A Discord bot, with the following features :
- add a prefix on nickname based on the user's roles (with priority to some "special" roles).
- add a default role to user without any prefix role (except for user with forbidden roles)
- add a set of command allowing user to choose a prefix role and one to reset to default role (those command does not work for user with forbidden roles)
- post reminder messages for scheduled events
Optionally (when corresponding configuration is present) :
- add a role on joining user (could be the default, a prefix role or a forbidden role)
- add a command to display a count of users by role
- add a command to reset all users to default role (except for user with forbidden roles)
- add a commands to reset role on users with role from a group (except for user with forbidden roles)
- add commands to enforce or remove all prefixes (without changing roles)
- send message on nickname change
- randomly change its game status
- check regularly RSS feeds and send messages with the links in a channel (can filter link with regexp or translate an extract (call DeepL API))
- monitor user activity (number of messages, last message date, last vocal interaction date) with regular save and a command to retrieve those data as a csv file (or save to a Google Drive folder)
- respond to message sended to it depending on keyword response rules (configured with a json file, can be changed by commands)