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Releases: eventflow/EventFlow


09 Mar 13:21
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Release notes

  • New: New NuGet package EventFlow.SourceGenerators created by @alexeyfv. See
    documentation for details
  • New: NuGet EventFlow.SQLite is now released as part of v1 and enables support for SQLite
  • New: NuGet EventFlow.EntityFramework now ported to v1 (thanks @MMonrad)
  • Fix: Upgrade EventFlow.MongoDB reference of MongoDB.Driver from 2.19.0 to [3.0.0,4.0) (thanks @tniessner)
  • Fix: Invoking UseEventPersistence now removes any previously registered event persistence. This
    fixes a service ordering issue in the following event store configurations
    • MongoDB
    • MSSQL
    • PostgreSQL

Sorry for the delay.


Updated dependencies

Full Changelog: bec62e6...7b25f9c


    • SHA256: 77BC12160D4132259ABA9723A8E45B30E19C4235A0DBC484A680F02C4EA45031


16 Dec 09:14
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What's Changed


16 Nov 10:41
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New in 1.0.5007

Read the complete migration guide to get the full list of changes as well as recommendations
on how to do the migration.

(If you see any changes you feel ownership of and you want you name there, create an issue
and it will get fixed asap. EventFlow would be where it is today without the grate community
contributions that it have received over the years)

Changes since last 1.x pre-release, 1.0.5003-alpha

  • New: .NET 8 support
  • New: Enable IEventStore to load events to a given sequence number (thanks @SeWaS)
  • New: EventFlow.Hangfire now part of the v1 release cycle (thanks @nicolaj-hartmann)
  • Fix/breaking: Switch from System.Data.SqlClient to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient (thanks @janrybka)

Changes since last 1.x pre-release, 1.0.5002-alpha

  • New: Read model rebuilder can be done across multiple read model types. The piping of events
    and applying them are now done concurrently to reduced memory usage and significantly improve
    time to completion (by @kyle-bradley)
  • New: Created EventFlow.Redis (by @joshua211)
  • New: Migrated EventFlow.RabbitMQ to v1 (by @kyle-bradley)
  • Breaking: Removed old EventFlow.Shims.Tasks class that provided a wrapper for Task.CompletedTask
    in frameworks that did not have it

Changes since last 1.x pre-release, 1.0.5001-alpha

  • New/breaking: IEventUpgrader<,> are now (finally) async. For an easy upgrade experience,
    use the new base class EventUpgraderNonAsync for any existing upgraders. Its a abstract
    class that implements the updated interface and provides a abstract method with the same
    signature as the previous interface
  • Fix/breaking: Event upgraders are now used during read model population. As the upgraders
    are re-used across multiple aggregates, there is a high likelihood that some additions are
    needed in any existing upgraders. Upgraders are stored on the new IEventUpgradeContext,
    which is created by the new IEventUpgradeContextFactory. Replace this if you need addition
    context during event upgrades
  • Fix: SnapshotAggregateRoot now correctly loads previous source IDs as well
    adds the current source ID that triggered the snapshot. This causes the
    DuplicateOperationException to be correctly thrown if a duplicate source
    ID as added before a snapshot was taken
  • Fix: Upgrade Newtonsoft.Json from 11.0.2 to 13.0.1 to fix DoS
  • Fix: UseFilesEventPersistence should no longer throw exception for .NET regarding relative paths

