Android Studio Plugins - Many of these can be downloaded from Android Studio: Preferences->Settings->Plugins->Browse Repositories
- ADB Idea - Quickly perform ADB operations like restarting app, clear app data, etc
- ADBWIFI - It is an Android Studio plugin for debugging your android app over Wi-Fi.
- Android Drawable Importer - Import assets with this plugina and automatically generate the correct density assets
- Android Material Design Icon Generator - Imports PNG's or SVG’s of material design icons
- Android Methods Count - A simple Studio/IntelliJ plugin that parses your Android library dependencies and shows the methods count as a handy hint
- ButterKnifeZelezny - Android Studio plugin for one click Butterknife binding
- Code Glance - Embeds a code minimap similar to the one found in Sublime into the editor pane
- DTO Generator - The Data Transfer Object(DTO) generator creates Java classes from a given feed
- Exynap - Android Studio plugin which helps you find and implement code
- Key Promoter - Reminds you when you perform an action that has a shortcut
- Markdown Navigator - The plugin for Markdown language support on Android Studio
- Mirror - Mirror compiles incrementally and only sends deltas to the devices enabling much faster UI changes rather than rebuilding and reinstalling the full APK
- RemoveButterknife - Removes all ButterKnife bindings from your app
- Accessibility Scanner - Tool that suggests accessibility improvements for Android apps
- Android SDK Reference Search - Adds an 'ad' omnibox command and view source links for the Android SDK
- Codota - Viewer for Android and Java code snippets
- GitHub Repository Size - Automatically adds repository size to GitHub's repository summary
- JSONView - Validate and view JSON documents
- Marmoset - Create gorgeous code snapshots
- OctoTree - Code tree for Github
- Palette Creator - Create color palette from any image
- Postman - API tool
- Vysor - View and control Android device from your computer
- Convert XML or JSON to Java Pojo Classes - Convert JSON data to POJO class
- jsonschema2pojo - Convert JSON data to POJO class
- Parcelabler - Generate a class that implemetns Parcelable from your POJO class
- Leak Canary - Useful library for tracking down memory leaks
- Stetho - Debug bridge for Android applications, great for inspecting databases
- Adobe Color Wheel - Find your colors here!
- Adobe Experience Design - New Adobe Experience Design
- Andriod Asset Studio - Essential site for generating themes and assets
- Fluid UI - Easily design interactive prototypes, wireframes or mockups for Android, iOS, web and desktop
- Google Design Metrics
- InVision
- Material Design Icon Library
- Material Pallette - Quickly generate material design color themes
- Material UI - Material color picker
- Moqups - Moqups is a streamlined and intuitive web app that helps you create and collaborate on wireframes, mockups, diagrams and prototypes
- NinjaMock
- Paletton - Color theme generator
- Pencil Templates - Templates for designing in Pencil
- Pencil
- Pixate
- Printable Templates for Android/iOS - Awesome printable templates!
- - Create fully-interactive high-fidelity prototypes that look and work exactly like your app should
- Sketch - Mac only
- Wireflow Android app for prototyping UI
- 9-Patch-Resizer - Automatically resizes and compresses images
- GIMP Android XDPI - Plugin for generating assets at different densities
- GIMP - Open source image editing
- Inkscape - Open source vector image editing
- Optipng - Optimize PNG files
- PixelImator - Mac only
- Pngyu - Optimize PNG files
- Exoplayer - ExoPlayer is an application level media player for Android, allow playing audio and video both locally and over the Internet. Supports features like Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH), SmoothStreaming and Common Encryption
- Android Resource Remover - Remove unused resources based on lint output
- Markdown Cheatsheet - Get those forum posts formatted nicely :)
- Material Design Icons - Scalable vector icons
- SVG to Vector Drawable - Convert SVG to Vector Drawable
- Udacity Git Commit Message Style Guide - Keep your git commits nice and organized
- Oh My ZSH - Super useful shell environment. Lots of Github short cuts.
- Slack
- UberConference - Free Video/Voice conference for up to 10 people
- Atom - Another good text editor
- Sublime Text - By far my favorite text editor
#Useful Libraries for Android Developers
- ZXing - Barcode and QR code scanner library
- Green Robot Event Bus - Android optimized event bus that simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc
- Otto Event Bus - Easily communicate with different parts of your app Note this library is now deprecated
- Auto Value - AutoValue provides an easier way to create immutable value classes
- Butter Knife - Field and method binding for Android Views
- Parceler - Parceler is a code generation library that generates the Android Parcelable boilerplate source code
- Postman - Library for implementing Parcelable via annotations
- RetroLambda - Backport of lambda expressions to Java 6 and 7
- Timber - A logger with a small, extensible API which provides utility on top of Android's normal Log class.
- Provigen - Generate content provider
- Realm - Mobile platform and a replacement for SQLite & Core Data
- Schematic - Generate content provider
- Calligraphy - Custom fonts in Android the easy way
- Glide - Image loading and caching library
- GraphView - Open source graph plotting library
- MPAndroidChart - A powerful Android chart view
- Picasso - Image downloading/caching library
- RoadRunner - Road Runner is a library for android which allow you to make your own loading animation using a SVG image
- Awesome Android UI - Collection of awesome Android UI libraries!
- Must Have Libraries - List of libraries from Codepath
- The Android Arsenal - Android Arsenal: Huge searchable list of Android libraries
- GSON - Convert to JSON and back easily
- OkHttp - HTTP Client for Android
- Retrofit - Type safe HTTP Client for Android
- Espresso - Android Testing Library
- LeakCanary - Track down memory leaks
- Roboelectric - Android Unit Testing Framework