The Density Functional Theory for Electrolyte Solutions
For an electrolyte solution close to a charged surface with temperature , total volume
, and chemical potential of each species
specified, the grand potential,
, is written as
The ideal-gas contribution
where is the Boltzmann constant,
is the absolute temperature, and
is the well-known thermal de Broglie wavelength of each ion.
The Coulomb's free-energy is obtained by the addition of the electric field energy density and the minimal-coupling of the interaction between the electrostatic potential
and the charge density
, and it can be written as
where is the valence of the ion i,
is the elementary charge,
is the vacuum permittivity, and
is the relative permittivity.
The excess Helmholtz free-energy, , is the free-energy functional due to particle-particle interactions splitted in the form
The hard-sphere contribution,
- Rosenfeld Functional (RF) - Rosenfeld, Y., Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 980–983 (1989)
- White Bear version I (WBI) - Yu, Y.-X. & Wu, J., J. Chem. Phys. 117, 10156–10164 (2002); Roth, R., Evans, R., Lang, A. & Kahl, G., J. Phys. Condens. Matter 14, 12063–12078 (2002)
- White Bear version II (WBII) - Hansen-Goos, H. & Roth, R. J., Phys. Condens. Matter 18, 8413–8425 (2006)
The electrostatic correlation can be described using different approximations as
- Mean-Field Theory (MFT) -
- Bulk Fluid Density (BFD) - Kierlik and Rosinberg, Phys.Rev.A 44, 5025 (1991); Y. Rosenfeld, J. Chem. Phys. 98, 8126 (1993)
- functionalized Mean Spherical Approximation (fMSA) - Roth and Gillespie, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28, 244006 (2016)
- Reference Fluid Density (RFD) - Gillespie, D., Nonner, W. & Eisenberg, R. S., J. Phys. Condens. Matter 14, 12129–12145 (2002); Gillespie, D., Valiskó, M. & Boda, D., J. Phys. Condens. Matter 17, 6609–6626 (2005)
Finally, The chemical potential for each ionic species is defined as
The thermodynamic equilibrium is obtained by the minimum of the grand-potential,
and for the electrostatic potential it is
valid in the whole volume V, this is the well-known Poisson's equation of the electrostatic potential with the boundary conditions
$$\left. \frac{\delta \Omega}{\delta \psi(\boldsymbol{r})} \right|{{\mu_k},V,T} = \left. \epsilon_0 \epsilon_r \boldsymbol{\hat{n}}(\boldsymbol{r}) \cdot \boldsymbol{\nabla}{\psi(\boldsymbol{r})} \right|{\partial V} + \sigma(\boldsymbol{r}) = 0$$
valid on the boundary surface