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Kenneth G. Franqueiro edited this page Mar 26, 2013 · 4 revisions

Use with the Legacy Loader API

The dgrid package was designed primarily with AMD in mind; as such, it has been tested primarily using the require and define APIs available in Dojo 1.7.

When using the legacy dojo.require method instead, loading dgrid/List will not work without first loading dgrid.css. This is because otherwise the xstyle/css plugin will resolve asynchronously, which is not suported by the legacy loader. To use dgrid/List with dojo.require, make sure you have <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/dgrid.css"> in your <head> before loading dgrid/List.

This also applies for stylesheets loaded by specific mixins (such as dgrid/ColumnSet) or extensions (such as dgrid/extensions/ColumnResizer).

Reuse of Column Definitions

Reusing a single column definition object between multiple grids (e.g. var cols = {...}, gridA = new Grid({ columns: cols }), gridB = new Grid({ columns: cols })) is not supported, and will not function properly. Always create a fresh columns object for every grid you instantiate. This includes performing unique invocations of column plugin functions for each grid.

If multiple grids in a single page are likely to use the same column structure, in order to avoid code repetition, you can create a function which returns the structure, but creates it every time it is called. For example:

function getColumns(){
    return {
        col1: editor({ label: "Column 1" }, "text", "dblclick"),
        col2: { label: "Column 2", sortable: false },
        // ...

var grid = new Grid({
    columns: getColumns(),
    // ...
}, "grid");
var secondGrid = new Grid({
    columns: getColumns(),
    // ...
}, "secondGrid");

Column Definitions: Coexistence of formatter and renderCell

The default renderCell logic, as well as the logic within the editor and tree column plugins, is specifically written in such a way as to honor any formatter that is defined on the column definition.

If a custom renderCell function is specified, however, it will override the default logic which is responsible for honoring formatter, and thus the custom renderCell logic will take precedence.

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