For OSX: Will traverse a directory with sub-directories looking for fxp, wav, shp files and copy them into an existing Xfer Records Serum install.
Will copy all *.fxp *.wav and *.shp in the subdirectories from where it is executed.
Example: Backup your user patches with something like...
cp -Rp "/Library/Audio/Presets/Xfer Records/Serum Presets/Presets/User/" "/Volumes/Storage/Presets/"
cp -Rp "/Library/Audio/Presets/Xfer Records/Serum Presets/Tables/User/" "/Volumes/Storage/Tables/"
cp -Rp "/Library/Audio/Presets/Xfer Records/Serum Presets/LFO Shapes/User/" "/Volumes/Storage/LFO Shapes/"
If you need to recover the user patches (the script expects to be in the directory of the backups). Note: The LFO Shapes directory needs quoting because of the space or \ escaped.
cd /Volumes/Storage/Presets/ && ~/PathTo/
cd /Volumes/Storage/Tables/ && ~/PathTo/
cd "/Volumes/Storage/LFO Shapes/" && ~/PathTo/
And wait... It's going to be a while if you're using USB disks on /Volumes/BackupDisk.
PSA: you can hit ctrl-t on OSX to see what the status is during most commands, including copy.