These installers are designed to run on fresh linux installs.
- Installation preparation for proprietary Nvidia, AMD and/or Intel Drivers
- Lutris ( Uses Lutris Repositories on Debian ; ; not on ubuntu )
- Wine Staging ( Depending on the distribution from Winehq Repositories )
- DXVK for better Direct X Support ( )
- DXD3D for better Direct 3D Support ( )
- Winetricks ( )
- Feral Game Mode ( )
- a few dependencies or helpful resources (for instance windows core fonts)
- Optimizes Copy on Write settings on BTRFS File Systems (if used) to avoid performance problems in games
- Communication Tools: Mumble, Teamspeak 3 and Discord
- Additional Install script for newest Glorious Eggroll Proton Builds ( )
Git has to be installed, to clone the repository.
- Arch Linux, Manjaro, Artix Linux
sudo pacman -S git - Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Elementary OS
sudo apt install git
- This will create the folder linux-gaming and downloads the scripts:
git clone --filter=tree:0
The install Script detects the distribution you're using and sets up the system.
sudo linux-gaming/
You can also customize the installation by editing the installer script for your distribution.
There is an installer for the newest Glorious Eggroll Version also, which is having a lot of hotfixes for some games.
This Version will be installed for using in Steam, but you are also able to select it in Lutris.
- linux-gaming/
you can use git to pull down a new version of this script:
- cd linux-gaming && git pull && cd ..
- Manjaro XFCE Edition ( ) The XFCE4 Desktop comes close to an workflow to windows
- Linux Mint ( ) With the cinnamon desktop on Linux Mint you get an workflow close to windows
- Elementary OS ( ) With the pantheon desktop on Elementary OS you get an workflow close to MacOS
- Arch Linux
- Artix Linux
- Debian Testing or Sid
- Ubuntu