- Download docker desktop and install it.
- In run folowing command:
echo [wsl2] >>~/.wslconfig
echo memory=6GB >>~/.wslconfig
Update to match your system. roughly 50% of available memory is recommended.
docker compose up
Open the browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/login to view the site. First time use register to create a new account. First time data load will take a few minutes to pupulate typedb, but you can continue with your user registration.
Open the browser and navigate to http://localhost:8081/ to view the mongo database.
First pull repo into a directory
Install Pipenv
pip install pipenv Flask asdf
Then setup python virtual env
pipenv shell
then install dependencies with
pipenv install
then after everything installed
export FLASK_APP=refinery.py
flask run --host=
then access localhost\login
to access the webpage.
Make sure TypeDB is running on localhost, with pm_4 logs loaded
The input data for this test is input_test1_connection.json
To run the test, run
python examples\z_test1_tdb_query.py
The test will produce an output json that contains the basic dataset. Note all algorithms independently produce output, and sometimes input jsons
Make sure TypeDB is running on localhost, with pm_4 logs loaded
The input data for this test is input_test2_colaGraph_sample.json, which contains the sample Basic dataset, and input_test2_definition.json which contains the group definitions for 3 nested groups
To run the test, run
python examples\z_test2_Grouping.py
The test will produce an output json. Note all algorithms independently produce output, and sometimes input jsons
Make sure TypeDB is running on localhost, with pm_4 logs loaded
The input data for this test is input_test3_Grouped.json, which contains the sample Grouped dataset, and a string that contains one of the group names, in this case "session"
To run the test, run
python examples\z_test3_Collapsing.py
The test will produce an output json. Note all algorithms independently produce output, and sometimes input jsons