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Top-rated games from Game Off 2024

Game Bytes

Another year, another incredible GitHub Game Off—and this one was secrets-ational! With over 500 submissions, participants turned the theme of “secrets” into an extraordinary showcase of creativity, humor, and mind-boggling mechanics. Play the top-rated games now!

SpaceVim logo

Popular topic

SpaceVim is a community-driven distribution of the vim editor that allows managing your plugins in layers.

This recommendation was created by GitHub staff



GitClear helps every member of an engineering team understand their team's code and velocity with the clarity of a seasoned Technical Manager.

We offer more than 20 reports to ensure high-quality code is delivered to customers at industry-leading speed:

  1. DORA stats (rate of deploy/defects, time to fix defects, Cycle Time) vs industry norms
  2. How healthy are the team's PR collaboration practices?
  3. What tickets are underway? How long until they're done?
  4. Who's paying down tech debt?

This recommendation was created by GitHub staff



Build fast, deploy faster

Codefresh is a container-native CI/CD platform running on Kubernetes with embedded caching to provide maximum performance and high scalability.

Assemble pipelines in seconds

In Codefresh, every step in your pipeline is a Docker image, leverage the many out-of-the-box images available already in the codefresh plugins page to assemble your first pipeline or create your own custom steps using any Docker image.