Complete 1.0 change log

  • New: Read model rebuilder can be done across multiple read model types. The piping of events
    and applying them are now done concurrently to reduced memory usage and significantly improve
    time to completion (by @kyle-bradley)
  • New: Created EventFlow.Redis (by @joshua211)
  • New/breaking: Replace internal IoC implementation with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  • New/breaking: Replace internal logging implementation with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
  • New/breaking: SQL read models now support different connection strings using the
    [SqlReadModelConnectionStringName] attribute. To allow executing queries using different
    connection strings, all methods on IMsSqlConnection and ISqlConnection now have an
    additional argument, string connectionStringName to signify which connection string
    should be used for the query
  • New/breaking: SQL connection strings are now fetched from the
    SqlConfiguration<T>.GetConnectionStringAsync(...) instead of a property, allowing more
    control of the connection string used at runtime
  • New/breaking: IEventUpgrader<,> are now (finally) async. For an easy upgrade experience,
    use the new base class EventUpgraderNonAsync for any existing upgraders. Its a abstract
    class that implements the updated interface and provides a abstract method with the same
    signature as the previous interface
  • New: Its now possible to change the execution timeout for database migrations using the
    SetUpgradeExecutionTimeout(...) on the SQL configuration
  • Fix/breaking: Event upgraders are now used during read model population. As the upgraders
    are re-used across multiple aggregates, there is a high likelihood that some additions are
    needed in any existing upgraders. Upgraders are stored on the new IEventUpgradeContext,
    which is created by the new IEventUpgradeContextFactory. Replace this if you need addition
    context during event upgrades
  • Breaking: Removed the following dead and/or confusion MSSQL attributes. The real ones
    are named the same, with with Sql... instead of MsSql...
    • MsSqlReadModelIdentityColumn
    • MsSqlReadModelIgnoreColumn
    • MsSqlReadModelVersionColumn
  • Breaking: Methods on IMsSqlDatabaseMigrator and ISqlDatabaseMigrator have been
    made async and have an extra CancellationToken argument
  • Breaking: Remove support for .NET Framework and consolidate on .NET (Core) LTS versions
  • Breaking: Replace internal in-memory caching with Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory
  • Breaking: Removed IAmAsyncReadModelFor and made IAmReadModelFor async
  • Breaking: Removed EventFlow.Core.AsyncHelper as well as all async wrapper methods
    that used it
    • IAggregateStore.Load
    • IAggregateStore.Store
    • IAggregateStore.Update
    • ICommandBus.Publish
    • IEventStore.LoadAggregate
    • IEventStore.LoadEvents
    • IEventStore.LoadAllEvents
    • IQueryProcessor.Process
    • IReadModelPopulator.Populate
    • IReadModelPopulator.Purge
  • Breaking: Removed old EventFlow.Shims.Tasks class that provided a wrapper for Task.CompletedTask
    in frameworks that did not have it
  • Fix: SnapshotAggregateRoot now correctly loads previous source IDs as well
    adds the current source ID that triggered the snapshot. This causes the
    DuplicateOperationException to be correctly thrown if a duplicate source
    ID as added before a snapshot was taken
  • Fix: Upgrade Newtonsoft.Json from 11.0.2 to 13.0.1 to fix DoS
  • Version of 0.x included: 0.83.4713. 0.x changes are merged to 1.x at regular
    intervals, but might be one or two releases behind


26 Nov 18:06
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Maintenance release of EventFlow v0 that fixes a few issues and updates dependencies. The update tries to stay as close to the old code base as possible. However, many dependencies have critical vulnerabilities have forced an update. This in turn has again force update on the .NET Framework version for some packages, as the updated dependencies did not support the old ones.

  • Breaking: Updated Npgsql from 4.0.2 to 4.1.14 due to critical vulnerability, which have forced EventFlow.PostgreSql to from net452 to net472
  • New: Added overload of MongoDbOptionsExtensions.ConfigureMongoDb that passes IResolverContext through to IMongoDatabase factory delegate
  • Fix: Updated System.Data.SqlClient from 4.3.0 to 4.8.6 due to critical vulnerability
  • Fix: Updated Newtonsoft.Json from 11.0.2 to 13.0.3 due to critical vulnerability
  • Fix: Updated Microsoft.Owin from 3.1.0 to 4.2.2 due to critical vulnerability


23 May 06:09
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New in 1.0-alpha

Read the complete migration guide to get the full list of changes as well as recommendations
on how to do the migration.

