Creates a virtual network with:
- Virtual network
- DNS Settings
- Subnet creation
- NSG creation
- DDoS protection standard attachment
- Network Watcher Flow Logs and Traffic Analytics
- Diagnostics logging for the virtual network
- Diagnostics logging for the each sub-network
- Diagnostics logging for the network security groups
Reference the module to a specific version (recommended):
module "virtual_network" {
source = "aztfmod/caf-virtual-network/azurerm"
version = "0.x.y"
resource_group_name = var.rg
prefix = var.prefix
location = var.location
networking_object = var.shared_services_vnet
tags = var.tags
diagnostics_map = var.diagnostics_map
log_analytics_workspace = var.log_analytics_workspace
Name | Type | Default | Description |
resource_group_name | string | None | (Required) Name of the resource group where to create the resource. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. |
location | string | None | (Required) Specifies the Azure location to deploy the resource. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. |
tags | map | None | (Required) Map of tags for the deployment. |
log_analytics_workspace | string | None | (Required) Log Analytics Workspace. |
diagnostics_map | map | None | (Required) Map with the diagnostics repository information. |
diagnostics_settings | object | None | (Required) Map with the diagnostics settings. See the required structure in the following example or in the diagnostics module documentation. |
convention | string | None | (Required) Naming convention to be used (check at the naming convention module for possible values). |
networking_object | object | None | (Required) Virtual Network configuration object as described in the Parameters section. |
netwatcher | map(strings) | None | (Optional) Specifies the pre-existing network watcher configuration to use for this virtual network. The map should be defined as follow: - name = (name of the pre-existing network watcher configuration) - rg (resource group of the pre-existing network watcher configuration) |
ddos_id | string | None | (Optional), if this field is set, we will enable ddos for the virtual network using the subscription ID passed with this argument. |
prefix | string | None | (Optional) Prefix to be used. |
postfix | string | None | (Optional) Postfix to be used. |
max_length | string | None | (Optional) maximum length to the name of the resource. |
(Required) Map with the diagnostics settings for virtual network deployment. See the required structure in the following example or in the diagnostics module documentation.
variable "diagnostics_settings" {
description = "(Required) Map with the diagnostics settings for public virtual network deployment"
diagnostics_settings = {
log = [
# ["Category name", "Diagnostics Enabled(true/false)", "Retention Enabled(true/false)", Retention_period]
["VMProtectionAlerts", true, true, 60],
metric = [
#["Category name", "Diagnostics Enabled(true/false)", "Retention Enabled(true/false)", Retention_period]
["AllMetrics", true, true, 60],
(Required) Configuration object describing the networking configuration. The object has 3 mandatory sections as follow:
input | type | optional | comment |
name | string | mandatory | name of the virtul network to be created |
address_space | list | optional | address speace for the subnet |
dns | list | optional | if not provided,uses the default Azure DNS |
input | type | optional | comment |
subnet_key_name | object | mandatory | specialsubnets is use to create specific subnets where you dont want default NSG to be created, for instance AzureFirewallSubnet must be created via this object. (see below for example) |
For each subnet, create an object that contain the following fields (see example below)
input | type | optional | comment |
name | object | mandatory | name of the virtual subnet |
cidr | object | mandatory | CIDR block for the virtual subnet |
service_endpoints | object | mandatory | service endpoints for the virtual subnet |
nsg_inbound | object | optional | network security groups settings - a NSG is always created for each subnet - this section will tune the NSG entries for inbound flows. |
nsg_outbound | object | optional | network security groups settings - a NSG is always created for each subnet - this section will tune the NSG entries for outbound flows. |
delegation | object | optional | defines a subnet delegation feature. takes an object as described in the following example. |
The following sections are optional:
If this object is defined, it will enable network watcher, flow logs and traffic analytics for all the subnets in the Virtual Network. The configuration object is as follow:
input | type | optional | comment |
create | bool | mandatory | determines if network watcher should be created or should be used from a previous deployment. /!\ If set to false, the netwatcher optional variable must be set. |
name | string | mandatory | name of the network watcher to be created |
flow_logs_settings | object | mandatory | specifies the configuration for flow logs according to the following object structure: enabled = (bool) retention = (bool) period = (integer) |
traffic_analytics_settings | object | mandatory | specifies if traffic analytics should be enabled. If enabled, we use the settings defined in the virtual network settings (log_analytics_workspace). |
The following networking_object shows an example of composition:
Sample of network configuration object below
networking_object = {
vnet = {
name = "sg1-vnet-dmz"
address_space = [""] # -
dns = ["", ""]
specialsubnets = {
AzureFirewallSubnet = {
name = "AzureFirewallSubnet"
cidr = ""
subnets = {
Subnet_1 = {
name = "Active_Directory"
cidr = ""
service_endpoints = []
nsg_inbound = [
# {"Name", "Priority", "Direction", "Action", "Protocol", "source_port_range", "destination_port_range", "source_address_prefix", "destination_address_prefix" },
["LDAP-t", "100", "Inbound", "Allow", "*", "*", "389", "*", "*"],
["RPC-EPM", "102", "Inbound", "Allow", "tcp", "*", "135", "*", "*"],
["SMB-In", "103", "Inbound", "Allow", "tcp", "*", "445", "*", "*"],
nsg_outbound = []
delegation = {
name = "acctestdelegation1"
service_delegation = {
name = "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups"
actions = ["Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/join/action", "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/prepareNetworkPolicies/action"]
Subnet_2 = {
name = "SQL_Servers"
cidr = ""
service_endpoints = []
nsg_inbound = [
["SQL", "100", "Inbound", "Allow", "tcp", "*", "1433", "*", "*"],
nsg_outbound = []
Subnet_3 = {
name = "Network_Monitoring"
cidr = ""
service_endpoints = ["Microsoft.EventHub"]
nsg_inbound = [
# ["Test", "101", "Inbound", "Allow", "tcp", "*", "1643", "*", "*"],
nsg_outbound = []
netwatcher = {
create = true
#create the network watcher for a subscription and for the location of the vnet
name = "nwtest"
#name of the network watcher to be created
flow_logs_settings = {
enabled = true
retention = true
period = 7
traffic_analytics_settings = {
enabled = true
Name | Type | Description |
vnet | map(strings) | For a Vnet, returns: -vnet_name - vnet_adress_space - vnet_id - vnet_dns |
vnet_obj | object | Returns the virtual network object with its full properties details. |
subnet_ids_map | object | Returns all the subnets objects in the Virtual Network. |
nsg_obj | object | For all the subnets within the virtual network, returns the list subnets with their full details for user defined NSG. |
vnet_subnets | map | Returns a map of subnets from the virtual network: - key = subnet name - value = subnet ID |
nsg_vnet | string | Returns a map of nsg from the virtual network: - key = nsg name - value = nsg id |