欢迎来到 Echobot 项目讨论区。你可以在这里发起任何关于 Echobot 项目的话题,从项目发展规划、设计建议,到问题答疑、功能请求、共享经验。欢迎讨论。
Welcome to Echobot forum. You can start any topics about Echobot here, from project development planning and design suggestions, to ask for answers, feature requesting and share your experences. Feel free to comment.
此存储库仅作为讨论 Echobot 相关话题使用,不包含业务代码,请勿提交代码至此仓库。
This repository is only used for discussing any relative topics about Echobot, and nothing on business code exists. Please DO NOT commit any code to this repository.