(If you see any changes you feel ownership of and you want you name there, create an issue
and it will get fixed asap. EventFlow would be where it is today without the grate community
contributions that it have received over the years)

Changes since last 1.x pre-release, 1.0.5003-alpha

  • New: .NET 8 support
  • New: Enable IEventStore to load events to a given sequence number (thanks @SeWaS)
  • New: EventFlow.Hangfire now part of the v1 release cycle (thanks @nicolaj-hartmann)
  • Fix/breaking: Switch from System.Data.SqlClient to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient (thanks @janrybka)

Changes since last 1.x pre-release, 1.0.5002-alpha

  • New: Read model rebuilder can be done across multiple read model types. The piping of events
    and applying them are now done concurrently to reduced memory usage and significantly improve
    time to completion (by @kyle-bradley)
  • New: Created EventFlow.Redis (by @joshua211)
  • New: Migrated EventFlow.RabbitMQ to v1 (by @kyle-bradley)
  • Breaking: Removed old EventFlow.Shims.Tasks class that provided a wrapper for Task.CompletedTask
    in frameworks that did not have it

Changes since last 1.x pre-release, 1.0.5001-alpha

  • New/breaking: IEventUpgrader<,> are now (finally) async. For an easy upgrade experience,
    use the new base class EventUpgraderNonAsync for any existing upgraders. Its a abstract
    class that implements the updated interface and provides a abstract method with the same
    signature as the previous interface
  • Fix/breaking: Event upgraders are now used during read model population. As the upgraders
    are re-used across multiple aggregates, there is a high likelihood that some additions are
    needed in any existing upgraders. Upgraders are stored on the new IEventUpgradeContext,
    which is created by the new IEventUpgradeContextFactory. Replace this if you need addition
    context during event upgrades
  • Fix: SnapshotAggregateRoot now correctly loads previous source IDs as well
    adds the current source ID that triggered the snapshot. This causes the
    DuplicateOperationException to be correctly thrown if a duplicate source
    ID as added before a snapshot was taken
  • Fix: Upgrade Newtonsoft.Json from 11.0.2 to 13.0.1 to fix DoS
  • Fix: UseFilesEventPersistence should no longer throw exception for .NET regarding relative paths

Complete 1.0 change log

  • New: Read model rebuilder can be done across multiple read model types. The piping of events
    and applying them are now done concurrently to reduced memory usage and significantly improve
    time to completion (by @kyle-bradley)
  • New: Created EventFlow.Redis (by @joshua211)
  • New/breaking: Replace internal IoC implementation with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  • New/breaking: Replace internal logging implementation with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
  • New/breaking: SQL read models now support different connection strings using the
    [SqlReadModelConnectionStringName] attribute. To allow executing queries using different
    connection strings, all methods on IMsSqlConnection and ISqlConnection now have an
    additional argument, string connectionStringName to signify which connection string
    should be used for the query
  • New/breaking: SQL connection strings are now fetched from the
    SqlConfiguration<T>.GetConnectionStringAsync(...) instead of a property, allowing more
    control of the connection string used at runtime
  • New/breaking: IEventUpgrader<,> are now (finally) async. For an easy upgrade experience,
    use the new base class EventUpgraderNonAsync for any existing upgraders. Its a abstract
    class that implements the updated interface and provides a abstract method with the same
    signature as the previous interface
  • New: Its now possible to change the execution timeout for database migrations using the
    SetUpgradeExecutionTimeout(...) on the SQL configuration
  • Fix/breaking: Event upgraders are now used during read model population. As the upgraders
    are re-used across multiple aggregates, there is a high likelihood that some additions are
    needed in any existing upgraders. Upgraders are stored on the new IEventUpgradeContext,
    which is created by the new IEventUpgradeContextFactory. Replace this if you need addition
    context during event upgrades
  • Breaking: Removed the following dead and/or confusion MSSQL attributes. The real ones
    are named the same, with with Sql... instead of MsSql...
    • MsSqlReadModelIdentityColumn
    • MsSqlReadModelIgnoreColumn
    • MsSqlReadModelVersionColumn
  • Breaking: Methods on IMsSqlDatabaseMigrator and ISqlDatabaseMigrator have been
    made async and have an extra CancellationToken argument
  • Breaking: Remove support for .NET Framework and consolidate on .NET (Core) LTS versions
  • Breaking: Replace internal in-memory caching with Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory
  • Breaking: Removed IAmAsyncReadModelFor and made IAmReadModelFor async
  • Breaking: Removed EventFlow.Core.AsyncHelper as well as all async wrapper methods
    that used it
    • IAggregateStore.Load
    • IAggregateStore.Store
    • IAggregateStore.Update
    • ICommandBus.Publish
    • IEventStore.LoadAggregate
    • IEventStore.LoadEvents
    • IEventStore.LoadAllEvents
    • IQueryProcessor.Process
    • IReadModelPopulator.Populate
    • IReadModelPopulator.Purge
  • Breaking: Removed old EventFlow.Shims.Tasks class that provided a wrapper for Task.CompletedTask
    in frameworks that did not have it
  • Fix: SnapshotAggregateRoot now correctly loads previous source IDs as well
    adds the current source ID that triggered the snapshot. This causes the
    DuplicateOperationException to be correctly thrown if a duplicate source
    ID as added before a snapshot was taken
  • Fix: Upgrade Newtonsoft.Json from 11.0.2 to 13.0.1 to fix DoS
  • Version of 0.x included: 0.83.4713. 0.x changes are merged to 1.x at regular
    intervals, but might be one or two releases behind


