- United Kingdom
- https://betacodings.com
- @emmaessiensp
shopcart-pytonik Public
Shopping Cart (e-Commerce) using Pytonik framework
CSS MIT License UpdatedSep 5, 2020 -
connection-detector Public
Connection Detector helps the user or audience that visits or makes use of your application to know when he or she has an active internet connection.
FlashBootstrap Public
Pytonik Bootstrap Flash Message
Countries, States, Cities SQL Database
starter-workflows Public
Forked from actions/starter-workflowsAccelerating new GitHub Actions workflows
MIT License UpdatedMar 20, 2020 -
pytonik Public
Forked from pytonik/pytonikPytonik is a python framework built to enhance web development, also helps web developers to build more apps with less codes. It uses expressive architectural patterns, structured on Model View Con…
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 20, 2020 -
Betacodings Public
Betacodings is non-porfit organization. it is built using pytonik Framework.
Python-Agent Public
pytonik agent browser and OS module
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 1, 2020 -
Pytonik-Sample Public
Sample on how to do in Pytonik? Feel free to contribute
Python-curl Public
pytonik curl is built to transfer data using various network protocols and support sending or initiating actions within or outside protocols.
Python-ip_vpn_checker Public
pytonik IP and VPN checker Module checks visitors/audiences proxy, sock, and VPN IP address
Python-Time_Ago Public
pytonik Time Ago Module, date and time human readable format
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 7, 2019