Eclipse Che
Enhancements, Epics, and UX
- Dashboard library should only delegate some logic to che-theia editor #20588
- Add plugin registry URL deployment information as env variable to the plugin registry #20547
- Add a factory link parameter to specify the editor #20508
- [che-operator] Enhancements in the way how OAuth2 providers can be configured #20496
- Upgrade che-operator to controller-runtime 0.9.5 #20300
Bugs fixed
- Command server:deploy fails because more than one checluster Custom Resource found #20628
- Gitlab factory resolver cannot find devfile if project URL is of type /org/sub-org/foo.git #20611
- devworkspace-che-operator logic should be executed only if
is enabled on the CR level #20605 - Devfile endpoints does not work when exposed on single-host #20593
- Starting a DevWorkspace get stuck preparing networking #20590
- devWorkspaces does not work on the latest 1.23 minikube #20577
- che operator is not restarted after DevWorkspace is enabled #20576
- Take into account only CA certs from the same as Che installation namespace #20564
- Limit search namespace for backup / restore to the installation namespace #20563
- [DevWorkspace] Preferences from the plugin are not applied for the workspace #20559
- Failed to debug java spring sample with devworkspace engine #20536
- main DevWorkspace Endpoint is considered as ready/available while it's not #20481
- Align che-theia with upstream changes #20366
- che-theia fails with
plugin #20360 - che-server returns 500 when OpenShift token expires in nativeUserMode #20304
New and Noteworthy Issues:
- PostgreSQL version 13 is deployed on fresh installations #20398
Closed issues:
- Simultaneously running 3+ applications #20604
- Unable to execute 'checluster' related commands #20589
- Build on top of selenium/standalone-chrome:94.0 #20578
- Programmatically get the preview URL generated after starting an app #20566
- Clean up leftover maven/nexus variables and create README for che server #20492
- Theia endpoint type attribute value: 'ide' or 'main'? #20457
- Bump Projector server and client sources in jetbrains-editor-images #20450
- Editors Sprint 207 #20446
- Che Platform Sprint #207 #20444
- Plugins Sprint 207 #20433
- Che Controller Sprint 207 #20430
- Image puller should be updated to use newer operator SDK #20425
- Stabilize DevWorkspace support on Dashboard side #20422
- [che-auth] Che with Devworkspaces should be able to use Dex as identity provider on OIDC enabled k8s #20362
Bugs fixed
- 'JavaMaven' test is fail on 'Che-nightly' launch via absent the notification 'Do you trust the authors of' #20548
- Self signed certificate copied to the user's namespace does not have type set resulting in perpetual updates #20546
- E2E DevfileSmoke test is failing on "Stopping and deleting the workspace" step #20533
- plugin registry deployed on for main branch is not updated since a couple of months #20473
- [Whitelabel/branding] Support using alternate container for vsix-installer; use released versions #20368
Closed issues:
- [chectl] Get rid of
dependency #20550 - The "VscodeYamlPlugin" fails on the openshift CI nightly job #20441
- Update che-dashboard next-build-multiarch.yml to support main-7.yy branches #20361
Enhancements, Epics, and UX
- Use image pull secrets stored as credentials in user preferences of Che-server in DevWorkspaces #20534
- Dashboard should prevent changing name and namespace of devworkspace in the devfile-editor #20479
- Deprecate enabling DevWorkspace on stable channel CheCluster CR #20392
- An admin should be able to specify CA certificates that need to be trusted on devfile v2 based workspaces #20387
- Support OpenShift global proxy configuration and trusted certificate bundle when DevWorkspace is enabled #20386
- Adapt devfile v2 happy-path tests to verify editors and extensions functionalities #20385
- [UD] Dashboard backend should trust Che CA while requesting Server and Keycloak #20367
Bugs fixed
- Can't start any devworkspace #20545
- Workspace template does not start from Dashboard UI #20532
- Can't start DevWorkspace when Che operator deploys DWO #20519
- DevWorkspace Factory flow is broken from github #20490
- Dashboard is broken after creating a new devworkspace from the minimal devfile #20468
- CheCluster.status.CheURL is blank when running on K8s with che-gateway #20467
- Build command fails for devfilev2 sample of Java Spring Petclinic #20464
- Unable to modify devworkspace #20456
- Che does not work on minikube 1.23 due cert-manager which uses dropped beta APIs (webhooks) #20452
- Workspace is not opened when Eclipse Che is deployed on OpenShift with DevWorskpace enabled #20451
- Unable to request plugins/devfiles without authentication #20449
- quarkus devfile v2 sample is broken #20445
- Quarkus sample does not work with latest devworkspace controller #20439
- chectl prints error and workspace is not started on minikube v1.23 #20431
- chectl uses hardcoded Che operator subscription name #20424