21 Jun 16:07
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New in 1.0-alpha

Read the complete migration guide to get the full list of changes as well as recommendations
on how to do the migration.

(If you see any changes you feel ownership of and you want you name there, create an issue
and it will get fixed asap. EventFlow would be where it is today without the grate community
contributions that it have received over the years)

Changes since last 1.x pre-release, 1.0.5002-alpha

  • New: Read model rebuilder can be done across multiple read model types. The piping of events
    and applying them are now done concurrently to reduced memory usage and significantly improve
    time to completion (by @kyle-bradley)
  • New: Created EventFlow.Redis (by @joshua211)
  • New: Migrated EventFlow.RabbitMQ to v1 (by @kyle-bradley)
  • Breaking: Removed old EventFlow.Shims.Tasks class that provided a wrapper for Task.CompletedTask
    in frameworks that did not have it

Changes since last 1.x pre-release, 1.0.5001-alpha

  • New/breaking: IEventUpgrader<,> are now (finally) async. For an easy upgrade experience,
    use the new base class EventUpgraderNonAsync for any existing upgraders. Its a abstract
    class that implements the updated interface and provides a abstract method with the same
    signature as the previous interface
  • Fix/breaking: Event upgraders are now used during read model population. As the upgraders
    are re-used across multiple aggregates, there is a high likelihood that some additions are
    needed in any existing upgraders. Upgraders are stored on the new IEventUpgradeContext,
    which is created by the new IEventUpgradeContextFactory. Replace this if you need addition
    context during event upgrades
  • Fix: SnapshotAggregateRoot now correctly loads previous source IDs as well
    adds the current source ID that triggered the snapshot. This causes the
    DuplicateOperationException to be correctly thrown if a duplicate source
    ID as added before a snapshot was taken
  • Fix: Upgrade Newtonsoft.Json from 11.0.2 to 13.0.1 to fix DoS
  • Fix: UseFilesEventPersistence should no longer throw exception for .NET regarding relative paths

