" PRIu64, pollers[i]->run_count);
snprintf(run_count, MAX_TIME_STR_LEN, "%" PRIu64, g_pollers_info[i].run_count);
print_max_len(g_tabs[POLLERS_TAB], TABS_DATA_START_ROW + item_index, col,
col_desc[3].max_data_string, ALIGN_RIGHT, run_count);
col += col_desc[3].max_data_string;

if (!col_desc[4].disabled) {
if (pollers[i]->period_ticks != 0) {
get_time_str(pollers[i]->period_ticks, period_ticks);
if (g_pollers_info[i].period_ticks != 0) {
get_time_str(g_pollers_info[i].period_ticks, period_ticks);
print_max_len(g_tabs[POLLERS_TAB], TABS_DATA_START_ROW + item_index, col,
col_desc[4].max_data_string, ALIGN_RIGHT, period_ticks);
col += col_desc[3].max_data_string + 4;

if (!col_desc[5].disabled) {
if (pollers[i]->busy_count > last_busy_counter) {
if (g_pollers_info[i].busy_count > last_busy_counter) {
if (item_index != g_selected_row) {
wattron(g_tabs[POLLERS_TAB], COLOR_PAIR(6));
print_max_len(g_tabs[POLLERS_TAB], TABS_DATA_START_ROW + item_index, col,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2239,17 +2181,17 @@ show_poller(uint8_t current_page)
PANEL *poller_panel;
WINDOW *poller_win;
uint64_t count = 0;
uint64_t last_run_counter, last_busy_counter;
uint64_t poller_number = current_page * g_max_data_rows + g_selected_row;
struct rpc_poller_info *pollers[RPC_MAX_POLLERS];
struct rpc_poller_info *poller;
bool stop_loop = false;
char poller_period[MAX_TIME_STR_LEN];
int c;

prepare_poller_data(current_page, pollers, &count, current_page);
assert(poller_number < count);

assert(poller_number < g_last_pollers_count);
poller = &g_pollers_info[poller_number];

get_position_for_window(POLLER_WIN_HEIGHT, g_max_row),
Expand All @@ -2264,38 +2206,34 @@ show_poller(uint8_t current_page)

box(poller_win, 0, 0);

print_in_middle(poller_win, 1, 0, POLLER_WIN_WIDTH, pollers[poller_number]->name, COLOR_PAIR(3));
print_in_middle(poller_win, 1, 0, POLLER_WIN_WIDTH, poller->name, COLOR_PAIR(3));
mvwhline(poller_win, 2, 1, ACS_HLINE, POLLER_WIN_WIDTH - 2);
mvwaddch(poller_win, 2, POLLER_WIN_WIDTH, ACS_RTEE);

print_left(poller_win, 3, 2, POLLER_WIN_WIDTH, "Type: On thread:", COLOR_PAIR(5));
mvwprintw(poller_win, 3, POLLER_WIN_FIRST_COL,
mvwprintw(poller_win, 3, POLLER_WIN_FIRST_COL + 23, pollers[poller_number]->thread_name);
mvwprintw(poller_win, 3, POLLER_WIN_FIRST_COL + 23, poller->thread_name);

print_left(poller_win, 4, 2, POLLER_WIN_WIDTH, "Run count:", COLOR_PAIR(5));

last_run_counter = get_last_run_counter(pollers[poller_number]->name,
last_busy_counter = get_last_busy_counter(pollers[poller_number]->name,
last_run_counter = get_last_run_counter(poller->name, poller->thread_id);
last_busy_counter = get_last_busy_counter(poller->name, poller->thread_id);
if (g_interval_data) {
mvwprintw(poller_win, 4, POLLER_WIN_FIRST_COL, "%" PRIu64,
pollers[poller_number]->run_count - last_run_counter);
mvwprintw(poller_win, 4, POLLER_WIN_FIRST_COL, "%" PRIu64, poller->run_count - last_run_counter);
} else {
mvwprintw(poller_win, 4, POLLER_WIN_FIRST_COL, "%" PRIu64,
mvwprintw(poller_win, 4, POLLER_WIN_FIRST_COL, "%" PRIu64, poller->run_count);

if (pollers[poller_number]->period_ticks != 0) {
if (poller->period_ticks != 0) {
print_left(poller_win, 4, 28, POLLER_WIN_WIDTH, "Period:", COLOR_PAIR(5));
get_time_str(pollers[poller_number]->period_ticks, poller_period);
get_time_str(poller->period_ticks, poller_period);
mvwprintw(poller_win, 4, POLLER_WIN_FIRST_COL + 23, poller_period);
mvwhline(poller_win, 5, 1, ACS_HLINE, POLLER_WIN_WIDTH - 2);
print_in_middle(poller_win, 6, 1, POLLER_WIN_WIDTH - 7, "Status:", COLOR_PAIR(5));

if (pollers[poller_number]->busy_count > last_busy_counter) {
if (poller->busy_count > last_busy_counter) {
print_in_middle(poller_win, 6, 1, POLLER_WIN_WIDTH + 6, "Busy", COLOR_PAIR(6));
} else {
print_in_middle(poller_win, 6, 1, POLLER_WIN_WIDTH + 6, "Idle", COLOR_PAIR(7));
Expand Down

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