- [UD] WebSockets does not work with native authentication #20388
- Use docker registry as proxy not working on Eclipse che 7.35 #20380
- DevWorkspaces on minikube does not work due some routing issues #20375
- Error message is not shown to user on factory resolve #20365
New and Noteworthy Issues:
- Drop single user support on Che Server #20314
Closed issues:
- Update builds/worksflows to use renamed docker secrets #20530
- Memory limit/Memory request for traefik that is running as a part of workspace #20520
- che-theia should listen on with devworkspaces #20482
- why there are eamodio/vscode-gitlens and eamodio/gitlens in che-plugin-registry #20475
- The "TypescriptPlugin" test unexpectedly fails on the nightly CI job #20472
- Don't allow to downgrade version of Eclipse Che using
flag #20470 - Don't create
identity provider if native authentication is on #20442 - Ingress container is giving failure #20436
- Is it possible to use CockroachDB with Eclipse Che #20413
- Eclipse Che not opening in browser on Windows #20411
- Che Deploy Sprint #207 #20404
- [kubernetes-image-puller] Remove the references of all 'nightly' and 'latest' tags from the repositories #20399
- [UD] Setup formatter and linter for the dashboard backend #20379
- Editors Sprint 206 #20327
- Che Platform Sprint #206 #20326
- [chectl] [che-operator] Drop single user support #20315
- Reorganise logging process in and script #20312
- Drop single user support #20295
- Plugins Sprint 206 #20290
- UD Support local run with native auth #20289
Enhancements, Epics, and UX
- The all-namespace channel should be labelled as tech preview #20393
Bugs fixed
- PRs check in release PR must use released version of components #20397
Closed issues:
- Che Controller Sprint 206 #20329
- The "GitHubPullRequestPlugin" unexpectedly fails on the openshift-ci #20323
- [devworkspace-che-operator] should generate version of Ingress #20298
Enhancements, Epics, and UX
- Enable CDN support for Che-Theia PR build check #20391
- Fix sanetization in StreamCaster and Reporter #20352
- Better presentation in OperatorHub UI #20350
- machine-exec: Provides API to list all available containers #20338
Bugs fixed
- Failed to request factory resolver namespaces not found #20420
- Failed to download image, reason: ImagePullBackOff, message: Back-off pulling image "". #20417
- k3s: mkdir: cannot create directory '/var/lib/pgsql/data': Permission denied #20416
- Namespace strategies other than 'per user' is not supported anymore. #20415
- Happy path tests failed because there was no trust git repository authors popup #20408
- "chectl workspace:create --start" error 'User "system:serviceaccount:eclipse-che:che" cannot get path "/"' #20401
- Errors thrown by devWorkspaceController #20400
- Che-Theia build fails with Webpack error when CDN is enabled #20390
- DevWorkspace happy path test is broken #20389
- Latest Che-theia editor image fails to start #20376
- Che URL is shown but che-server is not ready #20372
- Che server throws NullPointerException if the user is kubeadmin #20347
- KIP_IMAGE environment variable is not honored by the kubernetes-image-puller-operator #20317
- chectl release PR must test released Eclipse Che version #20306
- failed to deploy Che using minikube -> ✖ Verify if kubectl is installed → E_REQUISITE_NOT_FOUND #20297
- Can't open private github repo with an error "Identity Provider [github] does not support this operation. " #20281
Closed issues:
- Update plugin tests for the author trust notification confirmation #20412
- Cannot get CHE_INFRA_KUBERNETES_PVC_QUANTITY to work correctly #20407
- Update controller runtime library for che-operator #20395
- CheCluster CR should let users know that DevWorkspace is still experimental [not ready for production] #20377
- The "VscodeValePlugin" unexpectedly fails on the openshift-ci #20322
- Che Deploy Sprint #206 #20302
Bugs fixed
- Che Operator 7.35.0 release is broken #20336
- Debug functionality doesn't work #20332
- Is not possible to access Che Dashboard route on OpenShift #20318
Closed issues:
- Create Openshift CI jobs to run against che operator release branches #20333
- The "VscodeKubernetesPlugin" unexpectedly fails on the openshift-ci #20321
- Update to new quick-input API #20320
- Upgrade apache maven when build Eclipse Che server in happy path tests #20308
- Why use cdt-vscode instead of cpptool ? #20305
Closed issues:
- The "TypescriptPlugin" test fails because can't connect to the debug session #20307
Bugs fixed
- The "PythonPlugin" test fails because of error highlighting absence #20280
- Che operators fails to manage DWO due invalid devworkspace-controller-manager-service #20278
Closed issues:
- Why vscode-clangd skiped in che-plugin-registry ? #20303
- The che-plugin-registry nightly job fails because error on the build image step. #20299
- Fix the che-plugin-registry nightly tests #20287
- Is there any way to personalize with dotfile repositories? #20283
- Problem getting local build of che-theia running on 7.34.1 #20279