Complete 1.0 change log

  • New: Read model rebuilder can be done across multiple read model types. The piping of events
    and applying them are now done concurrently to reduced memory usage and significantly improve
    time to completion (by @kyle-bradley)
  • New: Created EventFlow.Redis (by @joshua211)
  • New/breaking: Replace internal IoC implementation with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  • New/breaking: Replace internal logging implementation with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
  • New/breaking: SQL read models now support different connection strings using the
    [SqlReadModelConnectionStringName] attribute. To allow executing queries using different
    connection strings, all methods on IMsSqlConnection and ISqlConnection now have an
    additional argument, string connectionStringName to signify which connection string
    should be used for the query
  • New/breaking: SQL connection strings are now fetched from the
    SqlConfiguration<T>.GetConnectionStringAsync(...) instead of a property, allowing more
    control of the connection string used at runtime
  • New/breaking: IEventUpgrader<,> are now (finally) async. For an easy upgrade experience,
    use the new base class EventUpgraderNonAsync for any existing upgraders. Its a abstract
    class that implements the updated interface and provides a abstract method with the same
    signature as the previous interface
  • New: Its now possible to change the execution timeout for database migrations using the
    SetUpgradeExecutionTimeout(...) on the SQL configuration
  • Fix/breaking: Event upgraders are now used during read model population. As the upgraders
    are re-used across multiple aggregates, there is a high likelihood that some additions are
    needed in any existing upgraders. Upgraders are stored on the new IEventUpgradeContext,
    which is created by the new IEventUpgradeContextFactory. Replace this if you need addition
    context during event upgrades
  • Breaking: Removed the following dead and/or confusion MSSQL attributes. The real ones
    are named the same, with with Sql... instead of MsSql...
    • MsSqlReadModelIdentityColumn
    • MsSqlReadModelIgnoreColumn
    • MsSqlReadModelVersionColumn
  • Breaking: Methods on IMsSqlDatabaseMigrator and ISqlDatabaseMigrator have been
    made async and have an extra CancellationToken argument
  • Breaking: Remove support for .NET Framework and consolidate on .NET (Core) LTS versions
  • Breaking: Replace internal in-memory caching with Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory
  • Breaking: Removed IAmAsyncReadModelFor and made IAmReadModelFor async
  • Breaking: Removed EventFlow.Core.AsyncHelper as well as all async wrapper methods
    that used it
    • IAggregateStore.Load
    • IAggregateStore.Store
    • IAggregateStore.Update
    • ICommandBus.Publish
    • IEventStore.LoadAggregate
    • IEventStore.LoadEvents
    • IEventStore.LoadAllEvents
    • IQueryProcessor.Process
    • IReadModelPopulator.Populate
    • IReadModelPopulator.Purge
  • Breaking: Removed old EventFlow.Shims.Tasks class that provided a wrapper for Task.CompletedTask
    in frameworks that did not have it
  • Fix: SnapshotAggregateRoot now correctly loads previous source IDs as well
    adds the current source ID that triggered the snapshot. This causes the
    DuplicateOperationException to be correctly thrown if a duplicate source
    ID as added before a snapshot was taken
  • Fix: Upgrade Newtonsoft.Json from 11.0.2 to 13.0.1 to fix DoS
  • Version of 0.x included: 0.83.4713. 0.x changes are merged to 1.x at regular
    intervals, but might be one or two releases behind


11 Nov 13:34
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New in 1.0-alpha (not released yet)

IMPORTANT: Major API breaking changes might occur between 1.0 pre-releases. As breaking
API changes will need to be tested and verified before the final 1.0 release.

Read the complete migration guide to get the full list of changes as well
as recommendations on how to do the migration.

Changes since last 1.x pre-release, 1.0.5001-alpha

  • New/breaking: IEventUpgrader<,> are now (finally) async. For an easy upgrade experience,
    use the new base class EventUpgraderNonAsync for any existing upgraders. Its a abstract
    class that implements the updated interface and provides a abstract method with the same
    signature as the previous interface
  • Fix/breaking: Event upgraders are now used during read model population. As the upgraders
    are re-used across multiple aggregates, there is a high likelihood that some additions are
    needed in any existing upgraders. Upgraders are stored on the new IEventUpgradeContext,
    which is created by the new IEventUpgradeContextFactory. Replace this if you need addition
    context during event upgrades
  • Fix: SnapshotAggregateRoot now correctly loads previous source IDs as well
    adds the current source ID that triggered the snapshot. This causes the
    DuplicateOperationException to be correctly thrown if a duplicate source
    ID as added before a snapshot was taken
  • Fix: Upgrade Newtonsoft.Json from 11.0.2 to 13.0.1 to fix DoS
  • Fix: UseFilesEventPersistence should no longer throw exception for .NET regarding relative paths

