Generate RSS channel with every search filters!
The fastest of all! Based on Allegro REST API!
Allegro disabled the possibility of making your own RSS channel in 2018. A lot of people used this for all time notifications about occasions. Lately similiar project, based on web-scrapping, JS and... Electron(?) which is ineffective was created by MK-PL
Just install Docker and docker-compose and type in terminal:
git clone
cd AllegroRSS
docker-compose build
docker-compose run
Start searching for things that you're interested in, chose category, filters, and change domaina name to app URI. It couldn't be easier!
Add RSS channel to your reader! Ex. TelegramRSS Bot
- Dockerfile for the project!
- Make possibility to hide promoted offers in URL (now this option is in
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
- @JuniorJPDJ - for reviewing code and motivation (this project would never have been written)
- MK-PL/AllegroRSS - for the idea! I appreciate your work! I could buy you a
beercup of coffee - othneildrew/Best-README-Template - for making Github more beautiful!
Hubert "empty" Śliwiński - [email protected]