Multi tenancy bundle is an easy way to support multi-tenant databases in your symfony application, Which is a very helpful to extend doctrine to manage multiple databases with one doctrine entity manager where you can switch between all of them in the Runtime
- Switch between the tenant databases on the runtime easily by dispatch an event.
- Supporting different entities mapping for the main and tenant entities.
- Provide custom extended doctrine commands to manage tenant databases independently.
- Generate and run migrations independently of your main database.
- Execute bulk migrations for all tenants dbs with one command (soon).
- Create and prepare tenant database if not exist
This bundle requires
- Symfony v5+ to run.
- Doctrine Bundle
- Doctrine Migration Bundle v3+ to run
Install using Composer
$ composer require hakam/multi-tenancy-bundle
Create specific entity witch should implement
. In your main database to save all tenant databases configurations. -
You can use the
to implement the full required db config entity fields . -
Split your entities in two directories, one for the main database and one for the tenant databases. For example
Main and Tenant
. -
Add the
to your service or controller arguments. -
with a custom value for your tenant db Identifier.Example new SwitchDbEvent(1)
You can switch between all tenants dbs just by dispatch the same event with different db identifier.
Now your instance from
is connected to the tenant db with Identifier = 1. -
Its recommended having your tenant entities in a different directory from your Main entities.
You can execute doctrine migration commands using our proxy commands for tenant database.
php bin/console tenant:migration:diff 1 # t:m:d 1 for short , To generate migraiton for tenant db => 1 php bin/console tenant:migration:migrate 1 # t:m:m 1, To run migraitons for tenant db => 1 # Pass tenant identifier is optional and if it null the command will be executed on the defualt tenant db. # You can use the same options here for the same doctrine commands.
All the doctrine migration commands and files is generated and executed especially for tenant databases independent from the main db migrations, Thanks for Doctrine migration bundle v3+ .
You can dispatch the event where ever you want to switch to a custom db
namespace App\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Hakam\MultiTenancyBundle\Event\SwitchDbEvent;
use Hakam\MultiTenancyBundle\Doctrine\ORM\TenantEntityManager;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use App\Entity\Tenant\TenantEntityExample;
use App\Entity\Main\MainLog;
public class AccountController extends AbstractController
* @var EntityManagerInterface
private $mainEntityManager;
* @var TenantEntityManager
private $tenantEntityManager;
* @var EventDispatcherInterface
private $dispatcher;
public function __construct(
EntityManagerInterface $entityManager,
TenantEntityManager $tenantEntityManager,
EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher)
$this->mainEntityManager = $entityManager;
$this->tenantEntityManager = $tenantEntityManager;
$this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;
public function updateTenantAccount(TenantEntityExample $tenantEntityExample)
// switch connection to tenant account database
$switchEvent = new SwitchDbEvent($tenantEntityExample->getDbConfigId());
// now $tenantEntityManager is connected to custom tenant db
//log update action in our main db
$mainLog =new MainLog($tenantEntityExample->getId());
In this example below you can find the list of all configuration parameters required witch you should create in
with this configuration:
tenant_database_className: App\Entity\Main\TenantDbConfig # tenant dbs configuration Class Name
tenant_database_identifier: id # tenant db column name to get db configuration
tenant_connection: # tenant entity manager connection configuration
driver: pdo_mysql
charset: utf8
dbname: tanent1 # default tenant database to init the tenant connection
user: root # default tenant database username
password: null # default tenant database password
server_version: 5.7 # mysql server version
tenant_migration: # tenant db migration configurations, Its recommended to have a different migration for tenants dbs than you main migration config
tenant_migration_namespace: Application\Migrations\Tenant
tenant_migration_path: migrations/Tenant
tenant_entity_manager: # tenant entity manger configuration , which is used to manage tenant entities
type: annotation # mapping type default annotation
dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity/Tenant' # directory of tenant entities, it could be different from main directory
prefix: App\Entity\Tenant # tenant entities prefix ex "App\Entity\Tenant"
alias: Tenant # tenant entities alias ex "Tenant"
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- Fork your copy from the repository
- Add your new Awesome features
- Write MORE Tests
- Create a new Pull request
Free Software, Hell Yeah!