Complete 1.0 change log

  • New/breaking: Replace internal IoC implementation with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  • New/breaking: Replace internal logging implementation with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
  • New/breaking: SQL read models now support different connection strings using the
    [SqlReadModelConnectionStringName] attribute. To allow executing queries using different
    connection strings, all methods on IMsSqlConnection and ISqlConnection now have an
    additional argument, string connectionStringName to signify which connection string
    should be used for the query
  • New/breaking: SQL connection strings are now fetched from the
    SqlConfiguration<T>.GetConnectionStringAsync(...) instead of a property, allowing more
    control of the connection string used at runtime
  • New/breaking: IEventUpgrader<,> are now (finally) async. For an easy upgrade experience,
    use the new base class EventUpgraderNonAsync for any existing upgraders. Its a abstract
    class that implements the updated interface and provides a abstract method with the same
    signature as the previous interface
  • Fix/breaking: Event upgraders are now used during read model population. As the upgraders
    are re-used across multiple aggregates, there is a high likelihood that some additions are
    needed in any existing upgraders. Upgraders are stored on the new IEventUpgradeContext,
    which is created by the new IEventUpgradeContextFactory. Replace this if you need addition
    context during event upgrades
  • New: Its now possible to change the execution timeout for database migrations using the
    SetUpgradeExecutionTimeout(...) on the SQL configuration
  • Breaking: Removed the following dead and/or confusion MSSQL attributes. The real ones
    are named the same, with with Sql... instead of MsSql...
    • MsSqlReadModelIdentityColumn
    • MsSqlReadModelIgnoreColumn
    • MsSqlReadModelVersionColumn
  • Breaking: Methods on IMsSqlDatabaseMigrator and ISqlDatabaseMigrator have been
    made async and have an extra CancellationToken argument
  • Breaking: Remove support for .NET Framework and consolidate on .NET (Core) LTS versions
  • Breaking: Replace internal in-memory caching with Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory
  • Breaking: Removed IAmAsyncReadModelFor and made IAmReadModelFor async
  • Breaking: Removed EventFlow.Core.AsyncHelper as well as all async wrapper methods
    that used it
    • IAggregateStore.Load
    • IAggregateStore.Store
    • IAggregateStore.Update
    • ICommandBus.Publish
    • IEventStore.LoadAggregate
    • IEventStore.LoadEvents
    • IEventStore.LoadAllEvents
    • IQueryProcessor.Process
    • IReadModelPopulator.Populate
    • IReadModelPopulator.Purge
  • Fix: SnapshotAggregateRoot now correctly loads previous source IDs as well
    adds the current source ID that triggered the snapshot. This causes the
    DuplicateOperationException to be correctly thrown if a duplicate source
    ID as added before a snapshot was taken
  • Fix: Upgrade Newtonsoft.Json from 11.0.2 to 13.0.1 to fix DoS
  • Version of 0.x included: 0.83.4713. 0.x changes are merged to 1.x at regular
    intervals, but might be one or two releases behind


15 Mar 08:19
Choose a tag to compare
v1.0.5001-alpha Pre-release

IMPORTANT: Major API breaking changes might occur between 1.0 pre-releases. As breaking
API changes will need to be tested and verified before the final 1.0 release.

Read the complete migration guide to get the full list of changes as well
as recommendations on how to do the migration.

  • New/breaking: Replace internal IoC implementation with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  • New/breaking: Replace internal logging implementation with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
  • New/breaking: SQL read models now support different connection strings using the
    [SqlReadModelConnectionStringName] attribute. To allow executing queries using different
    connection strings, all methods on IMsSqlConnection and ISqlConnection now have an
    additional argument, string connectionStringName to signify which connection string
    should be used for the query
  • New/breaking: SQL connection strings are now fetched from the
    SqlConfiguration<T>.GetConnectionStringAsync(...) instead of a property, allowing more
    control of the connection string used at runtime
  • New: Its now possible to change the execution timeout for database migrations using the
    SetUpgradeExecutionTimeout(...) on the SQL configuration
  • Breaking: Removed the following dead and/or confusion MSSQL attributes. The real ones
    are named the same, with with Sql... instead of MsSql...
    • MsSqlReadModelIdentityColumn
    • MsSqlReadModelIgnoreColumn
    • MsSqlReadModelVersionColumn
  • Breaking: Methods on IMsSqlDatabaseMigrator and ISqlDatabaseMigrator have been
    made async and have an extra CancellationToken argument
  • Breaking: Remove support for .NET Framework and consolidate on .NET (Core) LTS versions
  • Breaking: Replace internal in-memory caching with Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory
  • Breaking: Removed IAmAsyncReadModelFor and made IAmReadModelFor async
  • Breaking: Removed EventFlow.Core.AsyncHelper as well as all async wrapper methods
    that used it
    • IAggregateStore.Load
    • IAggregateStore.Store
    • IAggregateStore.Update
    • ICommandBus.Publish
    • IEventStore.LoadAggregate
    • IEventStore.LoadEvents
    • IEventStore.LoadAllEvents
    • IQueryProcessor.Process
    • IReadModelPopulator.Populate
    • IReadModelPopulator.Purge
  • Version of 0.x included: 0.83.4713. 0.x changes are merged to 1.x at regular
    intervals, but might be one or two releases behind


09 Sep 08:49
Choose a tag to compare
v1.0.4748-alpha Pre-release

IMPORTANT: Major API breaking changes might occur between 1.0 pre-releases. As breaking
API changes will need to be tested and verified before the final 1.0 release.

Read the complete migration guide to get the full list of changes as well
as recommendations on how to do the migration.

  • New/breaking: Replace internal IoC implementation with Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  • New/breaking: Replace internal logging implementation with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
  • New/breaking: SQL read models now support different connection strings using the
    [SqlReadModelConnectionStringName] attribute. To allow executing queries using different
    connection strings, all methods on IMsSqlConnection and ISqlConnection now have an
    additional argument, string connectionStringName to signify which connection string
    should be used for the query
  • New/breaking: SQL connection strings are now fetched from the
    SqlConfiguration<T>.GetConnectionStringAsync(...) instead of a property, allowing more
    control of the connection string used at runtime
  • New: Its now possible to change the execution timeout for database migrations using the
    SetUpgradeExecutionTimeout(...) on the SQL configuration
  • Breaking: Removed the following dead and/or confusion MSSQL attributes. The real ones
    are named the same, with with Sql... instead of MsSql...
    • MsSqlReadModelIdentityColumn
    • MsSqlReadModelIgnoreColumn
    • MsSqlReadModelVersionColumn
  • Breaking: Methods on IMsSqlDatabaseMigrator and ISqlDatabaseMigrator have been
    made async and have an extra CancellationToken argument
  • Breaking: Remove support for .NET Framework and consolidate on .NET Core LTS versions
  • Breaking: Replace internal in-memory caching with Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory
  • Breaking: Removed IAmAsyncReadModelFor and made IAmReadModelFor async
  • Breaking: Removed EventFlow.Core.AsyncHelper as well as all async wrapper methods
    that used it
    • IAggregateStore.Load
    • IAggregateStore.Store
    • IAggregateStore.Update
    • ICommandBus.Publish
    • IEventStore.LoadAggregate
    • IEventStore.LoadEvents
    • IEventStore.LoadAllEvents
    • IQueryProcessor.Process
    • IReadModelPopulator.Populate
    • IReadModelPopulator.Purge
  • Version of 0.x included: 0.83.4713. 0.x changes are merged to 1.x at regular
    intervals, but might be one or two releases behind


07 Sep 21:09
Choose a tag to compare
  • New: Queue name used by HangfireJobScheduler can be overridden:
    eventFlowOptions.UseHangfireJobScheduler(o => o.UseQueueName("myqueue"))
  • Fixed: Do not throw MetadataKeyNotFoundException if there is no meta data on
    previous_source_ids in snapshots